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net/c3270-3.3.14ga11 (Score: 0.0057166214)
Full-screen curses-based remote login to IBM mainframes
c3270 is a curses-based IBM 3270 terminal emulator. It can be used to communicate with any IBM host that supports 3270-style connections over TELNET. It can also communicate with hosts that use line-by-line ASCII mode to do initial login negotiation before switching to full-screen 3270 mode.
devel/z3c.formwidget.query-0.12 (Score: 0.005708826)
Source query widget for z3c.form
A source query widget for z3c.form.
finance/libstocks-0.5.0 (Score: 0.005645947)
C library which can be used to fetch stocks quotes
Libstocks is a C library which can be used to fetch stocks quotes. It is currently able to get quotes from a lot of stocks markets. The supported markets are : Argentina European markets Australia Mexico Brasil United States Canada Venezuela Chili Unfortunatly, libstocks can get historical quotes just for the United States market.
math/openfst-1.5.4 (Score: 0.0056394394)
Library for working with weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs)
OpenFst is a library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). Weighted finite-state transducers are automata where each transition has an input label, an output label, and a weight. The more familiar finite-state acceptor is represented as a transducer with each transition's input and output label equal. Finite-state acceptors are used to represent sets of strings (specifically, regular or rational sets); finite-state transducers are used to represent binary relations between pairs of strings (specifically, rational transductions). The weights can be used to represent the cost of taking a particular transition. FSTs have key applications in speech recognition and synthesis, machine translation, optical character recognition, pattern matching, string processing, machine learning, information extraction and retrieval among others. Often a weighted transducer is used to represent a probabilistic model (e.g., an n-gram model, pronunciation model). FSTs can be optimized by determinization and minimization, models can be applied to hypothesis sets (also represented as automata) or cascaded by finite-state composition, and the best results can be selected by shortest-path algorithms.
games/four-in-a-row-3.18.2 (Score: 0.0056243422)
Make lines of the same color
Gnome chess game with optional 3D graphics.
astro/routino-3.1.1 (Score: 0.0056049456)
Router for OpenStreetMap Data
Routino is an application for finding a route between two points using the dataset of topographical information collected by http://www.OpenStreetMap.org. This router uses a routing algorithm that takes OSM format data as its input and calculates either the shortest or quickest route between two points. To optimise the routing a custom database format is used. This allows the routing to be performed quickly after a modest one-off pre-processing stage. A selection is possible for any of the major OSM transport types and for each of the main OSM highway types a preference can be provided and a speed limit. Restrictions on one-way streets, weight, height, width and length are also options. Further preferences about road properties (e.g. paved or not) can also be selected. The processing of the input XML file is based on rules in a configuration file that transform the highway tags into tags that are understood by Routino. The generation of the output files (HTML and GPX) uses language fragments selected from another configuration file which allows multi-lingual output from the same database. The router takes into account private/public/permissive restrictions on highways as well as tagged speed limits and barriers (gates, bollards). The simplest and most common turn restriction relations (those composed of a way, node and way) are also supported.
www/webstone-2.5 (Score: 0.0055983965)
World wide web server benchmarking with SSL support
WebStone is free benchmarking tool for web servers available from Mindcraft. The version available here has been SSL enabled, so secure web servers can be benchmarked using our version. In addition to the default configuration parameters, the following can be specified: 1. SSL_VERSION: SSLv2, SSLv23 or SSLv3 (default SSLv3) 2. SSL_CIPHER(SSL preferred cipher): use ssl ciphers specified in ssl[2,3].h, e.g RC4-SHA, IDEA-CBC-SHA, DH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA (default EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA). Specifying an SSLv2 cipher in SSLv3 mode won't work (and vice versa) 3. SSL_CACHE_MODE(client cache mode): ON, OFF (default OFF) 4. SSL_MIX(percentage HTTPS connections, remaining connections are filled in with HTTP connections): 0.0-1.0 (default 1.0) 5. HTTPS_PORT: port (default 8443)
devel/InlineX-C2XS-0.25 (Score: 0.0055893967)
Perl module to create an XS file from an Inline C file
InlineX::C2XS - create an XS file from an Inline C file. The C file that InlineX::C2XS needs to find would contain only the C code. InlineX::C2XS looks for the file in ./src directory - expecting that the filename will be the same as what appears after the final '::' in the module name (with a '.c' extension). ie if the module is called My::Next::Mod it looks for a file ./src/Mod.c, and creates a file named Mod.xs. Also created, is the file 'INLINE.h' - but only if that file is needed. The generated xs file (and INLINE.h) will be written to the cwd unless a third argument (specifying a valid directory) is provided to the c2xs() function. The created XS file, when packaged with the '.pm' file, an appropriate 'Makefile.PL', and 'INLINE.h' (if it's needed), can be used to build the module in the usual way - without any dependence upon the Inline::C module.
math/ploticus-2.40 (Score: 0.0055728885)
Generates plots and graphs from data
Ploticus is script-driven, which makes it suitable for automated, unattended uses, or for applications that will be run again and again. Ploticus might be your choice for stylistic reasons or just because it suits the problem or application. In general, ploticus is good at making graphs like you would see in newspapers and news magazines, business publications, journals for medical and social sciences, and so on. You can also use Ploticus in combination with standard desktop tools, e.g. generate data displays using ploticus then import SVG or PNG into PowerPoint, Word, etc.) Ploticus is not a function or mathematical plotting package like gnuplot, nor would it be a good choice for applications where mathematical formulas or scientific notations are to be rendered as an integral part of the data display. Ploticus is also not intended as a "marketing" graphics package. Its goal is to display data crisply without extra decoration and distracting "dingbats" that cloud the picture. Thus there is little support for 3-D effects, gradient backgrounds, and so on. FreeBSD note: the binary is referred to as 'pl' in the source files, but is installed as 'ploticus' so as to avoid conflicts with other ports.
audio/mp3val-0.1.8 (Score: 0.0055340817)
Program for MPEG audio stream validation
MP3val is a small, high-speed, free software tool for checking MPEG audio files' integrity. It can be useful for finding corrupted files (e.g. incompletely downloaded, truncated, containing garbage). MP3val is also able to fix most of the problems. Being a multiplatform application, MP3val can be runned both under Windows and under Linux (or BSD). The most common MPEG audio file type is MPEG 1 Layer III (mp3), but MP3val supports also other MPEG versions and layers. The tool is also aware of the most common types of tags (ID3v1, ID3v2, APEv2). The core component of MP3val is an application with command-line interface. There are also two graphical frontends for it: MP3val-frontend is a native Windows application (it is also included in the latest binary releases for Windows), mp3valgui is a multi-platform Python script (can be downloaded separately), written by an independent developer. Installing the latter under Windows is a bit tricky, so for Windows the first frontend is recommended.