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comms/linpsk-1.2 (Score: 2.7160387E-4)
Simple Qt PSK31, RTTY, and MSK31 client
LinPsk is a program for operating on digital modes running on Linux. LinPsk supports BPSK , QPSK and RTTY at the moment. Main features are: the simultaneuos decoding of up to four channels. The different digital modes may be mixed You can define a trigger on each channel to be notified if a text of your choice is detected. You can log each received channel at a file. For easy qso'ing you can define macros and for larger texts to be send you can use two files. You can view the signal as spectrum or in a waterfall display. Both are scalable in the frequency domain. At the Moment RTTY only supports 45 baud and 1.5 stopbits.
net-mgmt/hawk-0.6 (Score: 2.7160387E-4)
Track uptime and DNS status for machines on your networks
Hawk is a web based utility for monitoring and comparing hosts on your network with what is in DNS. Hosts that are answering pings but are not in DNS may be unauthorized, and addresses in DNS which are not answering may be able to be reclaimed. Hawk monitors all hosts on the networks you specify and lets you view them via a web page. Hawk consists of a backend written in Perl that monitors hosts by ICMP pings and writes the status to a mysql database. The frontend is in PHP and lets you select which network to view, and how to view it. This version has several enhancements to the original; including cleaner Perl code, a user-definable string to designate unused addresses that are in DNS, testing that the forward and reverse hostnames match, and the daemon forks one process pre subnet.
textproc/XML-XPathEngine-0.14 (Score: 2.7160387E-4)
Re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
This module provides an XPath engine, that can be re-used by other module/classes that implement trees. In order to use the XPath engine, nodes in the user module need to mimick DOM nodes. The degree of similitude between the user tree and a DOM dictates how much of the XPath features can be used. A module implementing all of the DOM should be able to use this module very easily (you might need to add the cmp method on nodes in order to get ordered result sets). This code is a more or less direct copy of the XML::XPath module by Matt Sergeant. I only removed the XML processing part to remove the dependency on XML::Parser, applied a couple of patches, renamed a whole lot of methods to make Pod::Coverage happy, and changed the docs.
www/gaeutilities-1.4 (Score: 2.7160387E-4)
Utility classes to make working with Google App Engine easier
gaeutilities is a collection of classes to aid in development on Google Appengine. The stable version includes the following classes: Session: An http session class to preserve identity across http requests. It uses both BigTable and Memcache for performance and reliability. It also includes middleware to plug in with django. Cache: A BigTable and Memcache caching class. Any object that can be pickled can be stored in cache. Event: A subscribe/fire event system that gives developers the ability to set callback functions. Flash: A cookie based messaging library. Using json, data structures can be stored as a cookie in the browser and retrieved on the next request. Useful for messages such as "Thank you for logging in."
www/nevow-0.14.0 (Score: 2.7160387E-4)
Web application templating system, based on the Twisted Woven
Nevow (pronounced as the French "nouveau", or "noo-voh") is a web application construction kit written in Python. It is designed to allow the programmer to express as much of the view logic as desired in Python, and includes a pure Python XML expression syntax named stan to facilitate this. However it also provides rich support for designer-edited templates, using a very small XML attribute language to provide bi-directional template manipulation capability. Nevow also includes formless, a declarative syntax for specifying the types of method parameters and exposing these methods to the web. Forms can be rendered automatically, and form posts will be validated and input coerced, rendering error pages if appropriate. Once a form post has validated successfully, the method will be called with the coerced values.
x11-toolkits/Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List-0.50 (Score: 2.7160387E-4)
Simple interface to complex MVC list widget
Gtk2 has a powerful, but complex MVC (Model, View, Controller) system used to implement list and tree widgets. Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List automates the complex setup work and allows you to treat the list model as a more natural list of lists structure. After creating a new Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List object with the desired columns you may set the list data with a simple Perl array assignment. Rows may be added or deleted with all of the normal array operations. You can treat the data member of the Simple::List object as an array reference, and manipulate the list data with perl's normal array operators. A mechanism has also been put into place allowing columns to be Perl scalars. The scalar is converted to text through Perl's normal mechanisms and then displayed in the list. This same mechanism can be expanded by defining arbitrary new column types before calling the new function.
print/Hyperlatex-2.9.a (Score: 2.711553E-4)
Produce HTML and printed documents from LaTeX source
Hyperlatex is a package that allows you to prepare documents in HTML, and, at the same time, to produce a neatly printed document from your input. Unlike some other systems that you may have seen, Hyperlatex is not a general LaTeX-to-HTML converter. In Hyperlatex's author's eyes, conversion is not a solution to HTML authoring. A well written HTML document must differ from a printed copy in a number of rather subtle ways. He doubts that these differences can be recognized mechanically, and believes that converted LaTeX can never be as readable as a document written in HTML. The basic idea of Hyperlatex is to make it possible to write a document that will look like a flawless LaTeX document when printed and like a handwritten HTML document when viewed with an HTML browser.
devel/libfirm-1.21.0 (Score: 2.7108524E-4)
Graph-based SSA intermediate representation library for compilers
The Firm library implements the Firm intermediate representation (IR). libFirm contains algorithms for construction of the SSA form directly from the attributed syntax tree. A set of analyses and optimisation phases is provided. This version includes a complete backend for the IA32 architecture, as well as some unfinished backends for SPARC, ARM * support for object oriented type hierarchies * analyses: dominance, loop tree, execution frequency, control dependencies, call graph, rapid type, def-use, alias analysis, class hierarchy analysis * Optimisations: constant folding, local common subexpression elimination, global common subexpression elimination, code placement, operator strength reduction, scalar replacement, load/store, control flow optimisations, if-conversion, partial condition evaluation, reassociation, tail recursion elimination, inlining, procedure cloning, dead code elimination, ... * enhanced debugging support: extensive checkers, breakpoints on node creation, entity creation, graph dumping * lowering of intrinsics, double word arithmetics, bitfields * backend with SSA based register allocation including several algorithms for spilling and copy coalescing. Instruction and block scheduling, support for ABI handling. * working ia32 backend with support for x87 and SSE2 floating point * handwritten recursive descent C90/C99 frontend available (lang/cparser)
lang/groovy-2.4.7 (Score: 2.689224E-4)
Agile dynamic language for the JVM
Groovy is an agile dynamic language for the Java 2 Platform that has many of the features that people like so much in languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk, making them available to Java developers using a Java-like syntax. Groovy is designed to help you get things done on the Java 2 Platform in a quick, concise and fun way. Groovy brings the power of a scripting language directly into the Java 2 Platform. For example: - Shell scripting using Groovy allows the full power of the Java Platform to be brought to bear to the task at hand. - Groovy can be used (and indeed is already being used) as a replacement for Java for small and medium sized applications to execute on the Java 2 Platform. - Groovy can be used as an embedded language for dynamic business rules or extension points utilizing the agility of Groovy and saving the cost of redeploying applications for each change of rule (especially when the rules are stored in a database). - Groovy makes writing test cases for unit tests very easy. As well as being a powerful language for scripting Java objects, Groovy can be used as an alternative compiler to javac to generate standard Java bytecode to be used by any Java project.
sysutils/cryptofs-0.6.0 (Score: 2.689224E-4)
Encrypted filesystem for FUSE
CryptoFS is a encrypted filesystem for Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) and the Linux Userland FileSystem (LUFS). Visit http://fuse.sourceforge.net/ for more information on FUSE, or http://lufs.sourceforge.net/lufs/ for more information on LUFS. CryptoFS will use a normal directory to store files encrypted. The mountpoint will contain the decrypted files. Every file stored in this mountpoint will be written encrypted (data and filename) to the directory that was mounted. If you unmount the directory the encrypted data can only be access by mounting the directory with the correct key again. Like other FUSE/LUFS filesystems it does not need root access or any complicated setup like creating a filesystem on a encrypted disk using the loop device. CryptoFS can be build for FUSE, and LUFS. When you build for FUSE you get a program to mount the filesystem. For LUFS a shared library will be built that can be used by LUFS's lufsd. Both methods can use the same encrypted directory.