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audio/gmpc-11.8.16 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Full featured GTK2 client for musicpd
GMPC is a GTK2 frontend for the mpd (Music Player Daemon). It's focused on being fast and easy to use, while making optimal use of all the functions in mpd. It connects to a MPD running on a machine via a network. Read more about MPD on http://www.musicpd.org Features: * Metadata support, it can show artist image, album art, lyrics, etc. * Plugin support. * Fast, gmpc is optimized to work even on low end machines and slow networks. * Profile support, easily use gmpc with multiple mpd's.
audio/Audio-CD-0.04 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Perl interface to libcdaudio (cd + cddb)
Perl interface to libcdaudio (cd + cddb): http://cdcd.undergrid.net/ This module was created for adding CDDB support to <Xmms::shell> and cd tray <eject>. I added methods for a good chunk of other <libcdaudio> functions while I was at it, but the docs and glue is not complete. I do not have interest in completing the interface and docs, because xmms/Xmms::shell provides everything I need (at the moment) for audio. If you have an interesting reason for needing the missing pieces, I'll probably be interested in adding them.
biology/blat-36 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Fast tool for local sequence similarity searches
BLAT is a bioinformatics software tool which performs rapid mRNA/DNA and cross-species protein alignments. BLAT is more accurate and 500 times faster than popular existing tools for mRNA/DNA alignments and 50 times faster for protein alignments at sensitivity settings typically used when comparing vertebrate sequences. (Source: Kent, W.J. 2002. BLAT -- The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool. Genome Research 4: 656-664. http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.229202) BLAT is not BLAST. DNA BLAT works by keeping an index of the entire genome (but not the genome itself) in memory. Since the index takes up a bit less than a gigabyte of RAM, BLAT can deliver high performance on a reasonably priced Linux box.
biology/Bio-Glite-0.10 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Perl Interface to G-language
Bio::Glite is an interface to G-language Genome Analysis Environment through its REST web service (http://www.g-language.org). This module allows almost everything G-language GAE can do, without installing all necessary tookits and modules. Advantage of this module over the standard installation of G-language GAE package is: 1. Easy installation from CPAN 2. Extremely light-weight (less than 1000 lines of code) 3. Does not require much CPU/RAM (all calculation is done on the cloud) Disadvantages includes: 1. Slower analysis speed 2. Internet connection is required 3. No other software interfaces such as the G-language Shell
devel/proto-0.3.10 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Prototype object-based programming
proto (google code name r-proto) is an R package which facilitates a style of programming known as prototype-based programming. Prototype-based programming is a type of object oriented (OO) programming in which classes and objects are unified into a single concept, prototypes. This makes proto and prototye programming simpler than the usual OO model yet it retains the OO features of inheritance (known as delegation in the prototype model) and OO dispatch. Applications, News, Additional Information sources, Proto Bugs and Avoiding R Bugs sections are given below while associated Links are in the http://code.google.com/p/r-proto/wiki/Links
devel/gnulib-20140202 (Score: 0.0030835927)
GNU portability library
Gnulib, the GNU portability library, offers a macro system and C declarations and definitions for commonly-used API elements and abstracted system behaviors. It can be used to improve portability and other functionality in your programs. Gnulib takes a different approach than libiberty. Gnulib components are intended to be shared at the source level, rather than being a library that gets built, installed, and linked against. Thus, there is no distribution tarball; the idea is to copy files from Gnulib into your own source tree. However, there are bimonthly stable snapshots of the Gnulib codebase published at http://erislabs.net/ianb/projects/gnulib/
devel/libcii-1.1 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Library from "C Interfaces and Implementations" by David Hanson
This hierarchy contains all the source code from "C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series, 1997, ISBN 0-201-49841-3). For installation instructions, see install.html. For a summary of the distribution's revision history, see history.html. David R. Hanson http://www.research.microsoft.com/~drh/ FreeBSD note: in /usr/local lib/libcii.a -> lib/cii/1/libcii.a include/cii -> lib/cii/1/include example binaries are in lib/cii/1/examples copyright, history, etc share/doc/cii source of CII share/doc/cii/src source of examples share/doc/cii/examples There is no documentation other than the book and its web site.
devel/libgta-1.0.5 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Portable library that implements the GTA file format
Libgta is a portable library that implements the Generic Tagged Array (GTA) file format. This file format has the following features: - GTAs can store any kind of data in multidimensional arrays - GTAs can optionally use simple tags to store rich metadata - GTAs are streamable, which allows direct reading from and writing to pipes, network sockets, and other non-seekable media - GTAs can use ZLIB, BZIP2, or XZ compression, allowing a tradeoff between compression/decompression speed and compression ratio - Uncompressed GTA files allow easy out-of-core data access for very large arrays See http://gta.nongnu.org/ for more information.
devel/mm-1.4.2 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Shared memory allocation library for pre-forked process models
OSSP mm - Shared Memory Allocation Library Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/> OSSP mm is a 2-layer abstraction library which simplifies the usage of shared memory between forked (and this way strongly related) processes under Unix platforms. On the first layer it hides all platform dependent implementation details (allocation and locking) when dealing with shared memory segments and on the second layer it provides a high-level malloc(3)-style API for a convenient and well known way to work with data-structures inside those shared memory segments.
devel/Data-Clone-0.004 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Polymorphic data cloning
Data::Clone does data cloning, i.e. copies things recursively. This is smart so that it works with not only non-blessed references, but also with blessed references (i.e. objects). When clone() finds an object, it calls a clone method of the object if the object has a clone, otherwise it makes a surface copy of the object. That is, this module does polymorphic data cloning. Although there are several modules on CPAN which can clone data, this module has a different cloning policy from almost all of them. See "Cloning policy" and "Comparison to other cloning modules" [1] for details. [1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/Data-Clone/lib/Data/Clone.pm