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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第9,6819,690项(搜索用时0.01秒)
net/linuxigd-1.0 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device
This project is a deamon that emulates Microsoft's Internet Connection Service (ICS). It implements the UPnP Internet Gateway Device specification (IGD) and allows UPnP aware clients, such as MSN Messenger to work properly from behind a NAT firewall.
net/lla-0.99.1 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Perl-based LDAP log statistics generator
lla ------- lla is an LDAP Logfile Analyser , it generates statistics At this moment only NS 4.11 Logfiles have been tested. Your on your own if you want to analyse other type of Logfiles. But feel free to give feedback on your experiments and contribute patches to the code.
net/malo-firmware- (Score: 0.0010835839)
Marvell Libertas 88W8335 IEEE 802.11b/g Firmware Kernel Module
Marvell Libertas 88W8335 firmware files are not free because Marvell refuses to grant distribution rights. This port contains firmware files from OpenBSD's malo(4) driver.
net/ncp-1.2.4 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Fast file copy tool for LANs
"ncp" is a utility for copying files in a LAN. It has absolutely no security or integrity checking, no throttling, no features, except one: you don't have to type the coordinates of your peer.
net/mtr-0.86 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Traceroute and ping in a single network diagnostic tool
mtr combines the functionality of the 'traceroute' and 'ping' programs in a single network diagnostic tool. As mtr starts, it investigates the network connection between the host mtr runs on and a user-specified destination host. After it determines the address of each network hop between the machines, it sends a sequence ICMP ECHO requests to each one to determine the quality of the link to each machine. As it does this, it prints running statistics about each machine. Official mtr repository is at https://github.com/traviscross/mtr
net/mrouted-3.9.7 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Multicast routing daemon providing DVMRP for IPv4
mrouted is an implementation of the DVMRP multicast routing protocol. It turns a UNIX workstation into a DVMRP multicast router with tunnel support, in order to cross non-multicast-aware routers.
net/nxproxy- (Score: 0.0010835839)
Helper program for x2go
NXProxy is a program required by the x2go client.
net/openbsc-0.15.0 (Score: 0.0010835839)
GSM network in a box software
OpenBSC is a minimalistic implementation of the GSM Network, with particular emphasis on the functionality typically provided by the BSC, MSC, HLR, VLR and SMSC.
net/cryptcat-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption
Cryptcat is the standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption. Twofish is courtesy of counterpane, and cryptix. We started with the Java version of twofish from cryptix, converted it to C++ (don't ask why), and enhanced it by adding CBC mode and the ciphertext stealing technique from Applied Cryptography (pg. 196) How do you use it? Machine A: cryptcat -l -p 1234 < testfile Machine B: cryptcat <machine A IP> 1234 This is identical to the normal netcat options for doing exactly the same thing. However, in this case the data transferred is encrypted. For more information about netcat see net/netcat port.
net/sbm-0.8 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Simple bandwidth monitor
sbm is a simple bandwidth monitor. Besides the basic bandwith monitor it comes with two scripts. sbm-rt-plot can be used for realtime bandwidth graphs and sbm-plot can be used to generate static graphs for bandwith usage over a period of time.