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Results 731740 of 5,886 for /net-im/.(0.014 seconds)
net/hostapd-2.5 (Score: 0.031352643)
IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator
hostapd is a user space daemon for access point and authentication servers. It implements IEEE 802.11 access point management, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticators, RADIUS client, EAP server, and RADIUS authentication server. The current version supports Linux (Host AP, madwifi, mac80211-based drivers) and FreeBSD (net80211). To use the ports version instead of the base, add: hostapd_program="/usr/local/sbin/hostapd" to /etc/rc.conf
net/aslookup-0.12 (Score: 0.03133737)
Tool that searches the sequence of AS numbers
ASLOOKUP is the tool which searches the sequence of AS number specified with the parameter from IRR and indicates the first line of Description of AS Object. Advantages: You can search many AS Numbers at one time. You can use result of "show ip bgp" command with CISCO router. You can search to ARIN, JPNIC and APNIC whois dabase. You can srarch AS Number from IP Addresses.
net/libtrace-3.0.19 (Score: 0.03133737)
C library for network packet capture and processing
libtrace is a library for capturing and processing network traffic, similar to libpcap. Libtrace supports multiple trace formats for both input and output including live device capture, DAG hardware capture and off-line trace files (both compressed and uncompressed). More information about libtrace can be found on the libtrace webpage. Original port created by Matt Peterson <matt at peterson.org> Updated for FreeBSD 9.0 by Shane Alcock <salcock at waikato.ac.nz>
net/l4ip-1.0.294 (Score: 0.03133737)
L4 health check daemon for IPFILTER
The idea is that IPFilter in its current state can already do a simple L4 round-robin in its NAT rules. However, it does not detect or sense when a service and/or host is down. It will continue to send requests to a downed service/host. However, IPFilter lets us add and remove rules on-the-fly so it should be possible to build a daemon that lets you specify "clusters". In each cluster you would specify its members/hosts and services. As well as a health-check for the service to determine its current state. Once a service was deemed "up" we would add a Round-Robin rule to the NAT table, and naturally, the reverse once we detect a service as being "down". In addition to this, this program can optionally add ipf rules to log for RST (reset) packets coming from the members of your clusters. In the situations where the software/port goes down, but the host itself is still working, we would detect failure instantly. (Since the forwarded connections to the service would trigger a RST packet back). If this option is enabled, l4ip spawns the "ipmon" command to monitor for the "log" entries given when such a packet is detected. l4ip will then mark the service down. This is an add-on feature and is strictly not necessary for functional usage. It is currently only supported for TCP.
net/pysmb-1.1.18 (Score: 0.03133737)
SMB/CIFS library written in Python
pysmb is an experimental SMB/CIFS library written in Python. It implements the client-side SMB/CIFS protocol which allows your Python application to access and transfer files to/from SMB/CIFS shared folders like your Windows file sharing and Samba folders. It was tested with Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Samba 3.x. Modules smb - Contains all the SMB operations and constants nmb - Contains some of the NetBIOS over TCP/IP operations which is necessary for the smb module to operate.
net/wmnetmon-0.2p5 (Score: 0.03133737)
Host availability monitor intended for the WindowMaker dock
This application uses an ICMP ping/reply scheme to periodically poll a number of interfaces. The results are displayed as a matrix of leds, that are green if the interface is alive, yellow if it did not respond once, and flashing red if it keeps not responding. You can easily check which system corresponds to each led by pointing the mouse over the leds. It is intended to be run from the WindowMaker dock, and it can monitor up to 63 interfaces.
devel/google-gdata- (Score: 0.031131838)
DOT NET library for the Google Data API
The GData .NET Client Library includes source code to make it easy to access data through Google Data APIs (e.g. Contacts, Calendar).
security/Net-OpenID-Server-1.09 (Score: 0.031101853)
Reference implementation of OpenID server
OpenID is a decentralized identity system, but one that's actually decentralized and doesn't entirely crumble if one company turns evil or goes out of business. An OpenID identity is just a URL. You can have multiple identities in the same way you can have multiple URLs. All OpenID does is provide a way to prove that you own a URL (identity). Anybody can run their own site using OpenID, and anybody can be an OpenID server, and they all work with each other without having to register with or pay anybody to "get started". An owner of a URL can pick which OpenID server to use.
security/softether-4.18.9570 (Score: 0.030926667)
Softether VPN solution
SoftEther VPN ("SoftEther" means "Software Ethernet") is a powerful, multi-OS and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software. It supports SSL-VPN (HTTPS), as well as OpenVPN, IPsec, L2TP, MS-SSTP, L2TPv3 and EtherIP tunneling protocols and has a clone function to support OpenVPN clients.
net/VM-EC2-1.28 (Score: 0.030724715)
Perl interface to Amazon EC2 services
This is an interface to Amazon AWS API. It was written provide access to the new tag and metadata interface that is not currently supported by Net::Amazon::EC2, as well as to provide developers with an extension mechanism for the API. This library will also support the Open Stack open source cloud. The main interface is the VM::EC2 object, which provides methods for interrogating the Amazon EC2, launching instances, and managing instance lifecycle. These methods return major object classes which act as specialized interfaces to AWS.