Ports Search

Results 13,78113,790 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.012 seconds)
mail/spamassassin-3.4.1 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
SpamAssassin is a mail filter which attempts to identify spam using text analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists. Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited commercial email. Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application. Additional drop-in rule sets are available at http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/CustomRulesets
math/arpack-96 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Argand Library: large eigenvalue subroutines (serial version)
ARPACK software is capable of solving large symmetric, nonsymmetric, and generalized eigenproblems. The software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user-specified features, such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage requirements are on the order of n*k locations, and no auxiliary storage is required. A set of numerically orthogonal Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional eigen-space is computed. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request.
math/calc- (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Arbitrary precision calculator
Calc is an interactive calculator which provides for easy large numeric calculations, but which also can be easily programmed for difficult or long calculations. It can accept a command line argument, in which case it executes that single command and exits. Otherwise, it enters interactive mode. There are a great number of pre-defined functions. The calculator can calculate transcendental functions, and accept and display numbers in real or exponential format. The calculator also knows about complex numbers.
math/chryzodus-0.32 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Chryzode (http//www.chryzode.org) explorer
Chryzodus is a cross-platform graphical program drawing beautiful and colorful chryzodes. If you do not know what chryzodes are, take a look at http://www.chryzode.org/. Then you will be able to explore the world of chryzodes by yourself using Chryzodus. But one does not even need to know much about chryzodes to use Chryzodus and see beautiful images appear on the screen!
math/clrng-1.0.0.b (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Library for uniform random number generation in OpenCL
clRNG a library for uniform random number generation in OpenCL. Streams of random numbers act as virtual random number generators. They can be created on the host computer in unlimited numbers, and then used either on the host or on computing devices by work items to generate random numbers. Each stream also has equally-spaced substreams, which are occasionally useful. The API is currently implemented for four different RNGs, namely the MRG31k3p, MRG32k3a, LFSR113 and Philox-4x32-10 generators.
math/gnuplot-4.6.6 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Extra files for Gnuplot TeX support
Gnuplot is a portable multi-platform command-line driven graphing utility. It was originally created to allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data interactively, but has grown to support many non-interactive uses such as web scripting. It is also used as a plotting engine by third-party applications like Octave. Gnuplot has been supported and under active development since 1986. This port installs extra files for TeX terminals (latex, epslatex, Tikz, etc).
math/lapacke-3.5.0 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Standard C language APIs for LAPACK
LAPACKE is a standard C language APIs for LAPACK, which introduces the following features[1]: - row-major and column-major matrix layout controlled by the first function parameter; - an implementation with working arrays (middle-level interface) as well as without working arrays (high-level interface); - input scalars passed by value; - error code as a return value instead of the INFO parameter. [1] Intel Corporation. "C Interface to LAPACK" README. 2010.
math/facile-1.1.2 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Functional Constraint Library
FaCiLe is a constraint programming library on integer and integer set finite domains written in OCaml. It offers all usual facilities to create and manipulate finite domain variables, arithmetic expressions and constraints, built-in global constraints and search and optimization goals. FaCiLe allows as well to build easily user-defined constraints and goals, making pervasive use of OCaml higher-order functionals to provide a simple and flexible interface for the user.
math/octave-forge-lssa-0.1.2 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Octave-forge package lssa
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is lssa. A package implementing tools to compute spectral decompositions of irregularly-spaced time series. Currently includes functions based off the Lomb-Scargle periodogram and Adolf Mathias' implementation for R and C (see http://www.jstatsoft.org/v11/i02).
math/octave-forge-msh-1.0.10 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Octave-forge package msh
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is msh. Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers. Uses a mesh data structure compatible with pdetool. Relies on gmsh for unstructured mesh generation.