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lang/regina-3.9.1 (Score: 0.006132291)
Rexx interpreter
Regina is a Rexx interpreter that has been ported to most Unix platforms (Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc.) and also to OS/2, eCS, DOS, Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP, Amiga, AROS, QNX, BeOS, MacOS X, EPOC32, AtheOS, OpenVMS and OpenEdition. Rexx is a programming language that was designed to be easy to use for inexperienced programmers yet powerful enough for experienced users. It is also a language ideally suited as a macro language for other applications. There are two major goals for Regina: * become 100% compliant with the ANSI Standard. * be available on as many platforms as possible.
lang/gauche-0.9.4 (Score: 0.006132291)
Scheme script interpreter with multibyte character handling
Gauche is a Scheme interpreter conforming Revised^5 Report on Algorithmic Language Scheme. It is designed for rapid development of daily tools like system management and text processing. It can handle multibyte character strings natively.
lang/itcl-3.4.1 (Score: 0.006132291)
Object-oriented extension to Tcl [incr Tcl]
This package contains [incr Tcl] version 3.0.1. [incr Tcl] is an object oriented extension to Tcl. The [incr Tcl] language is also known as ``itcl''. A companion to [incr Tcl] called [incr Tk] builds a ``mega-widget'' framework into Tk. The [incr Tk] extension is also known as ``itk'' and is available in x11-toolkits.
lang/nbc-1.2.1.r4 (Score: 0.006132291)
Programming language for the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT
NBC (Next Byte Codes) is a programming language for the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT product. NBC's syntax is based on assembler programming languages, so experienced assembler programmers (or just about any programmers) should find it very easy to get started with. Even if you aren't an experienced programmer, NBC is relatively easy to learn.
lang/nqc-3.1.r6 (Score: 0.006132291)
Compiler for writing programs for the Lego RCX
A compiler for a simple language for programming the LEGO RCX or CyberMaster controllers. The language itself is "Not Quite C" and includes preprocessor and control structures very similar to the C language, but with restrictions imposed by the limitations of the RCX hardware/firmware itself. Besides compiling, nqc also provides functions for downloading the RCX firmware as well as uploading programs to and downloading from the RCX. The NQC home page includes documentation for the language itself including examples.
lang/python-mode.el-1.0 (Score: 0.006132291)
Emacs lisp module for the Python language
Emacs lisp modules for the Python language.
lang/prolog-0.1 (Score: 0.006132291)
Python extension embedding SWI-Prolog
A Python extension embedding SWI-Prolog PyProlog is a Python extension that permits direct access to an embedded PROLOG. The extension lends Python the efficient unification and backtracking of PROLOG, and allows a programmer to instrument Python classes with PROLOG code. Callbacks from PROLOG to Python are also supported.
lang/sketchy-20070218 (Score: 0.006132291)
Interpreter for purely applicative Scheme
SketchyLISP is an embeddable interpreter for a purely applicative dialect of Scheme. It may be considered an implementation of pure LISP plus global definitions and some input/output functions. This package contains the SketchyLISP interpreter and library, the manual, and example programs.
mail/bincimap-1.2.13 (Score: 0.006132291)
Light-weight IMAP server for Maildir
Binc IMAP is a GPL licensed IMAP4rev1 server for Maildir, written in C++. It strives to be stable, fast, flexible, and RFC compliant. For those familiar with qmail-pop3d, this IMAP server will be the natural choice. It is invoked similarly and uses checkpassword to authenticate.
mail/archmbox-4.10.0 (Score: 0.006132291)
Email archiver that parses mailboxes and performs actions
Archmbox is a simple email archiver written in Perl; it parses one or more mailboxes, selects some or all messages and then performs specific actions on the selected messages. Archmbox supports mbox and mbx mailbox formats. Four different modes are available: - List mode, which is useful to list all selected messages before archmbox performs the real operations (archiving or deleting) - Kill mode, if messages should be deleted from the mailbox(es) rather than archived - Archive mode, to archive the selected messages in a different mailbox - Copy mode, to copy the selected messages from the source mailbox Messages selection is based upon a date criteria; an absolute date or days offset can be specified. It is also possible to refine the selection using regular expressions on the header fields of the message. All archived messages are stored in a new mailbox with the same name of the original one plus .archived as extension (this is the default, but can be changed); the archive mailbox can be saved in gz or bz2 compressed format as well.