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Results 17,39117,400 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.011 seconds)
mail/spambnc-20060416 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Set of procmail recipes which handle known/suspected spam
The Spam Bouncer is a set of procmail recipes, or instructions, which search the headers and text of your incoming email to see if it meets one or more of several categories (known addresses, rogue ISPs, bulk mail software etc etc). The Spam Bouncer sorts suspected spam into two categories -- mail from known spam sources which is definitely spam, and other mail which is probably spam, but might also be legitimate. It then tags this email with appropriate headers giving the spam classification, and responds according to the parameters you have set.
mail/login_auth-3.0 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Automatically log in user based on HTTP authentication
If you keep SquirrelMail behind a password-protected directory on your web server and if PHP has access to the username and password, this plugin will bypass the login screen and use the provided username/password. If this plugin enabled and the information isn't present, it doesn't crash or produce error messages. It just doesn't automatically log you in. If the user/pass information does not work for the IMAP server, this still displays the login form, just in case the web server password and IMAP password are not synchronized.
math/outliers-0.14 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Collection of some tests commonly used for identifying outliers
A collection of some tests commonly used for identifying outliers: - Chi-squared test for outlier - Test for outlying or inlying variance - Dixon tests for outlier - Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample - Find value with largest difference from the mean - Critical values and p-values for Cochran outlying variance test - Critical values and p-values for Dixon test - Calculate critical values and p-values for Grubbs test - Interpolate tabularized distribution - Remove the value(s) most differing from the mean - Calculate scores of the sample
math/concorde-20031219 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Combinatorial Optimization package
Concorde is a computer code for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and some related network optimization problems. The code is written in the ANSI C programming language and it is available for academic research use; for other uses, contact bico@isye.gatech.edu for licensing options. Concorde's TSP solver has been used to obtain the optimal solutions to 106 of the 110 TSPLIB instances; the largest having 15,112 cities. The Concorde callable library includes over 700 functions permitting users to create specialized codes for TSP-like problems. All Concorde functions are thread-safe for programming in shared-memory parallel environments; the main TSP solver includes code for running over networks of Unix workstations.
math/clblas-2.10 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Software library containing BLAS functions written in OpenCL
clBLAS a software library containing BLAS functions written in OpenCL The primary goal of clBLAS is to make it easier for developers to utilize the inherent performance and power efficiency benefits of heterogeneous computing. clBLAS interfaces do not hide nor wrap OpenCL interfaces, but rather leaves OpenCL state management to the control of the user to allow for maximum performance and flexibility. The clBLAS library does generate and enqueue optimized OpenCL kernels, relieving the user from the task of writing, optimizing and maintaining kernel code themselves.
math/geogebra- (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Dynamic software that joins geometry, algebra, and calculus
GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software that joins geometry, algebra and calculus. It is developed for education in secondary schools by Markus Hohenwarter at the University of Salzburg. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. Equations and coordinates can be entered directly. Thus, GeoGebra has the ability to deal with variables for numbers, vectors and points, finds derivatives and integrals of functions and offers commands like Root or Extremum. GeoGebra received several international awards including the European and German educational software award.
math/gdcalc-2.15 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Gnome-based scientific calculator
gdcalc is a financial, statistics, scientific and programmers calculator for Unix. The GUI was written with glade(1) and uses the Gnome/Gtk+ toolkit - so it may well be compatible with themes and other whiz-bang features of those systems. gdcalc has both Algebraic notation (ie. conventional, TI or Casio style) and Reverse Polish Notation (RPN or Hewlett-Packard style). If you've not heard of RPN before, you are probably familiar with algebraic calculators. Very briefly, while simpler and more natural to use, RPN calculators need some study eg. they have an Enter key instead of the equals key.
math/geonext-1.74 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Interactive (dynamic) elementary Geometry Software
The dynamic mathematics software Geonext establishes new ways of teaching and learning mathematics. It offers opportunities of visualisation that can't be realised on paper or blackboard and with traditional construction tools. Geonext enables autonomous and cooperative learning of mathematics in the classroom. It encourages an active discovering approach to mathematical thinking. Geonext can be used at school and at home for free (GPL). Therefore the software can be handed out to students without any copyright problems (GPL). Geonext can be used from elementary school up to calculus at high school and in teacher-training at university in a manifold and flexible way. -Andreas Fehlner fehlner@gmx.de
math/statistics- (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Library of statistical types, data, and functions
This library provides a number of common functions and types useful in statistics. We focus on high performance, numerical robustness, and use of good algorithms. Where possible, we provide references to the statistical literature. The library's facilities can be divided into four broad categories: * Working with widely used discrete and continuous probability distributions. (There are dozens of exotic distributions in use; we focus on the most common.) * Computing with sample data: quantile estimation, kernel density estimation, histograms, bootstrap methods, significance testing, and autocorrelation analysis. * Random variate generation under several different distributions. * Common statistical tests for significant differences between samples.
math/ltl-1.9.1 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
C++ class SSE library for scientific computing
LTL is a C++ class template library for scientific computing which provides high performance via SSE3 floating point support for vector operations. Useful for array processing, image processing, FITS and ASCII I/O, and linear algebra (astronomical and scientific computing, in short). LTL provides dynamic arrays of up to 5-dimensions, subarrays and slicing, support for fixed size vectors and matrices including basic linear algebra operations, expression templates based evaluation, and I/O facilities for ascii and FITS format files. Users of the boost and blitz++ library may find the cross-pollination of these unique features to be fruitful.