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Results 721730 of 5,886 for /net-im/.(0.005 seconds)
net/mono-zeroconf-0.9.0 (Score: 0.031980567)
Cross platform Zero Configuration Networking library for Mono
Mono.Zeroconf is a cross platform Zero Configuration Networking library for Mono and .NET. It provides a unified API for performing the most common zeroconf operations on a variety of platforms and subsystems: all the operating systems supported by Mono and both the Avahi and Bonjour/mDNSResponder transports.
net/trafshow-3.1 (Score: 0.031980567)
Full screen visualization of network traffic (an ancient version)
TrafShow continuously displays the information regarding packet traffic on the configured network interface that matches the boolean expression. It periodically sorts and updates this information. It may be useful for locating suspicious network traffic on the net. This version is old but it's known as showed the most true results.
sysutils/clean-3.4 (Score: 0.0317683)
Automatically remove unwanted files
The clean utility searches through the filesystem for "temporary files" left behind by editors and the like which can be deleted safely. WARNING: This program was written with the express purpose of deleting (unwanted) files. Please be certain that you understand this program and that you really want to use such an automatic deletion process before you begin. [ On the other hand, I've been using it for over ten years without doing anything worse than not having a core.1 manpage. The normal mode is interactive and prompts for confirmation. You are advised to have backups before using the non-interactive batch mode. ] -Chuck Swiger <chuck@pkix.net>
dns/Net-DNS-Zone-Parser-0.02 (Score: 0.031613357)
Perl5 preprocessor for normalising a zone file
The Net::DNS::Zone::Parser should be considered a preprocessor that "normalizes" a zonefile. It will read a zonefile in a format conforming to the relevant RFCs with the addition of BIND's GENERATE directive from disk and will write fully specified resource records (RRs) to a filehandle. Whereby: - All comments are stripped - There is one RR per line - Each RR is fully expanded i.e. all domain names are fully qualified (canonicalised) and the CLASS and TTLs are specified. - Some RRs may be 'stripped' from the source or otherwise processed. For details see the 'read' method. Note that this module does not have a notion of what constitutes a valid zone, it only parses. For example, the parser will happilly parse RRs with ownernames that are below in another zone because a NS RR elsewhere in the zone.
net-mgmt/Net-IP-Match-Regexp-1.01 (Score: 0.031613357)
Efficiently match IP addresses against IP ranges via regexp
Net::IP::Match::Regexp allows you to check an IP address against one or more IP ranges. It employs Perl's highly optimized regular expression engine to do the hard work, so it is very fast. It is optimized for speed by doing the match against a regexp which implicitly checks the broadest IP ranges first. An advantage is that the regexp can be computed and stored in advance (in source code, in a database table, etc) and reused, saving much time if the IP ranges don't change too often. The match can optionally report a value (e.g. a network name) instead of just a boolean, which makes module useful for mapping IP ranges to names or codes or anything else.
www/Net-Amazon-AWIS-0.36 (Score: 0.031613357)
Use the Amazon Alexa Web Information Service
The Net::Amazon::AWIS module allows you to use the Amazon Alexa Web Information Service. The Alexa Web Information Service (AWIS) provides developers with programmatic access to the information Alexa Internet (www.alexa.com) collects from its Web Crawl, which currently encompasses more than 100 terabytes of data from over 4 billion Web pages. Developers and Web site owners can use AWIS as a platform for finding answers to difficult and interesting problems on the Web, and incorporating them into their Web applications. In order to access the Alexa Web Information Service, you will need an Amazon Web Services Subscription ID. See http://www.amazon.com/gp/aws/landing.html Registered developers have free access to the Alexa Web Information Service during its beta period, but it is limited to 10,000 requests per subscription ID per day. There are some limitations, so be sure to read The Amazon Alexa Web Information Service FAQ.
security/net-ssh-multi-1.2.1 (Score: 0.03152698)
SSH connection multiplexing library for Ruby
SSH connection multiplexing: execute commands simultaneously on multiple hosts via SSH.
net/datapipe-1.0 (Score: 0.03139727)
Bind a local port and connect it to a remote socket
datapipe.c is a simple program that allows a listening TCP/IP port to be constructed on the machine it is running on. Any connections to that port will then be forwarded to the specified remote host and remote port. This program can be useful for allowing your Distributed.net clients communicate to the outside world by running it on a gateway machine that has access to both the inside firewall and the outside realworld. Additionally, if you live behind a SOCKS firewall, you can compile this code with SOCKS support for your system and use it to act as a "SOCKS translator" for your Distributed.net clients. In this case, datapipe doesn't even need to be run on a gateway machine.
net/arping-2.15 (Score: 0.031352643)
ARP level "ping" utility
Arping is a util to find out if a specific IP address on the LAN is 'taken' and what MAC address owns it. Sure, you *could* just use 'ping' to find out if it's taken and even if the computer blocks ping (and everything else) you still get an entry in your arp cache. But what if you aren't on a routable net? Then you're screwed. Or you use arping. Roman Shterenzon <roman@xpert.com>
net/oauth2-1.5.211 (Score: 0.031352643)
Python library for OAuth version 1.0
This code was originally forked from Leah Culver and Andy Smith's oauth.py code (see net/py-oauth). A number of notable differences exist between this code and its forefathers: * 100% unit test coverage. * The DataStore object has been completely ripped out. * Classes are no longer prefixed with OAuth. * The Request class now extends from dict. * The library is likely no longer compatible with Python 2.3. * The Client class works and extends from httplib2.