Ports 搜索

lang/oo2c-2.1.11 (Score: 0.0030821704)
Optimizing Oberon-2 compiler of University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Niklaus Wirth's language Oberon-2 implemented by a german university at Kaiserslautern. More information about Oberon is available from its webpage at http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/.
sysutils/jail-primer-0.2 (Score: 0.003078107)
Third Generation Jail System Solution
A simplified prospective on jail configuration and usage. Complete easy to understand detailed documentation on creating a Third Generation Jail System Solutiom which is based on a single filesystem that contains all of the required operating system executable libraries which is shared with each of the individual jails. The legacy rc.conf method, Modern rc.conf method, and the jail(8) jail.conf methods are documented. Script are included that perform the tasks explained in the documentation.
www/rejik-3.2.11 (Score: 0.003077695)
Squid redirector used for blocking unwanted content
Rejik is a squid redirector used for blocking unwanted content basing on URLs and Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (http://www.pcre.org/).
www/sams2-2.0.0 (Score: 0.003070736)
Squid Accounting Management System
SAMS (Squid Account Management System) is a WEB-based interface and tool to manage users of SQUID proxy server. Main features are: * manage users access to SQUID - proxy with NTLM, NCSA authorization or IP address * manage prohibition of users to access to URL * manage to rewrite requested URL to graphical resources (banners, counters) * save and build reports of users statistic * switch of users access to SQUID proxy if his traffic quota is off * manage a delay pools for users groups
devel/jrtplib-3.9.1 (Score: 0.003070139)
Object-oriented RTP library written in C++
JRTPLIB is an object-oriented RTP library written in C++ by Jori Liesenborgs. It was partly developed for his thesis at the School for Knowledge Technology (or 'School voor Kennistechnologie' in Dutch), a cooperation between the 'Limburgs Universitair Centrum' (LUC) and the 'Universiteit Maastricht' (UM).
databases/opendbx-1.4.6 (Score: 0.0030689628)
C library for accessing databases with a single API
OpenDBX is an extremely lightweight but extensible C library for accessing databases with a single API. It provides a clean and simple interface across all supported databases that leads to an elegant code design automatically. Currently MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite (v2 & 3), MSSQL and Sybase are supported and backends for more native database APIs can be written easily. If you want your application to support different databases with little effort, this is definitively the right thing for you! License: LGPL
devel/poco-1.7.2 (Score: 0.003060976)
C++ libraries with a network/internet focus
The C++ Portable Components currently consist of four libraries. The Foundation library contains a platform abstraction layer (including classes for multithreading, file system access, logging, etc.), as well as a large number of useful utility classes, such various stream buffer and stream classes, URI handling, and many more. The Net library contains network classes (sockets, HTTP, etc.) The XML library contains an XML parser with SAX2 and DOM interfaces, as well as an XMLWriter. The Util library contains classes for working with configuration files and command line arguments, as well as various utility classes.
lang/pike78-7.8.866 (Score: 0.0030554233)
Dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C++
Pike is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language. It looks a bit like C and C++, but it is much easier to learn and use. It can be used for small scripts as well as for large programs. Pike is : - High-level and powerful, which means that even very complex things are easy to do. - Object-oriented, which means that you can use modern programming techniques to divide a large program into small pieces, which are much easier to write than it would be to write the entire program at once. - Interpreted, which means that you don't have to wait for a program to compile and link when you want to run it. - One of the fastest "scripting" languages available. - Garbage-collected, which makes programming much simpler, and removes the risk for memory leaks and other memory-related bugs. - Easy to extend, which means that you can create plug-ins, written in Pike as well as in C or C++, and integrate them with the rest of Pike.
archivers/libarchive-c-2.2 (Score: 0.0030424155)
Python interface to libarchive
emulators/linux-c6-6.8 (Score: 0.0030424155)
Meta-port for all things CentOS 6.8
Linux CentOS 6.5 meta port.