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devel/Exporter-Tiny-0.042 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Exporter with features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies
Exporter::Tiny supports many of Sub::Exporter's external-facing features including renaming imported functions with the -as, -prefix and -suffix options; explicit destinations with the into option; and alternative installers with the installler option. But it's written in only about 40% as many lines of code and with zero non-core dependencies. Its internal-facing interface is closer to Exporter.pm, with configuration done through the @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK and %EXPORT_TAGS package variables. Exporter::Tiny performs most of its internal duties (including resolution of tag names to sub names, resolution of sub names to coderefs, and installation of coderefs into the target package) as method calls, which means they can be overridden to provide interesting behaviour.
devel/Heap-0.80 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extensions for keeping data partially sorted
The Heap collection of modules provide routines that manage a heap of elements. A heap is a partially sorted structure that is always able to easily extract the smallest of the elements in the structure (or the largest if a reversed compare routine is provided).
devel/File-CountLines-0.0.3 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Efficiently count the number of line breaks in a file
Perlfaq5 answers the question on how to count the number of lines in a file. This module is a convenient wrapper around that method, with additional options.
devel/ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280224 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Compile and link C code for Perl modules
This module can build the C portions of Perl modules by invoking the appropriate compilers and linkers in a cross-platform manner. It was motivated by the Module::Build project, but may be useful for other purposes as well. However, it is not intended as a general cross-platform interface to all your C building needs. That would have been a much more ambitious goal!
devel/ExtUtils-CChecker-0.10 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Configure-time utilities for using C headers, libraries, OS features
Often Perl modules are written to wrap functionality found in existing C headers, libraries, or to use OS-specific features. It is useful in the Build.PL or Makefile.PL file to check for the existance of these requirements before attempting to actually build the module. Objects in this class provide an extension around ExtUtils::CBuilder to simplify the creation of a .c file, compiling, linking and running it, to test if a certain feature is present. It may also be necessary to search for the correct library to link against, or for the right include directories to find header files in. This class also provides assistance here.
devel/ExtUtils-Command-1.20 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Utilities to replace common UNIX commands
ExtUtils::Command provides a number of utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles, etc. At present the list includes cp, rm_f, rm_rf, mv, cat, eqtime, mkpath, touch, test_f, test_d, chmod, and dos2unix. Also included is the companion module Shell::Command, which is a thin wrapper for ExtUtils::Command to provide cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands.
devel/File-ExtAttr-1.09 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Access to extended attributes of the files
File::ExtAttr is a Perl module providing access to the extended attributes of the files. Extended attributes are metadata associated with a file. Examples are access control lists (ACLs) and other security parameters. But users can add their own key=value pairs. Extended attributes are supported by FreeBSD starting from version 5.
devel/File-FcntlLock-0.22 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl5 module for file locking with fcntl
FcntlLock is a module to do file locking in an object oriented fashion using the fcntl(2) system call. This allows locks on parts of a file as well as on the whole file and overcomes some known problems with flock(2), on which Perls flock() function is based by default.
devel/ExtUtils-CppGuess-0.11 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Guess C++ compiler and flags
ExtUtils::CppGuess attempts to guess the system's C++ compiler that is compatible with the C compiler that your perl was built with. It can generate the necessary options to the Module::Build constructor or to ExtUtils::MakeMaker's WriteMakefile function.
devel/ExtUtils-Depends-0.405 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
This module tries to make it easy to build Perl extensions that use functions and typemaps provided by other perl extensions. This means that a perl extension is treated like a shared library that provides also a C and an XS interface besides the perl one. This works as long as the base extension is loaded with the RTLD_GLOBAL flag (usually done with a sub dl_load_flags {0x01} in the main .pm file) if you need to use functions defined in the module.