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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,6312,640项(搜索用时0.008秒)
www/quickie-1.1 (Score: 0.0030340538)
Small footprint, fast Wiki engine written in C++
Quickie is a small footprint, fast C++ Wiki engine; hence the name. The fundamental insight for this engine is that wiki pages are read far more often than they are modified. Thus, the generated HTML can be cached. It follows that the main code path will check that the .html file exists and simply copy it to stdout in the vast majority of cases. The .html file generated from each .wiki file is about the same size as the .wiki file itself, so there will be no particular I/O advantage, but there is a huge CPU advantage, and a significant memory footprint advantage, and since I want to run a wiki on a geriatric 20MB 33MHz 386 machine, this is a good thing. Online demo: http://quickie.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/quickie
devel/Devel-ebug-0.57 (Score: 0.0029603573)
Simple, extensible Perl debugger
A debugger is a computer program that is used to debug other programs. Devel::ebug is a simple, extensible Perl debugger with a clean API. Using this module, you may easily write a Perl debugger to debug your programs. Alternatively, it comes with an interactive debugger, ebug. perl5db.pl, Perl's current debugger is currently 2,600 lines of magic and special cases. The code is nearly unreadable: fixing bugs and adding new features is fraught with difficulties. The debugger has no test suite which has caused breakage with changes that couldn't be properly tested. It will also not debug regexes. Devel::ebug is aimed at fixing these problems and delivering a replacement debugger which provides a well-tested simple programmatic interface to debugging programs. This makes it easier to build debuggers on top of Devel::ebug, be they console-, curses-, GUI- or Ajax-based. There are currently two user interfaces to Devel::debug, ebug and ebug_http. ebug is a console-based interface to debugging programs, much like perl5db.pl. ebug_http is an innovative web-based interface to debugging programs.
sysutils/cryptofs-0.6.0 (Score: 0.0029603573)
Encrypted filesystem for FUSE
CryptoFS is a encrypted filesystem for Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) and the Linux Userland FileSystem (LUFS). Visit http://fuse.sourceforge.net/ for more information on FUSE, or http://lufs.sourceforge.net/lufs/ for more information on LUFS. CryptoFS will use a normal directory to store files encrypted. The mountpoint will contain the decrypted files. Every file stored in this mountpoint will be written encrypted (data and filename) to the directory that was mounted. If you unmount the directory the encrypted data can only be access by mounting the directory with the correct key again. Like other FUSE/LUFS filesystems it does not need root access or any complicated setup like creating a filesystem on a encrypted disk using the loop device. CryptoFS can be build for FUSE, and LUFS. When you build for FUSE you get a program to mount the filesystem. For LUFS a shared library will be built that can be used by LUFS's lufsd. Both methods can use the same encrypted directory.
www/LWPx-ParanoidAgent-1.10 (Score: 0.0029603573)
Subclass of LWP::UserAgent that protects you from harm
LWPx::ParanoidAgent is a class subclassing LWP::UserAgent, but paranoid against attackers. It's to be used when you're fetching a remote resource on behalf of a possibly malicious user. This class can do whatever LWP::UserAgent can (callbacks, uploads from files, etc), except proxy support is explicitly removed, because in that case you should do your paranoia at your proxy. Also, the schemes are limited to http and https, which are mapped to LWPx::Protocol::http_paranoid and LWPx::Protocol::https_paranoid, respectively, which are forked versions of the same ones without the "_paranoid". Subclassing them didn't look possible, as they were essentially just one huge function. This class protects you from connecting to internal IP ranges (unless you whitelist them), hostnames/IPs that you blacklist, remote webserver tarpitting your process (the timeout parameter is changed to be a global timeout over the entire process), and all combinations of redirects and DNS tricks to otherwise tarpit and/or connect to internal resources.
finance/PayflowPro-4706 (Score: 0.002928795)
Pure Perl PayflowPro payment gateway interface
Interface to HTTP gateway for PayPal's Payflow Pro service, as described on the PayPal developer site at https://www.x.com/docs/DOC-1642 See also the developer area: https://www.x.com/community/ppx/xspaces/web_checkout/payflow?view=documents This module is intended to be a drop-in replacement for PFProAPI (a couple of minor changes to your code are necessary to use this module instead of PFProAPI). The major difference is that it is pure Perl, and not architecture dependent (ie, you can use this on your 64-bit FreeBSD platform.)
graphics/png-1.6.23 (Score: 0.002928795)
操作 PNG 图像的程序库
Libpng 是一个 PNG 规范的伴侣,为需要支持 PNG 文件格式的应用程序节省大量的时间。 大多数用户不需要大量修改程序库;高级用户可能需要做稍多的修改。这个程序库也是为 用户而编写的。在使代码易于理解的同时也在尽可能地使代码完善。目前,这个程序库支 持 C。其他语言的支持也在考虑当中。 http://libpng.sourceforge.net/
Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API
Captcha::reCAPTCHA::Mailhide - A Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API reCAPTCHA is a hybrid mechanical turk and captcha that allows visitors who complete the captcha to assist in the digitization of books. reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA. This is possible because most OCR programs alert you when a word cannot be read correctly. http://recaptcha.net/learnmore.html
japanese/Lingua-JA-Numbers-0.05 (Score: 0.002928795)
Converts numeric values to and from their Japanese string equivalents
This module converts Japanese text in UTF-8 (or romaji in ascii) to number, AND vice versa. Though this pod is in English and all examples are in romaji to make http://search.cpan.org/ happy, this module does accept Japanese in UTF-8. Try the code below to see it. perl -MLingua::JA::Numbers \ -e '$y="\x{4e8c}\x{5343}\x{4e94}"; printf "(C) %d Dan Kogai\n", ja2num($y)' CAVEAT DO NOT BE CONFUSED WITH Lingua::JA::Number by Mike Schilli. This module is far more comprehensive. As of 0.03, it even does its to_string() upon request.
sysutils/fvcool-1.0.4 (Score: 0.002928795)
VCool for FreeBSD - Cooling software for AMD Athlon/Duron CPUs
FVCool is the FreeBSD version of the famous VCool software (http://vcool.occludo.net) which changes the PCI configuration data of some chipsets and thus allows AMD Athlon/Duron CPUs to go into power-save mode. This makes the CPU consume a lot less electric energy, and it produces a lot less heat as well. This trick is not a secret - on FreeBSD, you can actually achieve the same effect which this software has using the "pciconf" command. Please note that this software may have a negative impact on the system's stability and thus should not be employed in production or mission-critical environments.
sysutils/u-boot-2016.01 (Score: 0.002928795)
Cross-build U-Boot loader for Raspberry Pi
U-Boot loader and related files for Raspberry Pi To install this bootloader, copy ALL the files in the share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi directory to the first partition, formatted as FAT16 or FAT32, on an SD card. This version is patched so that: * ELF and API features are enabled. * The default environment is trimmed to just what's needed to boot. * The saveenv command writes to the file uboot.env on the FAT partition. For information about running FreeBSD on RaspberryPi, see For general information about U-Boot see WWW: http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot