Ports 搜索

security/spike-proxy-1.4.8 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Tool looking for vulnerabilities in web applications
Not all web applications are built in the same ways, and hence, many must be analyzed individually. SPIKE Proxy is a professional-grade tool for looking for application-level vulnerabilities in web applications. SPIKE Proxy covers the basics, such as SQL Injection and cross-site-scripting, but it's completely open Python infrastructure allows advanced users to customize it for web applications that other tools fall apart on.
security/libnacl-1.4.4 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Python bindings for libsodium/tweetnacl based on ctypes
This library is used to gain direct access to the functions exposed by Daniel J. Bernstein's nacl library via libsodium or tweetnacl. It has been constructed to maintain extensive documentation on how to use nacl as well as being completely portable. The file in libnacl/__init__.py can be pulled out and placed directly in any project to give a single file binding to all of nacl.
security/sslwrap-2.0.6 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Another SSL Wrapper application, which uses SSLEay/OpenSSL
"... sslwrap is a simple Unix service that sits over any simple TCP service such as POP3, IMAP, SMTP, and encrypts all of the data on the connection using TLS/SSL. It uses ssleay to support SSL version 2 and 3. It can run out of inetd. It can also encrypt data for services located on another computer. It works with the servers you already have, and does not require any modifications to your existing servers. ..." Of course, it works with OpenSSL, too.
security/xml-security-1.5.5 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Java library for XML Signature and Encryption
The Apache-XML-Security-J supports XML-Signature Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 12 February 2002 and XML Encryption Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 10 December 2002. The Java library supports the standard Java API JSR-105: XML Digital Signature APIs for creating and validating XML Signatures. A standard Java API for XML Encryption JSR-106: XML Digital Encryption APIs is in progress and is not final, so this API is not yet supported.
shells/shelly- (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Shell-like (systems) programming in Haskell
Shelly provides convenient systems programming in Haskell, similar in spirit to POSIX shells. Shelly: * is aimed at convenience and getting things done rather than being a demonstration of elegance. * has detailed and useful error messages. * maintains its own environment, making it thread-safe. * is modern, using Text and system-filepath/system-fileio. Shelly is originally forked from the Shellish package. See the shelly-extra package for additional functionality.
shells/zsh-5.2 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
The Z shell
Zsh is the Swiss Army knife of shells. It combines the most popular features of every other shell, and then lets you customize every inch of it. Users of bourne-style and C-style shells will feel at home in it. Zsh does intelligent completion, spell-checking, has a rich syntax for precise globbing, and is fully extensible through plugin systems. To fire up the zsh completion system, type the following commands: $ autoload -U compinstall $ compinstall
sysutils/aird-1.0 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Handles Apple IR receiver button events
The aird daemon handles Apple IR receiver button events. If your system has an USB Apple IR receiver, most likely you'll also have an Apple Remote. An Apple remote has six (6) buttons: Volume up, Volume down, Play/Pause, Forward, Backward and Menu. For each button you can assign a command to execute. Apple IR receiver modules are found on: o MacBook (any generation) o MacBook Pro (any generation) o Intel iMac o Intel MacMini
sysutils/pefs-2016.06.11 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
PEFS kernel level stacked cryptographic filesystem
PEFS is a kernel level stacked cryptographic filesystem for FreeBSD. Key features: * Transparently runs on top of existing file systems * Random per file tweak value for encryption * Stores metadata only in encrypted file name * Arbitrary number of keys per file system, mixing keys in same directory and key chains * Modern cryptographic algorithms: AES and Camellia in XTS mode, PKCS#5v2 and HKDF for key generation.
sysutils/cdrkit-1.1.11 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Command-line CD/DVD writing suite
cdrkit is a suite of programs for recording CDs and DVDs, blanking CD-RW media, creating ISO-9660 filesystem images, extracting audio CD data, and more. The programs included in the cdrkit package were originally derived from several sources, most notably mkisofs by Eric Youngdale and others, cdda2wav by Heiko Eissfeldt, and cdrecord by Joerg Schilling. However, cdrkit is not affiliated with any of these authors; it is now an independent project.
sysutils/cotty-0.4c (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Simple command-line pseudo terminal manager
Simple command-line pseudo terminal manager: allows to run coprocesses talking to each other thru their tty and/or pty. Most useful to drive from scripts programs that want a tty, as in cotty -d -- pppd silent \ -- ssh -t root@remote pppd This particular use has been obsoleted under Linux (but probably not under the various free BSDs and proprietary Unices), as it can be done without cotty with pppd pty 'ssh -t root@remote pppd' silent