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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第9,0219,030项(搜索用时0.009秒)
games/sjeng-11.2 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Chess engine supporting chess variations
Sjeng was an attempt to create a bughouse & crazyhouse playing program that can attain a level comparable to what the best human players are capable of. Newer versions of Sjeng also play standard, suicide, giveaway and losers chess.
games/ski-6.11 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Skiing simulation with curses interface in python
Imagine you are skiing down an infinite slope, facing such hazards as trees, ice, bare ground, and the man-eating Yeti! Unfortunately, you have put your jet-powered skis on backwards, so you can't see ahead where you are going; only behind where you have been. However, you can turn to either side, jump or hop through the air, teleport through hyperspace, launch nuclear ICBMs, and cast spells to call the Fire Demon. And since the hazards occur in patches, you can skillfully outmaneuver them. A fun and very silly game that proves you don't need fancy graphical user interfaces to have a good time.
games/spellathon-6.0 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Word game to test your English vocabulary skills
Spellathon is a word game to test your English vocabulary skills. You are given seven letters and you need to find words of length - four letters or more that include a central letter.
games/sdl_jewels-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Tile-matching 8x8 puzzle game
The game is very simple. There is an 8x8 array of jewels of 7 types. You need to get 3 or more in a row horizontally or vertically in order to score points. You can swap any two jewels that are next to each other up and down or left and right. The mechanic is to click the mouse on the first one, then drag in the direction to switch with. Then let up on the mouse button, but this last isn't so critical. Jewels can only be swapped if after the swap there is at least one 3 or more in a row set created. Otherwise the jewels return to their original position. There is a clock shown on the left. When it counts down to 0 the game is over. You will probably be able to enter your name into the high score table. Hit enter when done. Hit F1 or spacebar to start a new game, or ESC to exit. This game makes use of OpenGL. Without an OpenGL implementation it won't work. If you only have software rendering you can still play but the frame rate will be lower. The GLX module must be present as well.
games/sdl_lopan-10 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Mahjong game remake
SDL Lopan is a mahjong game remake
games/sdl_scavenger-145.2015.01.05 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Lode Runner like game
SDL Scavenger A Lode Runner like game.
games/sets-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0010835839)
This is an implementation of the sets game
This is an implementation of the sets game.
games/shootingstar-1.2.0 (Score: 0.0010835839)
SDL/OpenGL top-down shooter
The Red-Shirted-Guy served happily in the police forces for many years, until he got kicked out because he used too much violence. He started drinking. After couple months his twin brother, the Green-Shirted-Guy, thought that Red's life wasn't very glamourous, so Green asked Red if he wanted to collaborate and start killing bad guys. They both thought it was a good idea and so they started their agency, The Shooting Stars. It was finally the time to take law to their own hands.
games/stormbaancoureur-2.1.6 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Simulated obstacle course for automobiles
Stormbaan Coureur is the Linux game that was formerly known as Sturmbahnfahrer. It is back with a larger track, more challenges, many improvements in a PC (Politically Correct) edition. In this game, it is all about the car Physics. If you want to master it, try to have the laws of physics work with you, not against you. Stormbaan Coureur is a game by Bram Stolk.
games/sudoku-sensei-02.00 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Enjoy playing with Sudoku boards designed by yourself
The engine solves sudokus by applying complex logical rules a few times, instead of applying simpler rules (like guessing and backtracking) many times. These complex logical rules are exactly the same ones that people use with paper and pen.