Ports 搜索

print/lgrind-3.67 (Score: 0.0073001618)
Produce beautiful listings of source code with LaTeX
LGrind is a descendant of the Unix utility vgrind. It is used to produce a beautified version of your source code using LaTeX. Unlike other packages this is not pure TeX but an external preprocessor. You run e.g. lgrind example.c > example.tex latex example.tex to get a complete listing. Options for producing includable files and pro- cessing embedded listings in LaTeX texts are provided.
print/transfig-3.2.5e (Score: 0.0073001618)
Tools to convert Xfig .fig files
TransFig is a set of tools for creating TeX documents with graphics which are portable, in the sense that they can be printed in a wide variety of environments. Drivers currently exist for the following graphics languages: AutoCad slide, BOX, (E)EPIC macros, LaTeX picture environment, PIC, PiCTeX, PNG, PostScript, Encapsulated Postscript, GIF, IBM-GL, JPEG, PCX, MF (METAFONT), TeXtyl, TIFF, TPIC, XBM (X11 Bitmap), XPM (X11 Pixmap), and TK (tcl/tk). Fig2dev can be configured with a subset of these drivers.
sysutils/mp3fs-0.91 (Score: 0.0073001618)
FUSE-based filesystem for transcoding flac to mp3 on the fly
MP3FS is a read-only FUSE filesystem which transcodes audio formats (currently FLAC) to MP3 on the fly when opened and read. This was written to enable me to use my FLAC collection with software and/or hardware which only understands the MP3 format e.g. gmediaserver to a Netgear MP101 MP3 player. It is also a novel alternative to traditional MP3 encoders. Just use your favorite file browser to select the files you want encoded and copy them somewhere!
sysutils/hourglass-1.0.1 (Score: 0.0073001618)
Real-time application to learn how CPU scheduling works
This is a port of hourglass, a synthetic real-time application that can be used to learn how CPU scheduling in a general-purpose operating system works at microsecond and millisecond granularities. - It creates very detailed map of when each Hourglass thread has access to the CPU - It supports multiple thread execution models; e.g. periodic and CPU-bound - It acts as an abstraction layer for threading, timing, and CPU scheduling functionality on Unix- and Win32-based systems
x11-wm/windowlab-1.40 (Score: 0.0073001618)
Small window manager for X11
WindowLab is a small and simple window manager, based on aewm, of novel design. WindowLab maintains the illusion of direct manipulation by constraining the mouse pointer when appropriate, i.e. when a window cannot be dragged any further in one direction. It's click-to-focus, shares its window depth policy with the Amiga, and has a window resizing/reshaping method similar to that of 8 1/2 from Plan 9.
x11/xcalib-0.8 (Score: 0.0073001618)
Program for X11 display calibration with ICC profiles
xcalib is a program that allows you to use ICC profiles (to load its 'vcgt'-tag) for X11 servers display calibration with XVidModeExtension supported (like X.org or XFree86 4.x.x). It can't create the profiles so you need to acquire them elsewhere (e.g. from some commercial program or from your display vendor). xcalib is a postcardware. So if you like this program, send a picture postcard from your country/area to: Stefan Doehla Steinselb 7 95100 Selb GERMANY
x11/kde-baseapps-4.14.3 (Score: 0.0073001618)
Basic applications for KDE
KDE Base Applications consists of what runs on the desktop. This module isn't a complete collection of essential applications that a user would expect on a desktop (such as e-mail and calculator). This package is the basic set of applications beyond the workspace that KDE applications can assume are installed. These applications should have no problem running on Windows, OS X, Gnome, etc. as stand alone applications if the user wanted to use them there.
databases/rdb-2.6d (Score: 0.0072692498)
Fast, portable, relational database management system
RDB is a fast, portable, relational database management system without arbitrary limits, (other than memory and processor speed) that runs under, and interacts with, the UNIX Operating system. It uses the Operator/Stream DBMS paradigm described in "Unix Review", March, 1991, page 24, entitled "A 4GL Language". There are a number of "operators" that each perform a unique function on the data. The "stream" is supplied by the UNIX Input/Output redirection mechanism. Therefore each operator processes some data and then passes it along to the next operator via the UNIX pipe function. This is very efficient as UNIX pipes are implemented in memory (at least in versions of UNIX at RAND). RDB is compliant with the "Relational Model". The data is contained in regular UNIX ASCII files, and so can be manipulated by regular UNIX utilities, e.g. ls, wc, mv, cp, cat, more, less, editors like the RAND editor 'e', head, RCS, etc.
devel/Thread-Apartment-0.51 (Score: 0.0072692498)
Apartment threading wrapper for Perl objects
Thread::Apartment provides an apartment threading wrapper for Perl classes. "Apartment threading" is a method for isolating an object (or object hierarchy) in its own thread, and providing external interfaces via lightweight client proxy objects. This approach is especially valuable in the Perl threads environment, which doesn't provide a direct means of passing complex, nested structure objects between threads, and for non-threadsafe legacy object architectures, e.g., Perl/Tk. By using lightweight client proxy objects that implement the Thread::Queue::Queueable interface, with Thread::Queue::Duplex objects as the communication channel between client proxies and apartment threads (or between threads in general), a more thread-friendly OO environment is provided, ala Java, i.e., the ability to pass arbitrary objects between arbitrary threads. Thread::Apartment is a fundamental component of the PSiCHE framework (http://www.presicient.com/psiche).
mail/mimedefang-2.78 (Score: 0.0072692498)
Milter based anti-spam and anti-virus filtering program
MIMEDefang is a program for inspecting and modifying e-mail messages as they pass through your mail relay. MIMEDefang is written in Perl, and its filter actions are expressed in Perl, so it's highly flexible. Here are some things that you can do very easily with MIMEDefang: Delete or alter attachments based on file name, contents, results of a virus scan, attachment size, etc. Replace large attachments with links to a centrally-stored copy to ease the burden on POP3 users with slow modem links. Add boilerplate text to e-mail messages. Customize filter rules based on domain, user-name, relay machine, etc. Reject unacceptable messages, where you define what "unacceptable" means. Add or delete recipients for a message.