Ports 搜索

net/tofu-0.5 (Score: 0.026957162)
Practical high-level network game engine
Tofu is a practical high-level network game engine, written in Python and based on Twisted. Tofu is designed for games where players play one or several characters accross several levels. This includes jump'n run games, RPG or RTS, but not Tetris-like games or board game. It currently support client-server and single player mode; peer-to-peer mode may be added later. Tofu is Free Software, under the GNU LGPL license.
net/rsplib-3.0.2 (Score: 0.026957162)
RSerPool Framework and Example Applications
RSerPool client/server API library for load distribution and Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) is the IETF's standard (RFC 5351 to RFC 5356) for a lightweight server pool and session management framework. It provides highly available pool management (that is registration handling and load distribution/balancing) by components called Registrar and a client-side/server-side API for accessing the service of a pool.
net/twitter-1.17.1 (Score: 0.026957162)
Python API and command-line toolset for Twitter
The Minimalist Twitter API for Python is a Python API for Twitter, everyone's favorite Web 2.0 Facebook-style status updater for people on the go. Also included is a twitter command-line tool for getting your friends' tweets and setting your own tweet from the safety and security of your favorite shell and an IRC bot that can announce Twitter updates to an IRC channel.
net/icmp-0.2.1 (Score: 0.026957162)
Ruby module for handling ICMP packets
This is a Ruby module for handling ICMP packets. Note that it requires root permission to handle any ICMP packets.
net/tcpsocketpipe-1.8.2 (Score: 0.026957162)
Ruby library to create I/O pipes for TCP socket tunneling
This is Ruby/TCPSocketPipe, a Ruby library to create I/O pipes for TCP socket tunneling.
net/txrestapi-0.2 (Score: 0.026957162)
Easing the creation of REST API services in Python
txrestapi makes it easier to create Twisted REST API services. Normally, one would create Resource subclasses defining each segment of a path; this is cubersome to implement and results in output that isn't very readable. txrestapi provides an APIResource class allowing complex mapping of path to callback (a la Django) with a readable decorator.
net/openmpi-1.10.4 (Score: 0.026957162)
High Performance Message Passing Library
Open MPI is a project combining technologies and resources from several other projects (FT-MPI, LA-MPI, LAM/MPI, and PACX-MPI) in order to build the best MPI library available. A completely new MPI-2 compliant implementation, Open MPI offers advantages for system and software vendors, application developers and computer science researchers. Open MPI is based on an open component architecture allowing modular replacement of many system components without recompilation.
net/uritemplate-0.6 (Score: 0.026957162)
Python implementation of URI Template
This is a Python implementation of RFC6570, URI Template, and can expand templates up to and including Level 4 in that specification.
net/openslp-2.0.0 (Score: 0.026957162)
Open-source implementation of the Service Location Protocol
Service Location Protocol is an IETF standards track protocol that provides a framework to allow networking applications to discover the existence, location, and configuration of networked services in enterprise networks.
net/wolframalpha-1.2 (Score: 0.026957162)
Python Client for Wolfram Alpha
Python Client built against the Wolfram|Alpha v2.0 API