Ports 搜索

mail/vrfy-1.0 (Score: 0.0106562525)
Verify mail address
Verify mail address,is it exists. For example, % vrfy -n -vv kaz@kobe1995.net NAKAMURA Kazushi@KOBE <mailto:kaz@kobe1995.net>
www/CGI-FCKeditor-0.02 (Score: 0.0106562525)
This's FCKeditor Controller for Perl OOP
CGI::FCKeditor is FCKeditor(http://www.fckeditor.net/) Controller for Perl OOP. FCKeditor(http://www.fckeditor.net/) is necessary though it is natural.
graphics/ImageMagick- (Score: 0.010591609)
ImageMagick是一个用来对图像进行显示和交互操作的包。这个包包含了图像转换、注释、合成、动画 和剪辑工具。ImageMagick能读写各种流行的图像格式(如,JPEG、TIFF、PNM、XPM、Photo CD等)。 这个工具包可以在没有GUI(X11)的支持的情况下编译——它将没有显示、导入和动画功能,但仍保留极为有用 的图像处理功能。 这个可选的“显示”实用工具和port下的同名实用工具misc/display冲突。 http://imagemagick.sourceforge.net/
www/aria2-1.23.0 (Score: 0.010591609)
aria2其核心有一个分段下载引擎。因此,它下载文件比普通的浏览器要快很多。目前它 有以下特点: * 支持HTTP/HTTPSGET * 支持HTTP代理 * 支持HTTP BASIC认证 * 支持HTTP代理认证 * 支持FTP(主动、被动模式) * 通过HTTP代理的FTP(GET命令或隧道) * 分段下载 * Cookie支持(目前aria2忽略“expires”) * 它可以作为守护进程运行 * 支持BitTorrent协议,具有快速扩展 * 在多文件的torrent中选择性地下载 * 支持metalink 3.0版 * 下载/上传速度限制 Author: Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at users dot sourceforge dot net>
games/twitch-1.0 (Score: 0.010527771)
Overhead 2-d shooter, reminiscent of games like Robotron
Twitch - a GPL arcade game by David Clark <silenus@telus.net>. Twitch is an overhead 2-d shooter, reminiscent of games like Robotron or Tron: Deadly Disks. The player has entered the fortress of the evil Hippopoticus, and is trying to rescue the fair Lady Penelope from his clutches. I wrote Twitch as a proof-of-concept: namely that Python, properly written, is fast enough to create a playable, cross-platform arcade game.
comms/ebook2cw-0.8.2 (Score: 0.010279655)
Convert text files into cw as an mp3 or ogg file
ebook2cw is a command line program (optional GUI available) which converts a plain text (ISO 8859-1 or UTF-8) ebook to morse code MP3 files. It works on several platforms, including Windows and Linux. Written by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK <mail@fkurz.net>
dns/mydns-ng- (Score: 0.010279655)
Next Generation DNS Server for sql based DNS services
MyDNS - SQL-based DNS server This is the MyDNS package. MyDNS is a simple, non-recursive Internet name daemon which serves records directly from an SQL database. It currently works with either MySQL or PostgreSQL. This version of the MyDNS package is a development of the original one produced by Don Moore. - 12-May-2004 Don Moore <bboy@bboy.net> - 23-January-2009 Howard Wilkinsin <howard@cohtech.com>
net-im/ramblercontacts- (Score: 0.010154187)
Free, multi-service communication client from Rambler
Rambler Contacts is an instant messaging and communication suite for vast variety of services, including, but not limited to Facebook, ICQ, Jabber, and Google Talk. Number of popular Russian community chat services also supported. It is originally based on Vacuum-IM, built upon Qt 4.7+, and distributed under GPLv3. Rambler account (free registration) is required right now, but plans are to drop this limitation in future versions.
archivers/tardy-1.28 (Score: 0.010147961)
Manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways
The tardy program is a tar post-processor. It may be used to manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways. The reason the tardy program was written was because the author wanted to "spruce up" tar files before posting them to the net, mostly to remove artifacts of the development environment, without introducing more. The tardy program was designed to allow you to alter certain characteristics of files after they have been included in the tar file. Among them are: * change file owner (by number or name) * change file group (by number or name) * add directory prefix (e.g. dot) * change file protections (e.g. from 600 to 644) Note that all of these affect ALL files in the archive.
games/freetennis-0.4.8 (Score: 0.010147961)
Free Tennis 是一个网球模拟器。Free Tennis 最显著的特性如下: - 在这个游戏中真实的战术是有用的。比如,最好采取缓慢、低杆对付网球(下旋);当你不在中心线时,最好打 出对角线,为了不给出角度;你应该在击球完毕后回到中心并在基线后面,以免对手将球打入无人防守区; - 其人工智能非常先进并反映出这些战术; - 你可以通过击球来完全控制抛物线; - 图像和姿势非常逼真和优雅; - 不同的球员有不同的技能; - 这个游戏是由一个前网球运动员开发的;