Ports 搜索

net-mgmt/darkstat-3.0.719 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Network statistics gatherer and reporter
Darkstat is an ntop-workalike network statistics gatherer. Built to be faster and smaller than ntop, it uses libpcap to capture network traffic and serves up Web page reports of statistics such as data transferred by host, port, and protocol. It also has a neat bandwidth usage graph.
net-mgmt/crmsh-2.2.0 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Command-line interface for High-Availability cluster management
Configure, manage and troubleshoot clusters from the command line, with full tab completion and extensive help. crmsh also provides advanced features like low-level cluster configuration, cluster scripting, package management, and history exploration tools giving you a complete insight into the state of your cluster.
net-mgmt/server- (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Plugin of glpi to get information of networking devices
FusionInventory provides a complete, modular and multi-platform solution for: Hardware & software inventory (with agent or agentless using SNMP); Wake On Lan (WOL); Software deployment using OCS Inventory NG protocol and peer to peer download; Network connected devices (using Netbios, nmap and SNMP).
net-mgmt/snpservices- (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Graphics server for the guifi.net meshnet
This is the guifi.net snpservices package. This software provides graph services in the context of the Spontaneous Networklink Platform. Uses nodexchange/cnml as a input format, and provides traffic and latency/availability graphs in image format by using mrtg/rrdtool collected history by simple HTTP URLs, therefore is easily plugable to any web application.
net-mgmt/libsmi-0.4.8 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Library to access SMI MIB information
The purpose of libsmi is to give network management applications a concise programmer-friendly interface to access MIB module information, separate the knowledge on SMI from the main parts of management applications, allow to add new kinds of MIB repositories without the need to adapt applications that make use of libsmi. There are also simple tools to handle MIBs included.
net-mgmt/mrtg-ping-probe-2.2.0 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Round Trip Time and Packet Loss Probe for MRTG
mrtg-ping-probe is a ping probe for MRTG 2.x. It is used to monitor the round trip time and packet loss to networked devices. MRTG uses its output to generate graphs visualizing minimum and maximum round trip times or packet loss. Yoshiro MIHIRA <sanpei@FreeBSD.org>
net-mgmt/check_email_delivery-0.7.1b (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Nagios Plugin to monitor your mail environment
Check Email Delivery is a plugin for Nagios that allows you to check functionality within your email environment. Some typical uses of this plugin include: * check SMTP server * check IMAP server * check email delivery loop * check auto-responder function * keep an eye on email lag * monitor automated mailboxes * aggregate check results of multiple plugins * check email-to-FTP or other special email gateways
net-mgmt/nagios-pf-plugin-0.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Nagios plugin for checking PF
check_pf is a plugin intended for use with the Nagios network monitoring system. This plugin checks the status of PF, the OpenBSD packet filter, and compares the current state count to given or default thresholds, returning the result. It is written in C.
net-mgmt/nagios-spamd-plugin-1.4 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Nagios plugin for checking SpamAssassins spamd
check_spamd is a Nagios plugin for checking SpamAssassins SPAMD. It's written in Perl, should work with the embedded Perl interpreter (not tested though), does not require spamc to be installed on the Nagios host and has no other prerequisites.
net-mgmt/nbtscan-1.5.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
NetBIOS name network scanner
NBTscan is a program for scanning IP networks for NetBIOS name information. It sends NetBIOS status query to each address in supplied range and lists received information in human readable form. For each responded host it lists IP address, NetBIOS computer name, logged-in user name and MAC address.