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Results 3,6913,700 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
x11-toolkits/Tk-DKW-0.03 (Score: 1.167386E-4)
Collection of Tk widgets
Tk::CheckBox - A radio button style widget that uses a check mark in a box. Useful as a boolean field. Tk::Columns - A multicolumn list widget with resizeable borders and sorting by column. Tk::ComboEntry - A Drop down listbox + entry widget with nice keyboard equivalent behaviour Tk::IconCanvas - A canvas implementing a moveable iconic interface. Allows attaching menus to icons and to background. Tk::SplitFrame - A sliding separator for two child widgets. Allows either horizontal or vertical separation between the two widgets. Can work in concert as horizontal inside vertical or vice-versa. Tk::TabFrame - A tabbed frame geometry manager (like NoteBook). Tk::DockFrame - A dockable widget management widget hierarchy. Tk::CornerBox - A textured window resizing widget (like in Win95) Tk::Signals - A publish and subscribe object signalling method like that found in QT. Very useful when widgets that are not in the same hierarchy need to alert each other to various application level events.
devel/ZConf-GUI-1.1.0 (Score: 1.1655886E-4)
GUI backend chooser
A ZConf backed method of choosing a backend for a Perl module that has multiple backends. zcgui-get Gets the current preferred backends for a module. zcgui-gux Gets the value for useX. zcgui-la Lists available GUI backends for a ZConf::GUI compliant module. zcgui-lm Lists the modules that currently have preferences set. zcgui-set Set the preferred backends for a module. zcgui-sux Set the useX value for a module. zcgui-which Prints a list of the available preferred modules for a module.
misc/progressbar-2.3 (Score: 1.1655886E-4)
Text progressbar library for python
This library provides a text mode progressbar. This is typically used to display the progress of a long running operation, providing a visual clue that processing is underway. The ProgressBar class manages the progress, and the format of the line is given by a number of widgets. A widget is an object that may display diferently depending on the state of the progress. There are three types of widget: - a string, which always shows itself; - a ProgressBarWidget, which may return a diferent value every time it's update method is called; and - a ProgressBarWidgetHFill, which is like ProgressBarWidget, except it expands to fill the remaining width of the line.
misc/progressbar231-2.3.1 (Score: 1.1655886E-4)
Text progressbar library for python
This library provides a text mode progressbar. This is typically used to display the progress of a long running operation, providing a visual clue that processing is underway. The ProgressBar class manages the progress, and the format of the line is given by a number of widgets. A widget is an object that may display diferently depending on the state of the progress. There are three types of widget: - a string, which always shows itself; - a ProgressBarWidget, which may return a diferent value every time it's update method is called; and - a ProgressBarWidgetHFill, which is like ProgressBarWidget, except it expands to fill the remaining width of the line.
www/Dancer2-Plugin-Deferred-0.007015 (Score: 1.1655886E-4)
Dancer2 plugin to defer messages or data across redirections
This Dancer2 plugin provides a method for deferring a one-time message across a redirect. It is similar to "flash" messages, but without the race conditions that can result from multiple tabs in a browser or from AJAX requests. It is similar in design to Catalyst::Plugin::StatusMessage, but adapted for Dancer2. It works by creating a unique message ID within the session that holds deferred data. The message ID is automatically added as a query parameter to redirection requests. It's sort of like a session within a session, but tied to a request rather than global to the browser. (It will even chain across multiple redirects.)
audio/flac-1.3.1 (Score: 1.1583714E-4)
Free lossless audio codec
FLAC is an Open Source lossless audio codec. FLAC is comprised of * libFLAC, a library which implements reference encoders and decoders for native FLAC and Ogg FLAC, and a metadata interface * libFLAC++, a C++ object wrapper library around libFLAC * flac, a command-line program for encoding and decoding files * metaflac, a command-line program for viewing and editing FLAC metadata * user and API documentation
biology/hmmer-3.0 (Score: 1.1583714E-4)
Profile hidden Markov models for biological sequence analysis
HMMER is an implementation of profile hidden Markov model methods for sensitive searches of biological sequence databases using multiple sequence alignments as queries. Given a multiple sequence alignment as input, HMMER builds a statistical model called a "hidden Markov model" which can then be used as a query into a sequence database to find (and/or align) additional homologues of the sequence family.
chinese/opencc-11.5 (Score: 1.1583714E-4)
OpenCC conversion module for bsdconv
Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC) is an open source Simplified-Traditional Chinese conversion project, providing high quality thesaurus and libopencc, as well as a conversion utility and a dictionary generator. bsdconv is a BSD licensed charset/encoding converter library with more function than libiconv. (Currently, only a few codecs are supported) This port is a opencc conversion module for bsdconv.
comms/ncid-1.4 (Score: 1.1583714E-4)
Network based Caller ID package
NCID is a network based Caller ID package that contains a server to obtain the CID information from a modem, and a client to display the CID information on a computer, TiVo, text pager, or cell phone. Multiple clients are permitted.
comms/jerm-8096 (Score: 1.1583714E-4)
Communication terminal through serial and TCP/IP interfaces
The jerm is primarily intended to communicate with a remote machine through a serial interface. Additionally jerm can communicate with another through a TCP/IP connection like telnet and relay a serial communication to a TCP/IP connection to another remote machine.