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devel/Path-Extended-0.23 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Perl extension for yet another Path class
This is yet another file/directory handler that does a bit more than Path::Class for some parts, and a bit less for other parts. One of the main difference is Path::Extended always tries to use forward slashes when possible, ie. even when you're on the MS Windows, so that you don't need to care about escaping paths that annoys you from time to time when you want to apply regexen to a path, especially in file tests that use 'like' or 'compare'.
devel/Smart-Comments-1.000005 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Comments that do more than just sit there
Smart comments provide an easy way to insert debugging and tracking code into a program. They can report the value of a variable, track the progress of a loop, and verify that particular assertions are true. Best of all, when you're finished debugging, you don't have to remove them. Simply commenting out the use Smart::Comments line turns them back into regular comments. Leaving smart comments in your code is smart because if you needed them once, you'll almost certainly need them again later.
devel/Term-Animation-2.6 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
ASCII sprite animation framework
This module provides a framework to produce sprite animations using ASCII art. Each ASCII 'sprite' is given one or more frames, and placed into the animation as an 'animation object'. An animation object can have a callback routine that controls the position and frame of the object. If the constructor is passed no arguments, it assumes that it is running full screen, and behaves accordingly. Alternatively, it can accept a curses window (created with the Curses newwin call) as an argument, and will draw into that window.
devel/Term-Screen-1.05 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Basic screen + input class
Term::Screen is a very simple screen positioning module that should work wherever `Term::Cap' does. It is set up for Unix using stty's but these dependencies are isolated by evals in the `new' constructor. Thus you may create a child module implementing Screen with MS-DOS, ioctl, or other means to get raw and unblocked input. This is not a replacement for Curses -- it has no memory. This was written so that it could be easily changed to fit nasty systems, and to be available first thing.
devel/Tie-Hash-TwoWay-1.08 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Tie::Hash::TwoWay - two-way mapping between disjoint sets
Tie::Hash::TwoWay will take a list of one-way associations and transparently create their reverse. For instance, say you have a list of machines, and a list of classes that each machine belongs to. Tie::Hash::TwoWay will take the machines, one by one, with an associated array reference of class names, and build the reverse mapping of classes to machines. All the mappings are stored as hashes. You can access the secondary mappings as if they were hash keys in their own right.
devel/Tie-Hash-Regex-1.02 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Match hash keys using Regular Expressions
Someone asked on Perlmonks if a hash could do fuzzy matches on keys - this is the result. If there's no exact match on the key that you pass to the hash, then the key is treated as a regex and the first matching key is returned. You can force it to leap straight into the regex checking by passing a qr'ed regex into the hash like this: my $val = $h{qr/key/}; exists and delete also do regex matching. In the case of delete all values matching your regex key will be deleted from the hash.
devel/mem-0.4.6 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Use "in-mem" pkgs and force definitions into mem early
mem is a trivial pragma to either allow defining the module it is included from as being defined so that later classes or packages in the same file can use the package to pull in a reference to it, or to be able to call its import routine from a different package in the same file. With parameter assignments or other actions, it forces those assignments to be done, immediately, at compile time instead of later at run time. It can be use, for example, with Exporter, to export typed-sub's among other usages.
devel/namespace-clean-0.27 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Keep imports and functions out of your namespace
When you define a function, or import one, into a Perl package, it will naturally also be available as a method. This does not per se cause problems, but it can complicate subclassing and, for example, plugin classes that are included via multiple inheritance by loading them as base classes. The "namespace::clean" pragma will remove all previously declared or imported symbols at the end of the current package's compile cycle. Functions called in the package itself will still be bound by their name, but they won't show up as methods on your class or instances.
devel/pccts-1.33.33 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
PCCTS - The Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set PCCTS is a set of public domain software tools designed to facilitate the implementation of compilers and other translation systems. These tools currently include antlr, and dlg. In many ways, PCCTS is similar to a highly integrated version of YACC [Joh78] and LEX [Les75]; where antlr (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) corresponds to YACC and dlg (DFA-based Lexical analyzer Generator) functions like LEX. However, PCCTS has many additional features which make it easier to use for a wider range of translation problems.
devel/pcre2-10.21 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library, version 2
PCRE2 is the name used for a revised API for the PCRE library, which is a set of functions, written in C, that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl, with just a few differences. Some features that appeared in Python and the original PCRE before they appeared in Perl are also available using the Python syntax. There is also some support for one or two .NET and Oniguruma syntax items, and there are options for requesting some minor changes that give better ECMAScript (aka JavaScript) compatibility.