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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第761770项(搜索用时0.006秒)
www/node-4.5.0 (Score: 0.021906305)
V8 JavaScript for client and server (4.x LTS)
node - evented I/O for V8 javascript
www/Paste-2.0.2 (Score: 0.021906305)
Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
Python Paste brings consistency to Python web development and web application installation, providing tools for both developers and system administrators. These provide several pieces of "middleware" (or filters) that can be nested to build web applications. Each piece of middleware uses the WSGI (PEP 333) interface, and should be compatible with other middleware based on those interfaces.
www/sabredav-2.0.3 (Score: 0.021906305)
WebDav, CalDav and Carddav Server/Framework written in PHP
Popular WebDAV framework for PHP. Use it to create WebDAV, CalDAV and CardDAV servers. It supports a wide range of internet standards related to these protocols. The most relevant are: WebDAV CalDAV CardDAV vCard 2.1, 3.0, 4.0 and jCard iCalendar 2.0 and jCal current-user-principal Extended MKCOL WebDAV-sync CardDAV directories CalDAV delegation CalDAV sharing
www/sogo2-2.3.13 (Score: 0.021906305)
Groupware server with a focus on scalability and open standards
ActiveSync is an extension to SOGo that provides support for the ActiveSync protocol to clients that supports it.
www/sogo3-3.1.5 (Score: 0.021906305)
Groupware server with a focus on scalability and open standards
ActiveSync is an extension to SOGo that provides support for the ActiveSync protocol to clients that supports it.
www/hackney-1.6.1 (Score: 0.021795213)
Simple HTTP client in Erlang
Hackney is an HTTP client library for Erlang. Main features: - No message passing - Binary streams - SSL support - Keepalive handling - Basic authentication - Stream the response and the requests - Fetch a response asynchronously - Multipart support (streamed or not) - Chunked encoding support - Can send files using the sendfile API - Optional socket pool - REST syntax
www/httpfox-0.8.10 (Score: 0.021795213)
HTTP analyzer addon for Firefox
HttpFox monitors and analyzes all incoming and outgoing HTTP traffic between the browser and the web servers. It aims to bring the functionality known from tools like HttpWatch or IEInspector to the Firefox browser. Information available per request includes: - Request and response headers - Sent and received cookies - Querystring parameters - POST parameters - Response body
www/webmock-1.24.6 (Score: 0.021642096)
Allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on the requests
WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.
security/Flask-HTTPAuth-3.2.0 (Score: 0.021627286)
Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes
Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes.
www/multipart-0.1.2 (Score: 0.021627286)
HTTP multipart split out of the cgi package
HTTP multipart split out of the cgi package.