Ports 搜索

共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第721730项(搜索用时0.006秒)
www/gatling-0.13 (Score: 0.023996968)
High performance webserver with scalability benchmark tools
gatling is a high-performance HTTP and FTP server. Some scalability benchmark tests are included, too.
net/httppath-20140515 (Score: 0.023950018)
Utilities for HTTP Path manipulation
Utilities for HTTP Path manipulation. Currently, this just contains the CleanPath function, renamed to Clean, from Julien Schmidt's httprouter.
net/micro_proxy-20021030 (Score: 0.023914065)
一个非常小的 HTTP/HTTPS 代理
Microproxy 是一个非常小的基于 Unix 的 HTTP/HTTPS 代理。它从 inetd 运行, 这意味它的性能差。但是对于低流量的网站,这完全足够了。 它实现了 HTTP/HTTPS 代理的所有的基本特性,包括 IPv6 转发,一共只有 320 行 代码。 - ehaupt ehaupt@critical.ch
net/XML-Compile-SOAP-AnyEvent-0.90 (Score: 0.023759268)
Exchange XML via AnyEvent::HTTP
This module handles the exchange of (XML) messages, according to the rules of SOAP (any version). The module does not known how to parse or compose XML, but only worries about the HTTP aspects. In contrairy to XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP, this implementation can be used in various event-driven environments, via AnyEvent::HTTP.
www/libhpack-0.0.20140329 (Score: 0.023683444)
Implementation of HPACK (Header compression for HTTP/2.0)
libhpack implements HPACK (Header Compression for HTTP/2.0), a format adapted to efficiently represent HTTP header fields in the context of the upcoming HTTP/2.0 protocol.
net/udpxy-1.0.23 (Score: 0.02355207)
UDP-to-HTTP multicast traffic relay daemon
udpxy is a UDP-to-HTTP multicast traffic relay daemon: it forwards UDP traffic from a given multicast subscription to the requesting HTTP client.
net/pptpclient-1.8.0 (Score: 0.023502683)
PPTP client for establishing a VPN link with an NT server
This is a port of the "pptp-linux" PPTP client. It can establish a PPP connection with an NT server, tunneled through a PPTP link over the Internet. In effect, it makes the client machine behave as if it were on the same LAN as the server. John Polstra has created the port, including bug fixes that were subsequently integrated in the upstream release, and a patch to use FreeBSD's userland "ppp" package rather than "pppd" which it was originally designed to use. There is no manpage for this package, but you will find some quickstart instructions and example configuration files in "${PREFIX}/share/examples/pptpclient".
www/modify_headers- (Score: 0.023401663)
Firefox extension to manipulate HTTP headers
Allows the filtering and modification of HTTP headers.
Perl extension to port Apache2 AddDefaultCharset for Plack
Plack::Middleware::AddDefaultCharset is a port of the AddDefaultCharset configuration directive of the Apache HTTP server.
www/waitress-1.0.0 (Score: 0.023296759)
Python WSGI server
Waitress, is pure Python WSGI server.