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Results 3,6813,690 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
emulators/uae-0.8.29 (Score: 1.199278E-4)
Commodore Amiga emulator
UAE is a mostly complete software emulation of the hardware of the Commodore Amiga 500/1000/2000. Commodore Amiga, for those who don't know, is a 16/32 bit computer system based on the Motorola 680x0 CPU and a few specially designed custom chips that provide very good graphics and sound capabilities. Its first incarnation, the A1000, appeared in 1985, followed by the highly successful A500 and A2000 models. Requires a valid Amiga ROM file in order to be useful.
emulators/vice-2.4 (Score: 1.199278E-4)
Emulator for Commodore C64, C128, VIC20, PET, and CBM-II
Versatile Commodore 8-bit Emulator VICE, the multi-platform C64, C128, VIC20, PET and CBM-II emulator. The following programs are included: - x64, a C64 emulator; - x128, a C128 emulator; - xvic, a VIC20 emulator; - xpet, a PET emulator; - xcbm2, a CBM=II emulator; - c1541, a stand-alone disk image maintenance utility; - petcat, a CBM BASIC de-tokenizer; LICENSE: GPL2 or later The ROM files are Copyright by Commodore Business Machines.
graphics/GD-TextUtil-0.86 (Score: 1.199278E-4)
Text utilities for use with GD drawing package
This are Text utilities for use with the GD drawing package. This package provides three modules: GD::Text: Provides information about a font, irrespective of whether the font is a TTF or builtin font. GD::Text::Align Align a string around a coordinate, left, right, center, top, bottom or center. GD::Text::Wrap Wrap a long string between a right and left margin, starting at a certain y coordinate. Layout the text flush left, flush right, center, or justified.
misc/dejagnu-1.6 (Score: 1.199278E-4)
Automated program/system tester
DejaGnu is a framework for testing other programs. Its purpose is to provide a single front end for all tests. Think of it as a custom library of Tcl procedures crafted to support writing a test harness. A Test Harness is the testing infrastructure that is created to support a specific program or tool. Each program can have multiple testsuites, all supported by a single test harness. DejaGnu is written in Expect, which in turn uses Tcl -- Tool command language.
net/freeradius-client-1.1.6 (Score: 1.199278E-4)
Client library and basic utilities for RADIUS AAA
The FreeRADIUS Client is a framework and library for writing RADIUS Clients which additionally includes radlogin, a flexible RADIUS aware login replacement, a command line program to send RADIUS authentication/authorisation requests and accounting records and a utility to query the status of a RADIUS server. All these programs are based on a library which lets you develop a RADIUS-aware application in less than 50 lines of C code. It is highly portable and runs on Linux, many BSD variants and Solaris.
net/radiusclient-0.5.6 (Score: 1.199278E-4)
Client library and basic utilities for RADIUS AAA
The RadiusClient is a framework and library for writing RADIUS Clients which additionally includes radlogin, a flexible RADIUS aware login replacement, a command line program to send RADIUS authentication/authorisation requests and accounting records and a utility to query the status of a RADIUS server. All these programs are based on a library which lets you develop a RADIUS-aware application in less than 50 lines of C code.
security/retranslator-5.0.0 (Score: 1.199278E-4)
The update utility for Kaspersky applications
The update utility is designed to download and save updates and modules of the Kaspersky Lab's applications into a separate folder. With the help of the utility you can download updates for selected Kaspersky Lab's applications installed either in your network or at a home PC. The utility has a function for saving downloaded updates and autopatches in a local folder, a network folder connected as a disc to the computer file system, or onto a flash-carrier.
www/HTTP-Exception-0.04006 (Score: 1.199278E-4)
Perl extension to throw HTTP-Errors as (Exception::Class-) Exceptions
Every HTTP::Exception is a Exception::Class - Class. So the same mechanisms apply as with Exception::Class-classes. In fact have a look at Exception::Class' docs for more general information on exceptions and Exception::Class::Base for information on what methods a caught exception also has. HTTP::Exception is only a factory for HTTP::Exception::XXX (where X is a number) subclasses. That means that HTTP::Exception->new(404) returns a HTTP::Exception::404 object, which in turn is a HTTP::Exception::Base - Object.
x11/xkeycaps-2.46 (Score: 1.199278E-4)
Graphically display and edit the keyboard mapping
xkeycaps is a graphical front-end to xmodmap. It opens a window that looks like a keyboard; moving the mouse over a key shows what KeySyms and Modifier bits that key generates. Clicking on a key simulates KeyPress/KeyRelease events on the window of your choice. It is possible to change the KeySyms and Modifiers generated by a key through a mouse-based interface. This program can also write an input file for xmodmap to recreate your changes in future sessions.
games/nadar-2.0 (Score: 1.167386E-4)
Network tank battle game
N.A.D.A.R. is a network tank battle game. You can play N.A.D.A.R. with computer players and human players over the network. This port installs "/usr/X11R6/bin/nadars" and "/usr/X11R6/bin/nadar". "nadars" is a server of N.A.D.A.R. Run it before playing N.A.D.A.R. "nadar" is a client of N.A.D.A.R. for X. Run it after nadars starts. Example: server-machine> nadars client-machine1> nadar -s [Server's hostname] -p [Player's name] client-machine2> nadar -s [Server's hostname] -p [Player's name] ... If playing speed is very slow, Run nadar as below with size option. client-machine> nadar -s [Server's hostname] -p [Player's name] -size 30 See nadars(1) and nadar(1) for more details.