Ports 搜索

security/Crypt-CAST5-0.05 (Score: 6.5026805E-4)
CAST5 block cipher
This module provides an implementation of the CAST5 block cipher using compiled C code for increased speed. CAST5 is also known as CAST-128. It is a product of the CAST design procedure developed by C. Adams and S. Tavares.
textproc/Text-DoubleMetaphone-0.07 (Score: 6.5026805E-4)
Phonetic encoding of words
This module implements a "sounds like" algorithm developed by Lawrence Philips which he published in the June, 2000 issue of C/C++ Users Journal. Double Metaphone is an improved version of Philips' original Metaphone algorithm. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
misc/najitool-0.8.4 (Score: 6.4967346E-4)
Generates, converts, and filters files
najitool generates and/or makes altered copies of files in the patterns you specify or shows to the screen. najitool is being developed in the ANSI C standard so it should work and compile on any system that supports ANSI C, which should be every system.
biology/phrap-1.090518 (Score: 6.476516E-4)
Phrap is a program for assembling shotgun DNA sequence data
Phrap is a program for assembling shotgun DNA sequence data. Among other features, it allows use of the entire read and not just the trimmed high quality part, it uses a combination of user-supplied and internally computed data quality information to improve assembly accuracy in the presence of repeats, it constructs the contig sequence as a mosaic of the highest quality read segments rather than a consensus, it provides extensive assembly information to assist in trouble-shooting assembly problems, and it handles large datasets. This package also contains Swat and Cross_match. Swat is a program for searching one or more DNA or protein query sequences against a sequence database, using (an efficient implementation of) the Smith-Waterman-Gotoh algorithm. Cross_Match is a general-purpose utility based on Swat for comparing any two sets of DNA sequences, and it can be used to: * produce vector-masked versions of a set of reads * compare a set of cDNA sequences to a set of cosmids * compare contigs found by two altanative assembly procedures to each other * compare phrap contigs to the final edited cosmid sequence.
devel/mixlib-log-1.6.0 (Score: 6.474634E-4)
Provides a simple mixin for log functionality
Mixlib::Log provides a mixin for enabling a class based logger object, a-la Merb, Chef, and Nanite.
www/davical-1.1.2 (Score: 6.474634E-4)
Simple CalDAV server using a postgres backend
DAViCal is a PHP based CalDAV server which uses a Postgres backend. It is administered using a Web interface.
math/Math-MPC-1.05 (Score: 6.471731E-4)
Perl interface to MPC Library
p5-Math-MPC is a module wraps the MPC library functions. The MPC library is a C library for multiple-precision complex number computations with exact rounding. It is based on the MPFR C library which, in turn, is based on the GMP C library.
print/trueprint-5.4 (Score: 6.471731E-4)
Print program listings on postscript printer
Trueprint is a general purpose printing program. It tries to produce everything that anybody could need in a program printout without the need for large numbers of switches or pipelines. Trueprint can currently handle C, C++, Java, Perl, Verilog, shell (including ksh), Pascal, pseudo C, report files (trueprint report files), listing files, text files.
security/sguil-0.9.0 (Score: 6.4695824E-4)
Sguil is a network security monitoring program
Sguil (pronounced sgweel) is built by network security analysts for network security analysts. Sguil's main component is an intuitive GUI that provides access to realtime events, session data, and raw packet captures. Sguil facilitates the practice of Network Security Monitoring and event driven analysis. The Sguil client is written in tcl/tk and can be run on any operating system that supports tcl/tk (including Linux, *BSD, Solaris, MacOS, and Win32).
Convert the dash into a dock
Convert the dash to into a dock.