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Results 14,15114,160 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.013 seconds)
devel/libruin-0.1.4 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Renderer for User Interfaces in Ncurses
libRUIN (Renderer for User Interfaces in Ncurses) is a rendering library for various XML-based user interface markup languages (such as XHTML or Mozilla XUL), using the Ncurses terminal control library as a rendering target. GNU Guile and the SDOM Scheme module are used as the "glue" that manages user input and event handling (as such, event handlers must currently be written in Guile Scheme; support for ECMAscript event handlers is being considered for inclusion). An application programmer passes an XML document (including, potentially, a set of CSS stylesheets) and an Ncurses WINDOW structure, and libRUIN paints the WINDOW according to the markup and CSS; the programmer may subsequently pass Ncurses-style input strings to that WINDOW via libRUIN, and libRUIN will handle the resulting event flows.
devel/mtbl-0.8.0 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Immutable sorted string table library
mtbl is a C library implementation of the Sorted String Table (SSTable) data structure, based on the SSTable implementation in the open source Google LevelDB library <https://github.com/google/leveldb>. An SSTable is a file containing an immutable mapping of keys to values. Keys are stored in sorted order, with an index at the end of the file allowing keys to be located quickly. mtbl is not a database library. It does not provide an updateable key-value data store, but rather exposes primitives for creating, searching and merging SSTable files. Unlike databases which use the SSTable data structure internally as part of their data store, management of SSTable files -- creation, merging, deletion, combining of search results from multiple SSTables -- is left to the discretion of the mtbl library user.
devel/App-perlbrew-0.75 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Perl Environment manager
perlbrew is a program to automate the building and installation of perl in an easy way. It provides multiple isolated perl environments, and a mechanism for you to switch between them. Everything are installed unter ~/perl5/perlbrew. You then need to include a bashrc/cshrc provided by perlbrew to tweak the PATH for you. You then can benefit from not having to run 'sudo' commands to install cpan modules because those are installed inside your HOME too. For the documentation of perlbrew usage see perlbrew command on CPAN, or by running perlbrew help. The following documentation features the API of App::perlbrew module, and may not be remotely close to what your want to read.
devel/ppl-1.2 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
C++ library for the manipulation of convex polyhedra
The Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL) is a modern C++ library for the manipulation of convex polyhedra. To be more precise, the PPL can handle all the convex polyhedra that can be defined as the intersection of a finite number of closed hyperspaces, each described by an equality or a non-strict inequality with rational coefficients. (More details are available on the PPL's internal mechanisms.) The Parma Polyhedra Library is: - user friendly: you write x + 2*y + 5*z <= 7 when you mean it; - fully dynamic: available virtual memory is the only limitation to the dimension of anything; - written in standard C++: meant to be portable; - exception-safe: never leaks resources or leaves invalid object fragments around; - rather efficient: and we hope to make it even more so; - thoroughly documented: perhaps not literate programming but close enough; - free software: distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
devel/Class-Multimethods-1.70 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Support multimethods and function overloading in Perl
The Class:Multimethod module exports a subroutine (&multimethod) that can be used to declare other subroutines that are dispatched using a algorithm different from the normal Perl subroutine or method dispatch mechanism. Normal Perl subroutines are dispatched by finding the appropriately-named subroutine in the current (or specified) package and calling that. Normal Perl methods are dispatched by attempting to find the appropriately-named subroutine in the package into which the invoking object is blessed or, failing that, recursively searching for it in the packages listed in the appropriate @ISA arrays. Class::Multimethods multimethods are dispatched quite differently. The dispatch mechanism looks at the classes or types of each argument to the multimethod (by calling ref on each) and determines the "closest" matching variant of the multimethod, according to the argument types specified in the variants' definitions (see "Finding the "nearest" multimethod" for a definition of "closest").
devel/Clone-Fast-0.97 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Natively copying Perl data structures
Essentially, this module is a very optimized version of Clone::More. By taking advantage of one of Clone::More's 'OPTIMIZATION_HACKS' as well as removing all the Pure Perl from the More.pm, I was able to gain a lot of speed out of the module. Essentially, though, the core of the module is exactly as that of Clone::More. You will see that by using Benchmark::cmpthese, I ran a simple comparison between Storable::dclone, Clone::More::clone, and Clone::Fast::clone. You will (should) begin to see the reason why I loaded this module along side of Clone::More. Rate Storable Clone::More Clone::Fast Storable 7552/s -- -39% -59% Clone::More 12400/s 64% -- -33% Clone::Fast 18442/s 144% 49% -- For more information relative to the DESCRIPTION of this module, I recommend peeking into the POD written for Clone::More (I took more time with it ;) )
devel/Devel-Required-0.14 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Automatic update of required modules documentation
The Devel::Required module only serves a purpose in the development environment of an author of a CPAN module (or more precisely: a user of the ExtUtils::MakeMaker module). It makes sure that any changes to the required modules specified in the Makefile.PL are automatically reflected in the appropriate text file and in the appropriate source files (either explicitly or implicitly specified). It takes the information given with the PREREQ_PM parameter and by default writes this to the README file, as well as to the POD of the file specified with the VERSION_FROM parameter. Both these defaults can be overridden with the "text" and "pod" parameters in the use Devel::Required specification.
devel/File-Policy-1.005 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Simple policy for file I/O functions
This defines the policy for file I/O with modules such as File::Slurp::WithinPolicy. The purpose is to allow systems administrators to define locations and restrictions for applications' file I/O and give app developers a policy to follow. Note that the module doesn't ENFORCE the policy - application developers can choose to ignore it (and systems administrators can choose not to install their applications if they do!). You may control which policy gets applied by creating a File::Policy::Config module with an IMPLEMENTATION constant. You may write your own policy as a module within the File::Policy:: namespace. By default (if no File::Policy::Config is present), the File::Policy::Default policy gets applied which doesn't impose any restrictions and provides reasonable default locations for temporary and log files.
devel/Getopt-GUI-Long-0.93 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Wrapper around Getopt::Long
This module is a wrapper around Getopt::Long that extends the value of the original Getopt::Long module to: 1) add a simple graphical user interface option screen if no arguments are passed to the program. 2) provide an auto-help mechanism such that -h and --help are handled automatically. It's designed to make the creation of graphical shells trivial without the programmer having to think about it much as well as providing automatic good-looking usage output without the programmer needing to write usage() functions. This also can turn normal command line programs into web CGI scripts as well (automatically). If the Getopt::GUI::Long program is installed as a CGI script then it will automatically prompt the user for the same variables.
devel/IPC-Open3-Simple-0.04 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Simple alternative to IPC::Open3
IPC::Open3::Simple aims at making it very easy to start a shell command, eventually feed its stdin with some data, then retrieve its stdout and stderr separately. When you want to run a shell command and parse its stdout/stderr or feed its stdin, you often end up using IPC::Run, IPC::Cmd or IPC::Open3 with your own parsing code, and end up writing more code than you intended. IPC::Open3::Simple is about removing this overhead and making IPC::Open3 easier to use. IPC::Open3::Simple calls IPC::Open3 and redirects stdin, stdout and stderr to some function references passed in argument to the constructor. It does a select on the input/output filehandles returned by IPC::Open3 and dispatches their content to and from those functions.