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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,5512,560项(搜索用时0.008秒)
net-p2p/vertex-0.3.1 (Score: 0.0032304681)
Vertex is an implementation of the Q2Q protocol
Vertex is an implementation of the Q2Q protocol (sort of like P2P, but one better). There are a few moving parts in Vertex: * PTCP: a protocol which is nearly identical to TCP, but which runs over UDP. This lets Q2Q penetrate most NAT configurations. * JUICE ([JU]ice [I]s [C]oncurrent [E]vents): a very simple but immensely flexible protocol which forms the basis of the high-level aspects of Q2Q * vertex: a command line tool which exposes a few features useful in many situations (such as registration and authentication) The Q2Q network has some decentralized features (there is no one server or company which can control all Q2Q addresses) and features of centralization (addresses beneath a particular domain are issued by a server for that domain; once issued, some activities require the server to be contacted again, while others do not). Vertex includes an identity server capable of hosting Q2Q addresses.
net/dhcp-4.3.4 (Score: 0.0032304681)
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol relay
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools: * A DHCP server * A DHCP client * A DHCP relay agent (this port)
net/dhcp-4.3.4 (Score: 0.0032304681)
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools: * A DHCP server * A DHCP client (this port) * A DHCP relay agent
net/mlvpn-2.3.1 (Score: 0.0032304681)
Multi-link VPN
MLVPN allow to bond your internet links to increase bandwidth, secure your internet connection by actively monitoring your links and removing the faulty ones, without loosing your TCP connections and secure your internet connection to the aggregation server using cryptography.
net/ldap2pw-20151106 (Score: 0.0032304681)
Synchronize local user database with LDAP directory
The ldap2pw utility synchronizes a local user database with an LDAP directory. It is intended for systems where NSS modules cannot be used or access to the LDAP server is intermittent.
net/net-ldap-0.14.0 (Score: 0.0032304681)
Pure Ruby LDAP support library with most client features
Net::LDAP is an LDAP support library written in pure Ruby. It supports most LDAP client features and a subset of server features as well. * Standards-based (going for RFC 4511) * Portable: 100% Ruby
net/ruby-openid-2.7.0 (Score: 0.0032304681)
OpenID library written in pure Ruby
A Ruby library for verifying and serving OpenID identities. Ruby OpenID makes it easy to add OpenID authentication to your web applications. This library is a port of the Python OpenID library, and features: * API for verifying OpenID identities (OpenID::Consumer) * API for serving OpenID identities (OpenID::Server) * Consumer and server support for extensions, including simple registration * Yadis 1.0 and OpenID 1.0 service discovery, including server fallback * Does not depend on underlying web framework * Multiple storage implementations (Filesystem, SQL) * Comprehensive test suite * Example code to help you get started, including: o WEBrick based consumer o Ruby on rails based server o OpenIDLoginGenerator for quickly creating a rails app that uses OpenID for authentication o ActiveRecord adapter for using an SQL store in rails
news/gup-0.4 (Score: 0.0032304681)
Allows remote sites to change their newsgroup subscriptions
Gup, the Group Update Program is a Unix mail-server that lets a remote site change their newsgroups subscription without requiring the intervention of the news administrator at the feed site.
print/cups-connector- (Score: 0.0032304681)
Share CUPS printers via Google Cloud Print
Share printers from your computer with ChromeOS and Android devices, using the Cloud Print Connector. The Connector is a purpose-built system process. It can share hundreds of printers on a powerful server, or one printer on a Raspberry Pi.
sysutils/rmonitor-1.2 (Score: 0.0032304681)
Remote system monitoring utility
Rmonitor is a client-server application for monitoring a couple of (or even more) remote hosts. It prints gathered system statistics on a standard terminal display or within an xterm window; using one line for each host monitored.