Ports 搜索

science/pycdf-0.6.3 (Score: 0.006132291)
Python Interface to the Unidata NetCDF Library
Pycdf is a python interface to the Unidata netCDF library. It provides an almost complete coverage of the netCDF C API, wrapping it inside easy to use python classes.
science/xfce4-equake-plugin-1.3.8 (Score: 0.006132291)
Earthquake monitor plugin for the Xfce panel
Equake is a panel plugin which monitors and displays earthquakes each time a new one occurs.
security/cracklib-2.9.6 (Score: 0.006132291)
Password-checking library
CrackLib is a library containing a C function (well, lots of functions really, but you only need to use one of them) which may be used in a "passwd"-like program.
security/fakebo- (Score: 0.006132291)
Fake BackOrifice client emulator
FakeBO emulates a BackOrifice client (a trojan which can be used to covertly monitor and alter Windows machines remotely), and can log attempted commands and packets, as well as providing configurable responses. Useful for catching script kiddies trying to find a hackable Windows box, for providing evidence to their sysadmin, etc.
security/fakeroot-1.20.2 (Score: 0.006132291)
Simulate the root user behaviour
Fakeroot runs a command in an environment were it appears to have root privileges for file manipulation, by setting LD_PRELOAD to a library with alternative versions of getuid(), stat(), etc. This is useful for allowing users to create archives (tar, ar, .deb .rpm etc.) with files in them with root permissions/ownership.
security/chroot_safe-1.4 (Score: 0.006132291)
Tool to chroot softwares easily
chroot_safe, a tool to chroot any application in a sane manner without requring binaries, shared libraries etc within the chroot or any support from the application. Works with any dynamically linked application.
security/firewalk-5.0 (Score: 0.006132291)
Remote firewall auditing tool
Firewalk is a network auditing tool that attempts to determine what transport protocols a given gateway will pass. Firewalk works by sending out TCP or UDP packets with a TTL one greater than the targeted gateway. If the gateway allows the traffic, it will forward the packets to the next hop where they will expire and elicit an ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED message. If the gateway host does not allow the traffic, it will likely drop the packets on the floor and we will see no response.
security/md5-1.8.5 (Score: 0.006132291)
Native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp
A native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp.
security/ftimes-3.11.0 (Score: 0.006132291)
System baselining and evidence collection tool
FTimes is a system baselining and evidence collection tool. Its primary purpose is to gather and/or develop topographical information and attributes about specified directories and files in a manner conducive to intrusion and forensic analysis. It was designed to support the following initiatives: content integrity monitoring, incident response, intrusion analysis, and computer forensics.
security/dmitry-1.3a (Score: 0.006132291)
Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) is a UNIX/Linux command line program coded purely in C with the ability to gather as much information as possible about a host.