Ports Search

Results 6,2816,290 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.011 seconds)
net/fping-3.13 (Score: 2.489298E-4)
Quickly ping multiple hosts without flooding the network
A tool to quickly ping N number of hosts to determine their reachability without flooding the network. fping is different from ping in that you can specify any number of hosts on the command line, or specify a file containing the lists of hosts to ping. Instead of trying one host until it timeouts or replies, fping will send out a ping packet and move on to the next host in a round-robin fashion. If a host replies, it is noted and removed from the list of hosts to check. If a host does not respond within a certain time limit and/or retry limit it will be considered unreachable. Unlike ping, fping is meant to be used in scripts and its output is easy to parse.
science/hdf-4.2.11 (Score: 2.489298E-4)
Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA)
HDF4 (originally known as HDF) is file format for storing scientific data and a software library that provides high-level APIs and a low-level data access interface. HDF technologies at present include two data management formats (HDF4 and HDF5) and libraries, a modular data browser/editor, associated tools and utilities, and a conversion library. Both HDF4 and HDF5 were designed to be a general scientific format, adaptable to virtually any scientific or engineering application, and also have been used successfully in non- technical areas. The Open Source format is a key technological foundation for HDF core technologies. It allows users to collaborate with The HDF Group regarding functionality requirements and permits users' experience and knowledge to be incorporated into the HDF product when appropriate. It also permits users and organizations without adequate technology resources to use a sophisticated and robust data management tool for no charge.
textproc/pystemmer-1.3.0 (Score: 2.489298E-4)
Snowball Stemming Algorithms for Information Retrieval
PyStemmer provides access to efficient algorithms for calculating a "stemmed" form of a word. This is a form with most of the common morphological endings removed; hopefully representing a common linguistic base form. This is most useful in building search engines and information retrieval software; for example, a search with stemming enabled should be able to find a document containing "cycling" given the query "cycles". PyStemmer provides algorithms for several (mainly european) languages, by wrapping the libstemmer library from the Snowball project in a Python module. It also provides access to the classic Porter stemming algorithm for english: although this has been superceded by an improved algorithm, the original algorithm may be of interest to information retrieval researchers wishing to reproduce results of earlier experiments.
www/TurboGears2-2.1.5 (Score: 2.489298E-4)
Python-Based Framework for Rapid Web Development
TurboGears 2 is a reinvention of the TurboGears project to take advantage of new components, and to provide a fully customizable WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) stack. From the beginning TurboGears was designed to be a Full Stack framework built from best-of-breed components. New components have been released which improved on the ones in the original TGstack, and the Python web world has been increasingly designed around WSGI. This has enabled a whole new world of reuse, and TG2 is designed to take advantage of this fact in order to make a framework which provides easy to use, productive defaults, while still providing flexibility where it is useful. TG2 represents a change from some of the components in TurboGears 1, but we have now invested in a set of components that we think will continue to be at the center of python web development for years to come.
x11-fm/xplore-1.2a (Score: 2.489298E-4)
Yet another Motif file manager
Xplore is a powerful and highly configurable Motif file manager with an Explorer-like user interface. Besides the usual tree and file views, xplore also has a "shelf", a kind of clipboard inspired by the NeXT file manager, and a "log" pane for capturing output from launched programs. The builtin automounter allows you to access special devices in a transparent manner. Files can be moved and copied using simple mouse operations, and you can execute type-specific shell commands when a file is opened, used as the target of a drag and drop operation, or manipulated using popup menus. File types can be defined in terms of arbitrary filename and MIME type patterns. Full keyboard navigation is also supported, including an incremental filename search facility. Last not least, xplore speaks all standard X11 session management protocols and thus integrates nicely with most popular desktop environments.
audio/ncmpcpp-0.7.5 (Score: 2.4777435E-4)
ncurses mpd client, clone of ncmpc with some new features
Ncmpcpp is almost exact clone of ncmpc but it contains some new features ncmpc doesn't have. It's been also rewritten from scratch in C++.
databases/fastdb-3.75 (Score: 2.4777435E-4)
Main Memory Relational Database Management System
Main Memory Relational Database Management System - Fastest query execution - Post-relational features - Tight integration with C++ - Automatic scheme evaluation - Efficient log-less transactions - Zero time recovery
databases/libdrizzle-5.1.4 (Score: 2.4777435E-4)
Client and protocol library for the Drizzle database
Drizzle Client & Protocol Library. This project is for the new development of the MySQL compatible C connector library called libdrizzle-redux.
databases/mysql-connector-python-1.2.3 (Score: 2.4777435E-4)
MySQL driver written in Python
MySQL driver written in Python which does not depend on MySQL C client libraries and implements the DB API v2.0 specification (PEP-249).
databases/mysql-connector-python-2.2.0 (Score: 2.4777435E-4)
MySQL driver written in Python
MySQL driver written in Python which does not depend on MySQL C client libraries and implements the DB API v2.0 specification (PEP-249).