Ports Search

Results 681690 of 5,886 for /net-im/.(0.016 seconds)
net/imapproxy-1.0 (Score: 0.032213412)
ImapProxy is a caching IMAP proxy daemon to be used with Horde/IMP
The program forwards all IMAP traffic between the client and the server, but keeps the connection to the server alive after the client logs out. When the same user attempts to log in again, the proxy will use the cached username/password pair to authenticate the client, and tie the new client to the old server connection (which was kept alive). Lasse L. Johnsen lasse@freebsdcluster.org
net/beepcore-0.9.08 (Score: 0.032213412)
Implementation of BEEP core and BEEP mapping for TCP in Java
This release includes a Java implementation of beep core RFC 3080 and beep mapping for TCP RFC 3081.
net/XML_RPC2-1.1.3 (Score: 0.032213412)
XML-RPC client/server library
XML_RPC2 is a pear package providing XML_RPC client and server services.XML-RPC is a simple remote procedure call protocol built using HTTP as transport and XML as encoding. As a client library, XML_RPC2 is capable of creating a proxy class which exposes the methods exported by the server. As a server library, XML_RPC2 is capable of exposing methods from a class or object instance, seamlessly exporting local methods as remotely callable procedures.
net/amqp-1.4.0 (Score: 0.032213412)
PHP extension for AMQP API
This extension uses rabbitmq-c library to provide API for communicating with AMQP compliant servers, and writing producers and consumers.
net/ldap-stats-5.2 (Score: 0.032213412)
Program to generate OpenLDAP statistics reports
This program produces numerous reports from OpenLDAP 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 slapd logfiles to allow OpenLDAP administrator to analyze server's performance.
net/libbgpdump- (Score: 0.032213412)
Analyzing dump files produced by Zebra/Quagga or MRT
This is libbgpdump - a C library designed to help with analyzing dump files produced by Zebra/Quagga or MRT. File formats: - MRT RIB dump - Zebra/Quagga format - These may be gzipped and/or passed in through stdin Entry formats: - MRT routing table dump entries - Zebra/Quagga BGP records: - BGP messages (OPEN, UPDATE, NOTIFY, KEEPALIVE) - BGP state changes See also: https://bitbucket.org/ripencc/bgpdump/
net/mpd-5.8 (Score: 0.032213412)
Multi-link PPP daemon based on netgraph(4)
Mpd is a netgraph(4) based implementation of the multi-link PPP protocol for FreeBSD. It is designed to be both fast and flexible. It handles configuration and negotiation in user land, while routing all data packets strictly in the kernel. It supports several of the numerous PPP sub-protocols and extensions, such as: Multi-link PPP capability PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP and EAP authentication PPP compression and encryption IPCP and IPV6CP parameter negotiation Mpd have support for many link types: Serial port modem Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol (PPTP) Layer Two Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP) PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) PPP over TCP PPP over UDP PPP over specified netgraph(4) node Mpd also includes many additional features: IPv4 and IPv6 support RADIUS authentication and accounting NetFlow traffic accounting Network address translation (NAT) Dial-on-demand with idle timeout Multiple active connections running simultaneously Dynamic demand based link management (also known as ``rubber bandwidth'') Powerful chat scripting language for asynchronous serial ports Pre-tested chat scripts for several common modems and ISDN TAs Clean device-type independent design Comprehensive logging Telnet and HTTP control interfaces.
net/cvsclient-0.2 (Score: 0.032213412)
PHP extension for CVS pserver client
This extension is CVS pserver client extension. Current version has read-only, diff, and log support. Later versions to include add/commit/remove.
net/oauth-1.2.3 (Score: 0.032213412)
Php Interface to the OAuth Protocol
pecl-oauth is a php interface to the oauth protocol. Oauth is an authorization protocol built on top of HTTP which allows applications to securely access data without having to store usernames and passwords.
net/mosquitto-0.3.0 (Score: 0.032213412)
Extension for libmosquitto
Mosquitto provides support for the MQTT protocol, including publishing, subscribing, and an event loop.