Ports Search

Results 7,0117,020 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.01 seconds)
japanese/csrd-1.0 (Score: 9.06569E-5)
Utility for Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary
CSRD is a utility for Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary on UNIX or MS-DOS box.
japanese/ebview-0.3.6 (Score: 9.06569E-5)
Electronic Book Viewer
Ebview is a gtk based tool to access CD-ROM dictionaries of EPWING, EB, EBG,EBXA, EBXA-C formats.
Esecanna module for VJE-Delta 2.5
Esecanna-module-vje25 is a esecanna module for VJE-Delta 2.5. Further information is found on the following web site:
Esecanna module for VJE-Delta 3.0
Esecanna-module-vje30 is a esecanna module for VJE-Delta 3.0. Further information is found on the following web site:
japanese/esecanna-module-wnn6-1.0.0 (Score: 9.06569E-5)
Esecanna module for Wnn6
Esecanna-module-wnn6 is a esecanna module for Wnn6. Further information is found on the following web site:
japanese/fcitx-anthy-0.2.1 (Score: 9.06569E-5)
Anthy support for Fcitx
fcitx-anthy provides Anthy, the most popular Japanese input method system, as a back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
japanese/prn-1.0 (Score: 9.06569E-5)
Yet another converter from text file to postscript (with Japanese support)
Prn prints out a text file to a postscript printer by converting to postscript. If the file has kanji code such as 7-bit JIS, MS-kanji (shifted-JIS) or EUC, it can print out by using a kanji code converter whose name is kcc. If the file is code of C, C++, FORTRAN, pascal, ... , printing out by prn with a option '-c' can emphasize keywords and comments.
japanese/jpmobile-terminfo-0.0.3 (Score: 9.06569E-5)
Carrier terminal information List for jpmobile
jpmobile-terminfo is a plugin for jpmobile. It is used to get terminal informations as bellows. * display width * display height
japanese/skkfep-0.87 (Score: 9.06569E-5)
SKK-like Kana-to-Kanji FrontEnd Processor
skkfep is a tool to input Kana and Kanji from the terminal. This also include some patches for Word registration.
java/infobus-1.2 (Score: 9.06569E-5)
Enables dynamic exchange of data between JavaBeans(TM)
InfoBus enables dynamic exchange of data between JavaBeans(TM) component architecture by defining a small number of interfaces between cooperating Beans and specifying the protocol for use of those interfaces. The protocols are based on a notion of an information bus. All components which implement these interfaces can plug into the bus. As a member of the bus any component can exchange data with any other component in a structured way, including arrays, tables, and database rowsets.