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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第11,01111,020项(搜索用时0.012秒)
security/pkcrack-1.2.2 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
Utility for breaking pkzip encryption
This package implements an algorithm for breaking the PkZip cipher that was devised by Eli Biham and Paul Kocher. This program applies a known plaintext attack to an encrypted file. A known-plaintext-attack recovers a password using the encrypted file and (part of) the unencrypted file. Please note that cryptographers use the word 'plaintext' for any kind of unencrypted data - not necessarily readable ASCII text. Before you ask why somebody may want to know the password when he already knows the plaintext think of the following situations: - Usually there's a large number of files in a ZIP-archive. Usually all these files are encrypted using the same password. So if you know one of the files, you can recover the password and decrypt the other files. - You need to know only a part of the plaintext (at least 13 bytes). Many files have commonly known headers, like DOS .EXE-files. Knowing a reasonably long header you can recover the password and decrypt the entire file.
security/snort- (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
Lightweight network intrusion detection system
Snort is a libpcap-based packet sniffer/logger which can be used as a lightweight network intrusion detection system. It features rules based logging and can perform content searching/matching in addition to being used to detect a variety of other attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, and much more. Snort has a real-time alerting capability, with alerts being sent to syslog, a separate "alert" file, or even to a Windows computer via Samba. Packets are logged in their decoded form to directories which are generated based upon the IP address of the remote peer. This allows Snort to be used as a sort of "poor man's intrusion detection system" if you specify what traffic you want to record and what to let through. For instance, I use it to record traffic of interest to the six computers in my office at work while I'm away on travel or gone for the weekend. It's also nice for debugging network code since it shows you most of the Important Stuff(TM) about your packets (as I see it anyway). The code is pretty easy to modify to provide more complete packet decoding, so feel free to make suggestions.
sysutils/personality-1.0 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
System configuration management utility to alter system personality
This script provides functionality for manipulating collections of configuration files which can be organised so as to alter the personality of a system. Initially, the "base" personality is established. This personality contains the "reference" copies of configuration files, and is used when creating new personalities. The files which are currently considered part of the system's personality are those contained in the base personality. A new personality is established by making a copy of the base personality under a new name. Each personality maintains a separate copy of all configuration files under /etc/personality. To install a new personality, the files currently in place are saved back to the current personality as indicated in /etc/personality/current, and the files for the new personality copied into place. The 'select' and 'menu' commands which perform these installations are implemented in such a fashion as to only require the tools available on the root filesystem, so that they may be invoked at the earliest stage during system startup.
sysutils/sortu-2.1.2 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
Tool that combines sort and uniq functionality
The sortu program is a replacement for the sort and uniq programs. It is common for Unix script writers to want to count how many separate patterns are in a file. For example, if you have a list of addresses, you may want to see how many are from each state. So you cut out the state part, sort these, and then pass them through uniq -c. Sortu does all this for you in a fraction of the time. Sortu uses a hash table and some decent line processing to provide this functionality. For a relatively small number of keys, it can be signifcantly smaller than using sort, because it does not have to keep temporary files. If you are dealing with a large number of unique keys then sortu will run out of memory and stop. Sortu has some basic field and delimiter handling which should do most basic awk or cut features to separate out the field that you are sorting on.
textproc/ltxml-1.2.9 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
XML Toolkit
LT XML is an integrated set of XML tools and a developers' tool-kit, including a C-based API. The LT XML tool-kit includes stand-alone tools for a wide range of processing of well-formed XML documents, including searching and extracting, down-translation (e.g. report generation, formatting), tokenising and sorting. Sequences of tool applications can be pipelined together to achieve complex results. For special purposes beyond what the pre-constructed tools can achieve, extending their functionality and/or creating new tools is easy using the LT XML API. Minimal applications require less than one-half page of C code to express. LT XML provides two views of an XML file; one as a flat stream of markup elements and text; a second as a sequence of tree-structured XML elements. The two views can be mixed, allowing great flexibility in the manipulation of XML documents. It also includes a powerful, yet simple, querying language, which allows the user to quickly and easily select those parts of an XML document which are of interest.
www/mod_webauth-4.7.0 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
Apache module for authenticating users with Kerberos v5
WebAuth is an authentication system for web pages and web applications. The first time a user attempts to access a web page protected by WebAuth, they will be sent to a central login server (weblogin.stanford.edu at Stanford) and prompted to authenticate. Normally, they will be asked for a username and password, although other authentication methods are possible. Once the user has logged in, the weblogin server will send their encrypted identity back to the original web page they were trying to access. Their identity will also be stored in a cookie set by the weblogin server and they will not need to authenticate again until their credentials expire, even if they visit multiple protected web sites. WebAuth works with any browser that supports cookies, requires no agents or other software installed on the client web browser systems, and works with an existing Kerberos v5 authentication realm. It can also be used as the SSO provider for a Shibboleth IdP and supports SPNEGO authentication as well as username/password over TLS/SSL. See the page on WebAuth features for more major features and a brief comparison with other web authentication systems.
www/g-cows-1.12 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
Scripting language for creation of web sites
This is a port of G-Cows, a software project consisting in: - definition of a scripting language designed for creation of web sites (Cows); - interpreter for the scripting language (cows); - a makefile generator (cows-mkgen). Cows is a scripting language whose main goal is to make the creation and updating of a web site faster, more flexible and less prone to errors without relying on server-side technologies. Cows allows to use your Unix background and your favorite tools while creating a site: you can traverse the whole directory tree with `find', extract informations with `grep', build complex pipelines, include external scripts and programs written in every language whose interpreter or compiler is installed on your system. Even if you use server side technology, you can still appreciate Cows for every task not relying on dynamic change of your site's contents mixing Cows, PHP, custom Apache modules, application servers etc. Cows gives the best results when used in conjunction with the Make utility, available on all Unix systems.
www/HTML-Mason-1.56 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
Mason is a tool for building, serving and managing large web sites. Its features make it an ideal backend for high load sites serving dynamic content, such as online newspapers or database driven e-commerce sites. Mason's various pieces revolve around the notion of "components". A component is a mix of HTML, Perl, and special Mason commands, one component per file. So-called "top-level" components represent entire web-pages, while smaller components typically return HTML snippets for embedding in top-level components. This object-like architecture greatly simplifies site maintenance: change a shared component, and you instantly changed all dependant pages that refer to it across a site (or across many virtual sites). Mason's component syntax lets designers separate a web page into programmatic and design elements. This means the esoteric Perl bits can be hidden near the bottom of a component, preloading simple variables for use above in the HTML. In our own experience, this frees content managers (i.e., non-programmers) to work on the layout without getting mired in programming details. Techies, however, still enjoy the full power of Perl.
www/HTML-QuickCheck-1.0b1 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
Simple and fast HTML syntax checking package for perl 4 and perl 5
The objective of the package is to provide a fast and essential HTML check (esp. for CGI scripts where response time is important) to prevent a piece of user input HTML code from messing up the rest of a file, i.e., to minimize and localize any possible damage created by including a piece of user input HTML text in a dynamic document. HTMLQuickCheck checks for unmatched < and >, unmatched tags and improper nesting, which could ruin the rest of the document. Attributes and elements with optional end tags are not checked, as they should not cause disasters with any decent browsers (they should ignore any unrecognized tags and attributes according to the standard). A piece of HTML that passes HTMLQuickCheck may not necessarily be valid HTML, but it would be very unlikely to screw others but itself. A valid piece of HTML that doesn't pass the HTMLQuickCheck is however very likely to screw many browsers(which are obviously broken in terms of strict conformance). HTMLQuickCheck currently supports HTML 1.0, 2.x (draft), 3.0 (draft) and netscape extensions (1.1).
www/Parse-HTTP-UserAgent-0.39 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
Parser for the User Agent string
Parse::HTTP::UserAgent implements a rules-based parser and tries to identify MSIE, FireFox, Opera, Safari & Chrome first. It then tries to identify Mozilla, Netscape, Robots and the rest will be tried with a generic parser. There is also a structure dumper, useful for debugging. User agent strings are a complete mess since there is no standard format for them. They can be in various formats and can include more or less information depending on the vendor's (or the user's) choice. Also, it is not dependable since it is some arbitrary identification string. Any user agent can fake another. So, why deal with such a useless mess? You may want to see the choice of your visitors and can get some reliable data (even if some are fake) and generate some nice charts out of them or just want to send an HttpOnly cookie if the user agent seems to support it (and send a normal one if this is not the case). However, browser sniffing for client-side coding is considered a bad habit.