The WWW::Google::PageRank is a class implementing a interface
for querying google pagerank.
To use it, you should create WWW::Google::PageRank object
and use its method get(), to query page rank of URL.
It uses LWP::UserAgent for making request to Google.
The WWW::Google::Video is a class implementing a interface for fetch the Google
Video Information. To use it, you should create WWW::Google::Video object and
use its method fetch(), to fetch the information of Video. It uses LWP::Simple
for making request to Google.
driven WikiWiki websites, such as|Wikitravel or|Wikipedia. The interface mimics the two most basic
cvs commands: update and commit with similarly named methods. Each of these
has a shorter alias, as in cvs.
The WWW::Scraper::ISBN class was built as a way to retrieve information on
books from multiple sources easily. It utilizes at least one driver
implemented as a subclass of WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver, each of which is
designed to scrape from a single source. Because we found that different
sources had different information available on different books, we designed
a basic interface that could be implemented in whatever ways necessary to
retrieve the desired information.
Lynx-like text WWW browser with many features like displaying tables,
menus, etc.
Keys: ESC display menu
^C quit
^P, ^N scroll up, down
[, ] scroll left, right
up, down select link
-> follow link
<- go back
g go to url
/ search
? search back
n find next
N find previous
= document info
\ document source
d download
Lynx-like WWW browser with text and graphics modes with many features
like displaying tables, menus, etc.
Libwww-perl is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and
consistent programming interface (API) to the World-Wide Web. The main
focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you
to write WWW clients, thus libwww-perl said to be a WWW client library.
The library also contain modules that are of more general use.
The main architecture of the library is object oriented. The user
agent, requests sent and responses received from the WWW server are all
represented by objects. This makes a simple and powerful interface to
these services. The interface should be easy to extend and customize
for your needs.
w3m is a pager/text-based WWW browser.
It is a similar application to Lynx, but it has several features Lynx
doesn't have.
* Rendering tables.
* Rendering frames. (It converts frames into a table).
This program analyses logfiles in both the common log format and NCSA
old format from WWW servers. It is designed to be fast on long
logfiles and to produce attractive statistics.
It was written by Stephen Turner ( For more details,
see the Readme.html in ${PREFIX}/share/doc/analog or the website.
games information via Yahoo! Baseball. (NPB = Nippon Professional Baseball)