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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第18,46118,470项(搜索用时0.011秒)
misc/Geo-Postcodes-NO-0.31 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Norwegian postcodes with associated information
Tired of entering the postal location all the time? This is not necessary, as it is uniquely defined from the postcode. Request the postcode only, and use this library to get the postal name. The library can also tell you in which borough by name or number and county by name the postcode is located. The borough number can be handy, as it is used when reporting wages and tax to the Norwegian Tax Administration.
misc/I18N-Charset-1.39.4 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Module which maps CharSet names to the names registered with IANA
This distribution contains a module I18N::Charset which maps Character Set names to the names officially registered with IANA. For example, 'Shift_JIS' is the official name of 'x-sjis'. It also maps character set names to Unicode::Map8 conversion scheme names (if Unicode::Map8 is installed). For example, the Unicode::Map8 scheme name for 'windows-1251' is 'cp1251'.
misc/elscreen-1.4.6 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
GNU screen like utility on Emacsen
ElScreen is an Emacs utility with which you can have multiple screens (window-configuration) on your GNU Emacs as well as GNU screen on shell.
misc/Software-License-CCpack-1.11 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Software::License pack for Creative Commons licenses
Software::License::CCpack contains all of the licenses from Creative Commons, except for CC0, which is already included in Software::License.
misc/I18N-LangTags-0.35 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Functions for dealing with RFC-1766-style language tags
Language tags are a formalism, described in RFC 1766, for declaring what language form (language and possibly dialect) a given chunk of information is in. This library provides functions for common tasks involving language tags (notably the extraction of them, comparing them, and testing the formal validity of them) as is needed in a variety of protocols and applications.
misc/List-Util-WeightedRoundRobin-0.4 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Creates a list based on weighted input
List::Util::WeightedRoundRobin is a utility for creating a weighted list based on the input and associated weights.
misc/mirmon-2.11 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Monitor the status of mirrors
Many project are mirrored worldwide. Mirmon helps in monitoring these mirrors. In a concise graphic format, mirmon shows each site's history of the last two weeks, making it easy to spot stale or dead mirrors. Mirmon quietly probes a subset of the sites in a given list, writes the results in the 'state' file, and generates a Web page with the results
misc/ree-1.3 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Tool to dump your ROM extensions
Ree stands for ROM extension extractor. Ree will scan your system memory, address c0000 - f0000 in 512 steps for identification of ROM extensions (55,aa), if found it will calculate its size (byte after id, multiplied by 512byte steps) and save the output to a .rom file. This package also comes with fontdump, a program to extract the fonts from your video BIOS ROMs. You might ask yourself why collect x86 ROM extensions? It's like collecting butterflies. A collection of various .rom files can be found on the project page. Please submit your ROMs there.
misc/shc-3.8.9 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Generic script compiler
A generic shell script compiler. Shc takes a script, which is specified on the command line and produces c source code. The generated source code is then compiled and linked to produce a stripped binary executable.
misc/qt5ct-0.27 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Qt 5 configuration tool
This utility allows users to configure Qt 5 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration.