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textproc/xmldiff-0.01 (Score: 0.068937615)
Display meaningful differences between XML files
xmldiff uses xmlprpr and diff to display meaningful differences in XML files in an easy to read format. Output formats available include HTML, ANSI colour, and regular diff. The coloured modes are particularly useful for viewing small differences in context within large XML files.
textproc/xmlenc-0.52 (Score: 0.068937615)
Light-weight XML encoding library for Java
Light-weight XML encoding library for Java. It fills the gap between a light-weight parser like SAX, and a heavy-weight XML output library, like JDOM.
textproc/xmlppm-0.98.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
XML-Conscious PPM Compression
XMLPPM is a data compression program that compresses XML files from 5 to 30% better than any existing text or XML-specific compressors. It is a combination of the well-known Prediction by Partial Match (PPM) algorithm for text compression, first described by Cleary and Witten in 1984, and an approach to modeling tree-structured data called Multiplexed Hierarchical Modeling (MHM) that I have developed.
textproc/xmlroff-0.6.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
XSL formatter that produces PDF and PostScript
xmlroff is an XSL formatter written in C that produces PDF and PostScript.
textproc/xmlstarlet-1.6.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Command Line XML Toolkit
XMLStarlet is a set of command line utilities (tools) which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using simple set of shell commands in similar way it is done for plain text files using UNIX grep, sed, awk, diff, patch, join, etc commands. This set of command line utilities can be used by those who deal with many XML documents on UNIX shell command prompt as well as for automated XML processing with shell scripts.
textproc/tinycss-0.4 (Score: 0.068937615)
A complete yet simple CSS parser for Python
tinycss is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Python. It supports the full syntax and error handling for CSS 2.1 as well as some CSS 3 modules: -- CSS Color 3 -- CSS Fonts 3 -- CSS Paged Media 3 It is designed to be easy to extend for new CSS modules and syntax, and integrates well with cssselect for Selectors 3 support.
textproc/xqilla-2.3.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
XQuery and XPath2 library
XQilla is an XQuery and XPath 2 library and command line utility written in C++, implemented on top of the Xerces-C library.
textproc/xstream-1.4.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Simple library to serialize Java objects to XML
XStream is a simple library to serialize Java objects to XML and back again.
textproc/xsv-3.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
XML Schema Validator
XSV is a command-line tool for performing schema-validity assessment of XML documents in accord with the W3C XML Schema specification, second edition. XSV (XML Schema Validator) is an open source (GPLed) work-in-progress attempt at a conformant schema-aware processor, as defined by XML Schema Part 1: Structures, Second Edition of 28 October 2004. It has been developed at the Language Technology Group of the Human Communication Research Centre in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, with support for one of us (Thompson) from the World Wide Web Consortium.
textproc/xxdiff-4.0.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Helper scripts for xxdiff
xxdiff is a computer program that allows a user (usually a software developer of some sort) to easily visualize the differences between files. The manner and goal for which this process is applied over multiple files is highly dependent on the application, and most of the time is driven by custom user scripts. For example, a configuration management engineer in a company might provide some kind of merge policing environment, that allows software developers to review changes in files for the purpose of accepting or rejecting a submitted changeset to a codebase. Another example is that of a developer wishing to review the changes he made to a checkout of files from a source-code management system such as CVS, Subversion, ClearCase, Perforce, etc.