Ports Search

Results 671680 of 5,886 for /net-im/.(0.003 seconds)
net/yaz-1.1.6 (Score: 0.032213412)
PECL extension that implements a Z39.50 client
PHP/YAZ is an extension to the popular web server language PHP that implements Z39.50 origin (client) functionality as well as the SRW/SRU protocols.
net/yp-1.0.1 (Score: 0.032213412)
YP/NIS functions binding for PHP
NIS (formerly called Yellow Pages) allows network management of important administrative files (e.g. the password file).
net/etrace-1.1 (Score: 0.032213412)
Configurable static port network tracing tool
etrace is a configurable static port network tracing tool, similar to traceroute, but supporting ICMP, TCP, UDP and other IP protocols. etrace has a wealth of options ranging in function from controlling output to the detailed construction of trace packets.
net/freenet6-6.0.1 (Score: 0.032213412)
Hexago Freenet6 Tunnel Setup Protocol Client - Free IPv6 tunnel
Freenet6 is an IPv6 access service offered for free to the community. This service enables thousands of people from all over the world to experience the best solution for a smooth and incremental deployment of IPv6. Freenet6 users can get IPv6 connectivity from anywhere, including from behind any NAT device or from outside of their home network. On Freenet6, a single, permanent IPv6 address and a DNS name are assigned to each user, making their PC reachable from anywhere on the IPv6 internet. A full /48 prefix may also be assigned to a router, enabling the distribution of IPv6 connectivity to an entire network. Freenet 6 - Get Connected For Free! Instead of a Web interface, which is usually offered by traditional tunnel brokers, Freenet6 uses an innovative model based on a client/server architecture. The Gateway6 Client is software that usually runs on a PC and that implements the Tunnel Setup Protocol (TSP). The Gateway6 Client is used to automatically negotiate a configured tunnel between a PC or router and the Freenet6 tunnel broker, making IPv6 easy to install and maintain. The Gateway6 Client source code is licensed under the GPL. A commercial license is also available.
net/fsplib-0.12 (Score: 0.032213412)
Library implementing FSP protocol
FSPLIB is a set of routines that implement the FSP protocol. They allow applications to work with files on FSP server with the same style used to work with local files via libc. Note: GFTP prefers this package over its built in FSP stack.
net/gkrellmwireless-2.0.2 (Score: 0.032213412)
GKrellM wireless plugin
A plugin for gkrellm2 that monitors the signal quality of a wireless card (wi0 only).
net/chan_sccp-4.2.3 (Score: 0.032213412)
Replacement for the SCCP channel driver in Asterisk
Replacement for the SCCP channel driver in Asterisk. Extended features include: - Shared Lines - Presence / BLF - Customizable Feature Buttons - Custom Device State - Conference with Phone-UI
net/sendfile-0.7.9 (Score: 0.032213412)
Portable sendfile library
A library which exposes zero-copy sendfile functionality in a portable way. If a platform does not support sendfile, a fallback implementation in haskell is provided. Currently supported platforms: Windows 2000+ (Native), Linux 2.6+ (Native), FreeBSD (Native), OS-X 10.5+ (Native), Everything else (Portable Haskell code).
net/afpfs-ng-0.8.1 (Score: 0.032213412)
Apple Filing Protocol client library
afpfs-ng is an Apple Filing Protocol client that will allow BSD, Linux and Mac OS X systems to access files exported from a Mac OS system with AFP over TCP.
net/ipsorc-1.7.5 (Score: 0.032213412)
GTK GUI tool to create and send IP packets
IP Sorcery is a network troubleshooting and firewall testing tool. The prorgram works by generating custom "packets" and sending them to a target host. Thus testing the authenticity of firewall rules and host verification. It also has a graphical user interface.