Ports Search

Results 2,0212,030 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.005 seconds)
www/REST-Client-272 (Score: 0.062004834)
Simple client for interacting with RESTful http/https resources
REST::Client is a simple client for interacting with RESTful http/https resources.
www/Toader-1.2.1 (Score: 0.062004834)
CMS meant to be used from the terminal and integrated into a VCS for rendering static pages
Toader is a CMS that renders to static pages. It is control from command line. It is meant to be integrated with a VCS, allowing a source/control of a website to be stored in the same location as the project or projects a site is for.
www/WWW-Mechanize-Meta-0.07 (Score: 0.062004834)
Adds HEAD tag parsing to WWW::Mechanize
Adds HEAD tag parsing to WWW::Mechanize
www/WWW-iTunesConnect-1.16 (Score: 0.062004834)
Client interface for Apple's iTunes Connect service
A Perl5 client interface for Apple's iTunes Connect service.
www/ZConf-RSS-GUI-GTK-0.0.1 (Score: 0.062004834)
Provides a GTK backend for ZConf::RSS::GUI
Provides a GTK backend for ZConf::RSS::GUI.
www/ZConf-RSS-2.2.0 (Score: 0.062004834)
ZConf backed RSS fetching and viewing
A ZConf backed system for fetching and viewing RSS feeds. zcrss-addfeed Calls the addFeed dialog for ZConf::RSS::GUI zcrss-admin Manages stuff in ZConf for ZConf::RSS. zcrss-browse Calls the view dialog for ZConf::RSS::GUI zcrss-get Fetches a feed and applies the template for it. zcrss-managetemplates Calls the manage di
www/podcastamatic-1.3 (Score: 0.062004834)
Automates creation of webpage and RSS feed for a podcast
Podcastamatic automates the creation of a webpage and a RSS feed for your podcast, based on MP3 tags. A webpage can either be automatically generated from scratch or generated from a template you create. An RSS feed is an XML file that is required to be listed in most popular podcast directories. Podcastamatic is highly customizable.
www/fabio-1.2.1 (Score: 0.062004834)
Zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router managed by Consul
A fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by consul. https://github.com/eBay/fabio
www/collective.easytemplate-0.8.0 (Score: 0.062004834)
Dynamic HTML generation and scripting for Plone
collective.easytemplate addon for Plone.
www/collective.templateengines-0.3.5 (Score: 0.062004834)
Template engine abstraction layer for Python
collective.templateengines is an template engine abstraction layer for Python. It defines generic Zope interfaces for communicating with various Python template engines to achieve higher code reuse value.