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sysutils/u-boot-2016.07 (Score: 9.496717E-4)
Cross-build U-Boot loader for olimex-a20-som-evb
U-Boot loader for A13 Olinuxino. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do : dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-boardname/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=notrunc,sync This version is patched so that: * ELF and API features are enabled. * The default environment is trimmed to just what's needed to boot. * The saveenv command writes to the file u-boot.env on the FAT partition. * The DTB file name is chosen based on the board model and passed to ubldr.bin using the fdtfile env variable. ubldr.bin loads the DTB from /boot/dtb/ on the FreeBSD partition. * By default, it loads PIE ubldr.bin from file ubldr.bin on the FAT partition to address 0x42000000, and launches it. For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/Allwinner For general information about U-Boot see WWW: http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot
textproc/Text-CharWidth-0.04 (Score: 9.496717E-4)
Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
This module supplies features similar as wcwidth(3) and wcswidth(3) in C language. Characters have its own width on terminal depending on locale. For example, ASCII characters occupy one column per character, east Asian fullwidth characters (like Hiragana or Han Ideograph) occupy two columns per character, and combining characters (apperaring in ISO-8859-11 Thai, Unicode, and so on) occupy zero columns per character. mbwidth() gives the width of the first character of the given string and mbswidth() gives the width of the whole given string. The names of mbwidth and mbswidth came from "multibyte" versions of wcwidth and wcswidth which are "wide character" versions. mblen(string) returns number of bytes of the first character of the string. Please note that a character may consist of multiple bytes in multibyte encodings such as UTF-8, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB2312, or Big5. mbwidth(string) returns the width of the first character of the string. mbswidth(string) returns the width of the whole string. Parameters are to be given in locale encodings, not always in UTF-8.
math/SuppDists- (Score: 9.367697E-4)
Supplementary distributions and RNG for R
This port contains ten types of distributions supplementing those built into R: Inverse Gauss, Kruskal-Wallis, Kendall's Tau, Friedman's chi squared, Spearman's rho, maximum F ratio, the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, Johnson distributions, normal scores and generalized hypergeometric distributions. In addition, two random number generators of George Marsaglia are included. The port is supplemented by an R benchmark based upon the work of Grosjean, Steinhaus, et al.
www/litmus-0.13 (Score: 9.367697E-4)
WebDAV server protocol compliance test suite
WebDAV server protocol compliance test suite. Tests include: - OPTIONS for DAV: header - PUT, GET with byte comparison - MKCOL - DELETE (collections, non-collections) - COPY, MOVE using combinations of: o overwrite t/f o destination exists/doesn't exist o collection/non-collection - Property manipulation and querying: o set, delete, replace properties o persist dead props across COPY o namespace handling - Locking o attempts to modify locked resource (as lock owner, not owner) o shared/exclusive locks, lock discovery usage: litmus <url> <username> <password>
archivers/ucl-1.03 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
UCL, a lossless data compression library (Linux Fedora 10)
archivers/upx-3.03 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
UPX, a high-performance executable packer (Linux Fedora 10)
archivers/unar-1.10 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Unarchiver for a vast variety of file formats
The Unarchiver is an archive unpacker program with support for the lots of popular ZIP, RAR, 7z, tar, gzip, bzip2, LZMA, XZ, CAB, MSI, NSIS, EXE, ISO, BIN, split file formats, as well as the old Stuffit, Stuffit X, DiskDouble, Compact Pro, Packit, cpio, compress (.Z), ARJ, ARC, PAK, ACE, ZOO, LZH, ADF, DMS, LZX, PowerPacker, LBR, Squeeze, Crunch, and other old/obscure formats. It can also handle filenames in foreign character sets, created with non- English versions of some operating systems, and is particularly useful for processing CJK archives correctly.
audio/openal-soft-1.12.854 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
A 3D positional spatialized sound library (Linux CentOS 6.8)
audio/openal-soft-1.8.466 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
A 3D positional spatialized sound library (Linux Fedora 10)
audio/gstreamer-0.10.19 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Gstreamer ATSC A/52 stream aka AC-3 (dvd audio) plugin