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print/bibview-2.2 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Graphical interface for manipulating BibTeX bibliography databases
BIBVIEW (graphical interface for BibTeX program) by Holger Martin, Peter Urban, Armin Liebl liebla@informatik.tu-muenchen.de The program "bibview" is a graphical interface for manipulating BibTeX databases. It supports the user in making new entries, searching for entries and moving entries from one BiB to another. It is possible to work with more than one BiB simultaneously. bibview is implemented with Xt and Athena Widgets. There are six types of windows in bibview: The main window contains menus for customizing bibview and for working with BiBs on the file level. The bibliography window (one for every open BiB) contains commands for manipulating the BiB. The list window (at most one for every open BiB) shows a list of entries. It displays the fields author, title, type and year. The card window (at most one for every entry) helps editing an entry. It contains boxes for each field of the entry (according to the type). The fields can be edited by putting the mouse cursor into the field. Macros in fields and the symbol for concatenation ('#') are marked with a preceding '@'.
security/Crypt-DES_PP-1.00 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Perl extension for DES encryption in pure Perl
The Data Encryption Standard (DES), also known as Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA) is a semi-strong encryption and decryption algorithm. The module is 100 % compatible to Crypt::DES but is implemented entirely in Perl. That means that you do not need a C compiler to build and install this extension. The module implements the Crypt::CBC interface. You are encouraged to read the documentation for Crypt::CBC if you intend to use this module for Cipher Block Chaining. The minimum (and maximum) key size is 8 bytes. Shorter keys will cause an exception, longer keys will get silently truncated. Data is encrypted and decrypted in blocks of 8 bytes. The module implements the Ultra-Fast-Crypt (UFC) algorithm as found for example in the GNU libc. On the Perl side a lot has been done in order to make the module as fast as possible (function inlining, use integer, ...). Note: For performance issues the source code for the module is first preprocessed by m4. That means that you need an m4 macro processor in order to hack on the sources. This is of no concern for you if you only want to use the module, the preprocessed output is always included in the distribution.
security/Crypt-RSA-1.99 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
RSA public-key cryptosystem
Crypt::RSA is a pure-perl, cleanroom implementation of the RSA public-key cryptosystem. It uses Math::Pari(3), a perl interface to the blazingly fast PARI library, for big integer arithmetic and number theoretic computations. Crypt::RSA provides arbitrary size key-pair generation, plaintext-aware encryption (OAEP) and digital signatures with appendix (PSS). For compatibility with SSLv3, RSAREF2, PGP and other applications that follow the PKCS #1 v1.5 standard, it also provides PKCS #1 v1.5 encryption and signatures. Crypt::RSA is structured as bundle of modules that encapsulate different parts of the RSA cryptosystem. The RSA algorithm is implemented in Crypt::RSA::Primitives(3). Encryption schemes, located under Crypt::RSA::ES, and signature schemes, located under Crypt::RSA::SS, use the RSA algorithm to build encryption/signature schemes that employ secure padding. (See the note on Security of Padding Schemes.) The key generation engine and other functions that work on both components of the key-pair are encapsulated in Crypt::RSA::Key(3). Crypt::RSA::Key::Public(3) & Crypt::RSA::Key::Private(3) provide mechanisms for storage & retrival of keys from disk, decoding & encoding of keys in certain formats, and secure representation of keys in memory. Finally, the Crypt::RSA module provides a convenient, DWIM wrapper around the rest of the modules in the bundle.
sysutils/sformat-3.5 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Allows formatting/partitioning/analysis/repairing of SCSI disks
The main advantages to the Sun format utility are: - Working surface analyze that will detect defective blocks that are going to get bad. - Analyzing program that detects defective bearings in the disk (-randrw). - Will repair nearly any defective disk, that has no firmware bug or electric defect. - Allows to clear the grown defect list if a disk. - Disk geometry and label geometry are separated. - Allows cheating in the label geometry to deal with the problems with the limitation to 16 bit data types in the Sun disk label. - Large database of disks including firmware specials. - You need no desk calculator to generate a partition table. Shorthands for: - MBytes - cylinders/head/sectors - size partition to end on end of disk - partition following another partition - partition ending before another partition - shifting partition on the disk (allows growing part 0 and shrinking part 1) - Partition consistency checker with (ascii) graphical display. - Mode page interpreter allows to set easily all mode pages you will ever find in a manual, sformat needs not to know about them. NOTE: Sformat has its full functionality on SunOS/Solaris on sparc and Motorola systems, on all other systems sformat will create Sun disk labels with wrong byte-order, but formatting/analysis/ repair will work.
www/squidclamav-6.14 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Clamav c-icap service and redirector for Squid
From the SquidClamav homepage: SquidClamav is an antivirus for Squid proxy based on the Awards winnings ClamAv anti-virus toolkit. Using it will help you securing your home or enterprise network web traffic. SquidClamav is the most efficient Squid Redirector and ICAP service antivirus tool for HTTP traffic available for free, it is written in C and can handle thousand of connections. The way to add more securing on your network for free is here. SquidClamav is build for speed and security in mind, it is first used and tested to secure a network with 2,500 and more users. It is also known to working fast with 15000+ users. With SquidClamav You have full control of what kind of HTTP stream must be scanned by Clamav antivirus, this control operate at 3 different levels: - At URL level, you can disable virus scanning for a set of web site, filename extension or anything that can be matched in an URL. - At client side by disabling virus scan and other redirector call to a set of username, source Ip addresses or computer DNS name. - At HTTP header level, where you can disable virus scanning following the content type or file size.
x11-servers/x2x-1.27 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Program to link multiple X servers together
x2x allows the keyboard and mouse on one ("from") X display to be used to control another ("to") X display. Since x2x uses the XTEST extension, the "to" X display must support XTEST. In the default interface, x2x puts a window on the "from" display. This window is labeled with the name of the "to" display. Keystrokes typed into this window go to the window on the "to" display that has the input focus. Clicking on the x2x window causes the mouse on the "from" display to control the cursor on the "to" display. Perform- ing a subsequent multiple button click on the "to" display returns control to the "from" display. If the -east or -west options are specified on the command line, x2x starts up with a different interface. When the mouse moves to the (east or west) side of the default screen on the "from" display, the cursor slides over to the "to" display. When the mouse returns to to side of the "to" display that it entered, it slides back onto the "from" display. Unless the -nosel option is specified, x2x relays X selections from one display to the other.
x11-wm/aewm-1.2.7 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
ICCCM-compliant window manager based on 9wm
Aewm is a modern, minimal window manager for X11. It is controlled entirely with the mouse, but contains no visible UI apart from window frames. It builds complex operations by chaining together primitives aewm does not try to do everything; there are plenty of better clients for defining hotkeys, menus, setting your background image, etc. Aewm makes it easy for you to keep the edges of the root window unobscured, so that you have essentially infinite space to click without having to aim (this principle is based on Fitts's Law). There is intentionally no panel or dock to get in the way. Aewm does not make decisions about where your windows should go. It can be used as an ordinary overlapping window manager, but is powerful enough to let you "tile" windows ad hoc if you prefer; maximizing space usage and removing overlaps are basic commands. You can also optionally take control of window mapping and change where windows will appear (including stacking and tiling) before they are actually shown. This port installs not only the window manager, but also the aemenu and aepanel applets. These provide a list of windows by title (vertically for aemenu, horizontally for aepanel) and a menu from which programs may be run.
archivers/arj-3.10.22 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Open source implementation of the ARJ archiver
This is open source implementation of the world-famous ARJ archiver. This version has been created with an intent to preserve maximum compatibility and retain the feature set of the original ARJ archiver as provided by ARJ Software, Inc. New ARJ features on Unix-like platforms: - Support for symbolic and hard links - Archiving of special entities: pipes and devices - Support for UID/GID storage in a variety of methods - World's smallest native self-extracting modules - Interoperability with ARJ for DOS, Windows, and OS/2 Warp
archivers/jzlib-1.1.1 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Reimplementation of zlib in pure Java
[ excerpt from developer's web site ] JZlib is a re-implementation of zlib in pure Java. The first and final aim for hacking this stuff is to add the packet compression support to pure Java SSH systems. - Why JZlib? Java Platform API provides packages 'java.util.zip.*' for accessing to zlib, but that support is very limited if you need to use the essence of zlib. For example, we needed to full access to zlib to add the packet compression support to pure Java SSH system, but they are useless for our requirements. The Internet draft SSH Transport Layer Protocol says in the section '4.2 Compression' as follows,
archivers/laszip-2.1.0 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Library for lossless LAS compression
LASzip is a compression library for compressing ASPRS LAS format data. It has been provided as an LGPL-licensed stand-alone software library to allow other softwares that handle LAS data to read and write LASzip-compressed data. The BSD-licensed libLAS and the LGPL-licensed LASlib can take advantage of LASzip to read and write compressed data. LASzip is completely lossless. It compresses bulky LAS files into compact LAZ files that are only 10-20 percent of the original size, accurately preserving every single bit.