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Results 1,8411,850 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.007 seconds)
security/nessus-libnasl-2.2.9 (Score: 0.00551243)
Nessus Attack Scripting Language
NASL is a scripting language designed for the Nessus security scanner. Its aim is to allow anyone to write a test for a given security hole in a few minutes, to allow people to share their tests without having to worry about their operating system, and to garantee everyone that a NASL script can not do anything nasty except performing a given security test against a given target. Thus, NASL allows you to easily forge IP packets, or to send regular packets. It provides you some convenient functions that will make the test of web and ftp server more easy to write. NASL garantees you that a NASL script : will not send any packet to a host other than the target host will not execute any commands on your local system NASL is not a powerful scripting language. Its purpose is to make scripts that are security tests. So, do not expect to write a third generation web server in this language, nor a file conversion utility. Use perl, python or whatever scripting language to do this.
textproc/htmlc-2.21.0 (Score: 0.00551243)
Text file generator
Htmlc is an HTML template files expander that produces regular HTML pages from source files that contain text fragments that require some computation to be written. Those fragments can be the output of an arbitrary Unix command, for instance the last modification date of a page, or parts of HTML pages to be included in the page, or pieces of the page that are common to the entire WEB site (a presentation header or a footer section for each page). Providing the automatic inclusion of those text fragments into your HTML source pages, Htmlc offers a server independent way of defining templates to factorize out the repetitive parts of HTML pages. Htmlc also provides a variable expansion facility (using definitions in the template file or in simple environment files using a syntax a la objective Caml). In short, Htmlc ensures the static verification and the static expansion of the Server Side Includes directives of the Web pages in the efficient and friendly way of a command-line compiler.
databases/pymysql-0.7.5 (Score: 0.005482286)
Pure Python MySQL Driver
This pure Python MySQL client provides a DB-API to a MySQL database by talking directly to the server via the binary client/server protocol.
x11/xtrap-1.0.2 (Score: 0.005482286)
XTrap sample clients for X
This package contains a set of XTrap sample clients. XTrap is an X Server extension which facilitates the capturing of server protocol and synthesizing core input events.
games/54321-1.0.2001.11.16 (Score: 0.0054378575)
Five games in four-, three-, or two-dimensions for one player
54321 is five games in four-, three-, or two-dimensions for one player. 54321 takes five classic two-dimensional puzzle games and extends them into three and four dimensions. For more information, see the help within the game. 54321 was created for the 1mb SDL Game Programming Contest sponsored by: Linux Journal (http://www.linuxjournal.com/), Loki Software (http://www.lokigames.com/), and No Starch Press (http://www.nostarch.com/).
devel/libcidr-1.2.3 (Score: 0.0054245386)
Library to handle manipulating CIDR netblocks
libcidr is a library that provides a number of functions to input, output, manipulate, compare, multilate, and otherwise play with, IP addresses and netblocks. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and provides sufficiently diverse functions to be useful for everything from log processes to network client and server programs. It parses addresses in a wide variety of common formats. It also provides a plethora of options for formatting them on the output as well. It can compare them in various ways and give you some useful statistics about the netblocks in which they reside.
devel/POE-Component-Syndicator-0.06 (Score: 0.0054245386)
POE component base class which implements the Observer pattern
POE::Component::Syndicator is a base class for POE components which need to handle a persistent resource (e.g. a connection to an IRC server) for one or more sessions in an extendable way. This module (as well as Object::Pluggable, which this module inherits from) was born out of POE::Component::IRC, the guts of which quickly spread to other POE components. Now they can all inherit from this module instead. The component provides an event queue, which can be managed with the methods documented below. It handles delivery of events to the object itself, all interested plugins, and all interested sessions.
devel/simple_components-4.13 (Score: 0.0054245386)
Simple Ada Components
This is a library created by Dmitry Kazakov out of necessity, which was released under the GMGPL and provides Ada implementations of: - smart pointers - B-trees - directed graphs - stacks - sets - tables - maps - string editing - unbounded arrays - expression analyzers - lock-free data structures - synchronization primitives (events, race condition free pulse events, arrays of events, reentrant mutexes, deadlock-free arrays of mutexes) - pseudo-random non-repeating numbers - symmetric encoding and decoding - IEEE 754 representations support - multiple connections server/client designing tools. Tables management and strings editing are described in separate documents; see Tables and Strings edit. The library is kept conform to the Ada 95, Ada 2005, Ada 2012 language standards.
mail/spam-buttons-2.3.1 (Score: 0.0054245386)
Provides buttons with customizable action (for reporting spam, etc.)
This plugin will place "Spam" and/or "Not Spam" buttons on the mailbox message list page as well as on a single message view page. The action associated with the buttons (as well as the button text) can be configured to suit most any spam reporting system. Reporting by email, reporting by executing a command on the server and reporting by moving (or copying) the message to a designated folder are all supported. Any number of custom buttons may also be added, where the associated action is completely customizable (for instance, adding the message sender to a whitelist or blacklist).
www/mod_log_mysql-1.04 (Score: 0.0054245386)
Allows Apache 2.2.x to log to a MySQL database
mod_log_mysql is a module for the Apache 2 webserver which permits request logging into a MySQL database. Key features are: * Seamless integration into the standard Apache logging configuration. * Only a single configuration line needed to start logging. * Free SQL use. * Multiple databases, database users and/or database servers. * Connection pooling, only one connection per log target, per child process. * Logs data as it is: e.g. times as SQL DATETIME and n/a items as SQL NULL. * Won't loose data if the database server is down. Note: this module requires mod_log_config-st