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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第3,1413,150项(搜索用时0.007秒)
audio/wavpack-4.60.1 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Audio codec for lossless, lossy, and hybrid compression
WavPack is a completely open audio compression format providing lossless, high-quality lossy, and a unique hybrid compression mode. Although the technology is loosely based on previous versions of WavPack, the new version 4 format has been designed from the ground up to offer unparalleled performance and functionality. In the default lossless mode WavPack acts just like a WinZip compressor for audio files. However, unlike MP3 or WMA encoding which can affect the sound quality, not a single bit of the original information is lost, so there's no chance of degradation. This makes lossless mode ideal for archiving audio material or any other situation where quality is paramount. The compression ratio depends on the source material, but generally is between 30% and 70% (generally lower for typical popular music and somewhat better for classical music and other sources with greater dynamic range). The hybrid mode provides all the advantages of lossless compression with an additional bonus. Instead of creating a single file, this mode creates both a relatively small, high-quality lossy file that can be used all by itself, and a "correction" file that (when combined with the lossy file) provides full lossless restoration. For some users this means never having to choose between lossless and lossy compression!
audio/wmalbum-0.1.5 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Dockapp to display album covers for XMMS
WMalbum is a dock applet that displays album covers for songs being played by XMMS. You must already have images of the album covers stored near the file being played. WMAlbum provides a handy circular menu for play/skip/etc, and can replace wmxmms. Although dock applets are designed for the WindowMaker window manager, they also work in other window managers including openbox and blackbox.
audio/csound-6.06 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Sound synthesizer
Csound is a programming language designed and optimized for sound rendering and signal processing. The language consists of over 450 opcodes - the operational codes that the sound designer uses to build "instruments" or patches. Although there are an increasing number of graphical "front-ends" for the language, you typically design and modify your patches using a word processor. Usually, you create two text files - a .orc (orchestra) file containing the "instruments," and a .sco (score) file containing the "notes." In Csound, the complexity of your patches is limited by your knowledge, interest, and need, but never by the language itself. For instance, a 22,050 oscillator additive synthesizer with 1024 stage envelope generators on each is merely a copy-and-paste operation. The same goes for a 1 million voice granular texture! Have you ever dreamed of sounds such as these? Well in Csound you can. And in Csound these dreams can come true!
audio/xmms-scrobbler- (Score: 0.0012383816)
XMMS plugin for Audioscrobbler.com
This is an XMMS Plugin which sends the Playlist data to audioscrobbler.com
audio/xmixer-0.9.4 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Audio mixer (gtk and Xlib) for X11R6
This package includes two programs for adjusting sound mixers: xmixer, which uses the Athena toolkit, and xgmixer, based on GTK+. From the README: Features: * For every device which is supported by the sound card you can change the volume via a slider. Unsupported devices are not shown. * Select the input device(s) for recording. * On startup a configuration file is read which restores device settings. * With a menu option you can save the current settings for the next start up. * Hide devices which you don't want to see. * Batch support - just read and evaluate the settings in the configuration file.
audio/gbsplay-0.0.8 (Score: 0.0012383816)
XMMS plugin for playing Nintendo Game Boy(TM) audio
xmms-gbsplay is a XMMS input plugin which emulates the sound hardware of the Nintendo Game Boy(TM). It is able to play the sounds from a Game Boy(TM) module dump (.GBS format) in XMMS.
audio/faad2-2.7 (Score: 0.0012383816)
XMMS plugin for MP4/M4A/AAC files
FAAD2 (Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder) is an MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AAC decoder. FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available and can be used with DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale), and supports HE (High Efficiency), Main, LC, LD, LTP, PS (Parametric Stereo) AAC files. This is an XMMS plugin for playing MPEG-4 AAC files.
audio/xmp-4.1.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Player for many different Amiga and PC module formats
The Extended Module Player, or xmp, is a portable command-line module player supports over 80 mainstream and obscure module formats from Amiga, Atari, Acorn, Apple IIgs and PC.
audio/xoscope-2.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Sound card oscilloscope
xoscope is a digital oscilloscope using input from a sound card or EsounD and/or a ProbeScope/osziFOX and will soon support Bitscope hardware. Includes 8 signal displays, variable time scale, math, memory, measurements, and file save/load.
audio/zynaddsubfx-2.4.3 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Realtime software synthesizer
ZynAddSubFX is a opensource software synthesizer capable of making a countless number of instruments, from some common heard from expensive hardware to interesting sounds that you'll boost to an amazing universe of sounds.