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Results 7,1117,120 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.014 seconds)
math/surf-1.0.6 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Visualize some real algebraic geometry
surf is a tool to visualize some real algebraic geometry: plane algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and hyperplane sections of surfaces. surf is script driven and has (optionally) a nifty GUI using the Gtk widget set. The algorithms should be stable enough not to be confused by curve/surface singularities in codimension greater than one and the degree of the surface or curve. This has been achieved quite a bit. We have drawn curves of degree up to 30 and surfaces of degree up to 20 successfully. However, there are examples of curves/surfaces of lower degree where surf fails to produce perfect images. This happens especially if the equation of the curve/surface is not reduced. Best results are achieved using reduced equations. On the other hand, surf displays the Fermat-curves accurately for degree up to 98.
net-mgmt/Cisco-Reconfig-0.911 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Parse and generate Cisco configuration files
Cisco::Reconfig makes it easier to write programs to generate changes to Cisco configuration files. Cisco::Reconfig is a module that parses Cisco router configuration files. It doesn't have any real understanding of Cisco configurations so it might be useful for other similar configuration languages. It knows that nesting is shown by indentation. It knows that ! means a comment. It knows that no may proceed a line without changing where that line exists in the hierarchy. It doesn't know much else. Cisco::Reconfig can be used to modify configurations. The set() method will check the current configruation and return commands to change it if it is other than what is wanted (as passed to the set() method).
print/makeindex-3.0.8 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
General purpose, formatter-independent index processor
The program makeindex is a general purpose hierarchical index generator; it accepts one or more input files (often produced by a text formatter such as TeX or troff, sorts the entries, and produces an output file which can be formatted. The index can have up to three levels (0, 1, and 2) of subitem nesting. The way in which words are flagged for indexing within the main document is specific to the formatter used; makeindex does not automate the process of selecting these words. As the output index is hierarchical, makeindex can be considered complementary to the awk(1)-based make.index(1L) system of Bentley and Kernighan, which is specific to troff(1), generates non-hierarchical indices, and employs a much simpler syntax for indicating index entries.
security/gnome-keyring-3.18.3 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Program that keeps passwords and other secrets
Gnome-keyring is a program that keep password and other secrets for users. It is run as a damon in the session, similar to ssh-agent, and other applications can locate it by an environment variable. The program can manage several keyrings, each with its own master password, and there is also a session keyring which is never stored to disk, but forgotten when the session ends. The library libgnome-keyring is used by applications to integrate with the gnome keyring system. However, at this point the library hasn't been tested and used enought to consider the API to be publically exposed. Therefore use of libgnome-keyring is at the moment limited to internal use in the gnome desktop. However, we hope that the gnome-keyring API will turn out useful and good, so that later it can be made public for any application to use. -- Gnome-keyring README
security/hpenc-2.0 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Fast authenticated encryption CLI tool
Hpenc is a fast encryption command line tool with the following features: * Authenticated encryption - your data cannot be forged or corrupted without detection. * Parallel processing - hpenc uses block IO and you can process multiple blocks simultaneously, which is extremely useful if you have multi-core environment. * Strong ciphers - hpenc uses the state-of-art aes-gcm and chacha20 ciphers * Easy interface * Hardware acceleration - hpenc can utilize all its advanced cryptography functions defined for AES-NI and PCLMULQDQ instructions (that must be supported by openssl). For those with old or embedded CPU (such as ARM), hpenc provides portable and fast chacha20 cipher. * Simple key management * Secure random numbers generator - hpenc can work as pseudo-random numbers generator. In a set of standard tests (diehard) on the generated sequences hpenc generates secure sequences of pseudo-random numbers on a very high speed (gigabytes per second).
security/Crypt-xDBM_File-1.02 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Perl module encrypt almost any kind of dbm file
Crypt::xDBM_File encrypts/decrypts the data in a gdbm, ndbm, sdbm (and maybe even berkeleyDB, but I didn't test that) file. It gets tied to a hash and you just access the hash like normal. The crypt function can be any of the CPAN modules that use encrypt, decrypt, keysize, blocksize (so Crypt::IDEA, Crypt::DES, Crypt::Blowfish, ... should all work) ***IMPORTANT*** Encryption keys (the key you pass in on the tie line) will be padded or truncated to fit the keysize(). Data (the key/values of the hash) is padded to fill complete blocks of blocksize(). The padding is stripped before being returned to the user so you shouldn't need to worry about it (except truncated keys). Read the doc that comes with crypt function to get an idea of what these sizes are. If keysize or blocksize returns a zero the default is set to 8 bytes (64 bits).
security/PGP-0.3a (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Perl5 module to work with PGP messages
This is an alpha release of a PGP module for Perl5.This module will allow for an easy interface to both Phil Zimmermann'sPGP (v2.6.2) program and the international version of PGP (v2.6.2i). PGP.pm will allow you to sign, encrypt (w/signature), decrypt and perform key management. The only requirement being that you alreadyhave PGP installed on your system to utilize this module.There are sure to be many changes in the structure of this module overthe next couple of months--at least until a standard interface is acheived. If you find this module useful and wish to see future developments of it, the contribute to Phil Zimmermann's legal defense fund. Ifyou don't know anything about the government's attempt to wrongfully prosecute Phil, then go to Yahoo and search for "Zimmermann." After reading for a little while, you will be wondering how the governmentis getting away with it's criminal act.
sysutils/scanmem-0.13 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Locate and modify various data in an executing process
Scanmem is a simple interactive debugging utility for Linux, used to locate various data in an executing process. This can be used for the analysis or modification of a hostile process on a compromised machine, help in reverse engineering, or to cheat at video games. Brief list of its features: - Interactive command mode, with internal help - Efficient and easy-to-use syntax - Support for different data types: integers, floats, bytearrays, strings - Support for different scan (comparison) types: equal, greater/less than, changed, unchanged, increased/decreased - Set any variable to any value - Detailed information about mappings, allow users to eliminate regions More in GameConqueror, optional PyGTK-based GUI: - User-friendly CheatEngline-alike interface - Modify and lock (freeze) variables - Memory viewer/editor It requires linprocfs(5) to be mounted under /compat/linux/proc to operate.
sysutils/gcombust-0.1.55 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
GTK+ frontend for mkisofs and cdrecord
gcombust is a GTK+ frontend for mkisofs and cdrecord. At this moment every release of gcombust isn't always very well tested; it would probably be wise to test it with the -dummy option at first to check that I haven't made any stupid errors. Also, it prints the command it's executing to stdout so you can look at it and maybe spot errors. I love to receive feedback/comments/ideas/bugreports at: jmunsin@iki.fi (jmunsin@abo.fi) NOTE: If you decide to do a NLS translation of gcombust, it might be a good idea to mail me about it to make sure no one else is doing one for the same language.
sysutils/recoverdm-0.20 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Recover files and discs with damaged sectors
This program will help you recover disks with bad sectors. You can recover files as well complete devices. In case if finds sectors which simply cannot be recoverd, it writes an empty sector to the outputfile and continues. If you're recovering a CD or a DVD and the program cannot read the sector in "normal mode", then the program will try to read the sector in "RAW mode" (without error-checking etc.). This toolkit also has a utility called 'mergebad': mergebad merges multiple images into one. This can be usefull when you have, for example, multiple CD's with the same data which are all damaged. In such case, you can then first use recoverdm to retrieve the data from the damaged CD's into image-files and then combine them into one image with mergebad.