Ports Search

Results 761770 of 8,048 for /www/.(0.005 seconds)
www/http-client-0.4.20 (Score: 0.056974534)
HTTP client engine, intended as a base layer for more user-friendly packages
An HTTP client engine, intended as a base layer for more user-friendly packages.
www/http-date- (Score: 0.056974534)
HTTP Date parser/formatter
Fast parser and formatter for HTTP Date.
www/http-reverse-proxy-0.4.2 (Score: 0.056974534)
Reverse proxy HTTP requests, either over raw sockets or with WAI
Provides a simple means of reverse-proxying HTTP requests. The raw approach uses the same technique as leveraged by keter, whereas the WAI approach performs full request/response parsing via WAI and http-conduit.
www/RgoogleMaps- (Score: 0.056974534)
Overlays on Google map tiles in R
This package serves two purposes: (i) Provide a comfortable R interface to query the Google server for static maps. (ii) Use the map as a background image to overlay plots within R. This requires proper coordinate scaling.
www/http-types-0.8.6 (Score: 0.056974534)
Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code)
Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code).
www/http2-1.0.4 (Score: 0.056974534)
HTTP/2.0 library including frames and HPACK
HTTP/2.0 library including frames and HPACK. Currently HTTP/2 16 framing and HPACK 10 is supported.
www/oeis-0.3.6 (Score: 0.056974534)
Interface to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS)
Interface to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
www/path-pieces-0.2.0 (Score: 0.056974534)
Components of paths
Components of paths.
www/recaptcha- (Score: 0.056974534)
Functions for using the reCAPTCHA service in web applications
The reCAPTCHA [1] is a service that provides captchas for preventing automated spam in web applications. The recaptcha-hs provides functions for using reCAPTCHA in Haskell web applications. [1] http://recaptcha.net/
www/snap-server- (Score: 0.056974534)
Fast, iteratee-based, epoll-enabled web server for the Snap Framework
Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. The Snap HTTP server is a high performance, epoll-enabled, iteratee-based web server library written in Haskell. Together with the "snap-core" library upon which it depends, it provides a clean and efficient Haskell programming interface to the HTTP protocol.