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Results 611620 of 8,048 for www%3Atrac.(0.005 seconds)
www/e2guardian- (Score: 0.020137845)
Dansguardian fork with many improvements and bug fixes
e2guardian is a content filtering proxy that works in conjunction with another caching proxy such as Squid or Oops. More information can be found in the e2guardian man page, the "doc" subdirectory and the in the configuration files. e2guardian is a fork of DansGuardian and the maintainers fully acknowledge the work carried out by and the copyright of Daniel Baron and other contributors to the Dansguardian project. E2Guardian Main features: Built-in content scanner plugin system which includes AV scanning. Can be configured to have multiple filter configurations including groups SSL Inspection and Blanket SSL blocking NTLM, Digest, Basic, IP and DNS authentication Header analysis and manipulation - you can also manipulate cookies - Large file (2GB+) download & scanning support Blacklist, Greylist domains Deny regular Expressions on urls, body content, and headers Deep URL scanning to spot URLs in URLs Advanced advert blocking Updates to handle all current web technology trends Time Based Blocking
www/edbrowse-3.5.1 (Score: 0.020137845)
Line-oriented Web browser and text editor
Edbrowse is an editor, a web browser, and a mail client that is 100% text based. The interface is similar to /bin/ed, though there are many more features, such as editing multiple files simultaneously, and rendering html. This program was originally written for blind users, but many sighted users have taken advantage of its unique scripting capabilities, which can be found nowhere else. A batch job, or cron job, can access web pages on the internet, submit forms, and send email, with no human intervention whatsoever.
www/cgi-lib-1.4 (Score: 0.020137845)
ANSI C Library for CGI Programming
CGI-LIB is a free ANSI C library that will facilitate the creation of CGI programs. The library is written entirely in C using ANSI C functions. The functions are easy to use and the source code is included.
www/html_entities-0.3.0 (Score: 0.020137845)
Elixir module for decoding HTML entities
Elixir module for decoding HTML entities in a string.
www/transproxy-1.6 (Score: 0.020137845)
Transparent HTTP proxy for ipfw's fwd rule or IPFILTER's ipnat command
transproxy - transparently proxy HTTP requests. This program is used with ipfw's fwd rules or Darren Reed's IPFILTER package, and is used to intercept HTTP requests and divert them to a HTTP proxy server (eg: squid), without requiring user intervention or configuration. It accepts connections on the redirected port, connects to the real proxy server, and transports data between the two sockets. The original HTTP request is modified to allow the HTTP proxy server to fetch the correct document. In most cases this doesn't cause any DNS activity. Unlike some other transparent proxy solutions, this does not require the HTTP proxy server to run on the machine itself. See /usr/local/sbin/tproxyrun for an example of how to add filter rules and start tproxy. Also see /usr/local/sbin/tproxywatch for an example of how to ensure that tproxy keeps running regardless of faults.
www/ttf2eot- (Score: 0.020137845)
Convert TTF font file to EOT web embeddable file
Very small utility to convert TTF files to EOT. EOT is used by Internet Explorer to support css @font-face declarations.
www/twms-0.02w (Score: 0.020137845)
Tiny WMS server
tWMS is a tiny WMS server written in Python and using tiles as a backend storage
www/uchiwa-0.18.2 (Score: 0.020137845)
Simple dashboard for Sensu
Uchiwa is a simple dashboard for the Sensu monitoring framework.
www/Dancer2-0.202000 (Score: 0.020137845)
Lightweight yet powerful web application framework
Dancer2 is the new generation of Dancer, the lightweight web-framework for Perl. Dancer2 is a complete rewrite based on Moo.
www/mod_myvhost-0.21 (Score: 0.020137845)
Apache module for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting with php
mod_myvhost is Apache module for dynamically configured name based mass virtual hosting with PHP, virtual host's configurations and PHP settings are stored in database. No need to have every vhost in apache's configuration file, no need to restart apache after configuration changed (vhost added|deleted, vhost rootdir changed, vhost unblocked/unblocked...). After all, it is capable to change settings of PHP4/5 dynamically (if php is loadable module or it is linked with apache) for any vhost. By default, it sets open_basedir as vhost's rootdir to prevent user from stoling files from other users and from your server, but you have ability to change almost any parameter that exists in php.ini, for example, you can turn on safe_mode or register_globals for particular vhost, if it has old php scripts that use global variables.