Ports Search

Results 1,2311,240 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.018 seconds)
devel/Regexp-RegGrp-2.00 (Score: 0.0013968856)
Groups a regular expressions collection
Regexp::RegGrp is a Perl modele to group regular expressions to one regular expression.
devel/Task-Tiny-0.002 (Score: 0.0013968856)
Install a lightweight development environment
Task::Tiny may be used to install a selection of tiny Perl extensions from CPAN.
games/xchadance-1.0 (Score: 0.0013968856)
Display a dancing girl "ChaCha."
Display a dancing girl "ChaCha." She dance, dance and dance forever on your desktop. Enjoy!
textproc/XML-Filter-XInclude-1.0 (Score: 0.0013968856)
XInclude as a SAX Filter
This module implements a simple SAX filter that provides XInclude support. It does NOT support XPointer.
devel/directory_watcher-1.5.1 (Score: 0.0013961347)
Scans a directory at a set interval and lists files
The directory watcher operates by scanning a directory at some interval and generating a list of files based on a user supplied glob pattern. As the file list changes from one interval to the next, events are generated and dispatched to registered observers. Three types of events are supported -- added, modified, and removed.
games/bass-1.2 (Score: 0.0013961347)
Beneath a Steel Sky: a post-apocalyptic futuristic graphical adventure
"Beneath a Steel Sky is a 2D point-and-click science fiction thriller set in a bleak vision of the future, originally published for DOS and the Amiga. ..." Now playable on FreeBSD, thanks to the help of Tony Warriner at Revolution Software Ltd and the developers of scummvm. This game is distributed by the scummvm project.
textproc/Pod-Elemental-0.103004 (Score: 0.0013961347)
Treating a Pod document as a tree of elements
Pod::Elemental is a system for treating a Pod (plain old documentation) documents as trees of elements. This model may be familiar from many other document systems, especially the HTML DOM. Pod::Elemental's document object model is much less sophisticated than the HTML DOM, but still makes a lot of document transformations easy.
x11/xwinwrap-0.3 (Score: 0.0013961347)
XWinWrap replace a desktop background with a movie or screensaver
XWinWrap is a small utility written a loooong time ago that allowed you to stick most of the apps to your desktop background. What this meant was you could use an animated screensaver (like glmatrix, electric sheep, etc) or even a movie, and use it as your wallpaper.
Turns a Class-AlzaboWrapper-Cursor object into a TT2 iterator
This module allows a Class::AlzaboWrapper::Cursor object to be used as a TT2 iterator. For a cursor which returns one object at a time, the iterator simply returns one object per iteration. When the cursor returns multiple objects, the iterator returns a hash reference where the keys are the table name of the object's class in lower-case, with camel-casing turned into underscores. The values of the hash are the objects. So if the cursor returns Foo::User and Foo::Page objects, the keys are "user" and "page".
devel/Sort-Tree-1.09 (Score: 0.0013857159)
Perl module for sorting a objects into a tree structure
Sort::Tree implements a mechanism for sorting a list of objects into a tree structure and flattening it back into a list. Among other things, this is useful for displaying database queries in hierarchical views, such as nested categories, parent-child relationships, threaded discussions, and so forth. Trees have a lot to do with Graph theory, so if this module doesn't suit your fancy, have a look at the Graph:: Perl modules for an academically oriented implementation that employs vertex, edge, and node operations. For more information on how to use the perl module, see the pod documentation via the command perldoc Sort::Tree or, after installation, view the man pages with man Sort::Tree