Ports 搜索

security/Net-SAML-1.42 (Score: 0.0853921)
Perl extension for using SAML SSO
A Perl module wrapping libzxid. Also zxid.pl, that implements SP in mod_perl environment, is supplied. This module is also available on CPAN at http://search.cpan.org/dist/zxid/.
net/hping-2.0.0r3 (Score: 0.08533508)
Network auditing tool
hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to the ping(8) Unix command, but hping isn't only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features. While hping was mainly used as a security tool in the past, it can be used in many ways by people that don't care about security to test networks and hosts. A subset of the stuff you can do using hping: - Test firewall rules - [spoofed] port scanning - Test net performance using different protocols, packet size, TOS (type of service) and fragmentation. - Path MTU discovery - Files transfering even between really fascist firewall rules. - Traceroute like under different protocols. - Firewalk like usage. - Remote OS fingerprint. - TCP/IP stack auditing.
net/proxy-suite- (Score: 0.08533508)
The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security
The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security. The first (and currently only) component being released is the FTP-Proxy. * Securely relays FTP connections between clients and servers * Can switch connections from active to passive and vice versa * Utilizes port ranges for both control and data connections * Provides extensive auditing (via syslog or rotating log files) * Can separate user related from system triggered audit events * Provides command restriction based on logged in user name * Allows command argument checking with regular expressions * Is able to retrieve configuration data from an LDAP directory * Has been thoroughly tested against buffer overflow attacks * Fully conforms to RFC 959 and 1123 (the basic FTP RFCs) * Planned to support RFC 1579 ("Firewall Friendly FTP") * Planned to support RFC 2428 (IPv6 Extensions for FTP) * Based on GNU AutoConf, supposed to run on many UNIX systems Ported to FreeBSD using OpenBSD port by Camiel Dobbelaar <cd@sentia.nl>, with updates contributed by Marius Tomaschewski <mat@mt-home.net>.
net/simplesoap-1.10 (Score: 0.08533508)
Python Simple SOAP Library
PySimpleSOAP (Python Simple SOAP) library for client and server webservices interfaces, aimed to be as small and easy as possible, supporting most common functionality. Initially it was inspired by PHP Soap Extension (mimicking it functionality, simplicity and ease of use), with many advanced features added. Goals: - Simple: less than 200LOC client/server concrete implementation for easy maintainability and enhancments. - Flexible: adapted to several SOAP dialects (Java Axis, .Net, JBoss), with the posibility of fine-tuning XML request and responses - Pythonic: no artifacts, no class generation, no special types, RPC calls parameters and return values are simple python structures (dicts, list, etc.) - Dynamic: no definition (WSDL) required, dynamic generation and parsing supported (cached in a pickle file for performance, supporting fixing broken WSDL) - Easy: simple xml manipulation, including basic serialization and raw object-like access to SOAP messages - Extensible: supports several HTTP wrappers (httplib2, pycurl, urllib2) for special transport needs over SSL and proxy (ISA)
devel/glmnet-1.8.5 (Score: 0.084709026)
Lasso and elastic-net regularized generalized linear models
Extremely efficient procedures for fitting the entire lasso or elastic-net regularization path for linear regression, logistic and multinomial regression models, poisson regression and the Cox model. Two recent additions are the multiresponse gaussian, and the grouped multinomial.
security/Net-Daemon-SSL-1.0 (Score: 0.08342081)
Perl5 extension for portable daemons
Net::Daemon is an abstract base class for implementing portable server applications in a very simple way. The module is designed for Perl 5.005 and threads, but can work with fork() and Perl 5.004. The Net::Daemon class offers methods for the most common tasks a daemon needs: Starting up, logging, accepting clients, authorization, restricting its own environment for security and doing the true work. You only have to override those methods that aren't appropriate for you, but typically inheriting will safe you a lot of work anyways.
audio/musepack-2011.08.10 (Score: 0.08187594)
Decoder, encoder, and replaygain for musepack (mpc)
Musepack is an audio compression format with a strong emphasis on high quality. It's not lossless, but it is designed for transparency, so that you won't be able to hear differences between the original wave file and the much smaller MPC file. It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but has rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code.
audio/waon-0.10 (Score: 0.08187594)
Wave-to-Notes transcriber and some utility tools
WaoN is a Wave-to-Notes transcriber (converts audio file into midi file) and some utility tools such as gWaoN, graphical visualization of the spectra, and phase vocoder for time-stretching and pitch-shifting.
databases/opentsdb-2.2.0 (Score: 0.08187594)
OpenTSDB is the Scalable Timeseries Database
OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable Time Series Database (TSDB) written on top of HBase. OpenTSDB was written to address a common need: store, index and serve metrics collected from computer systems (network gear, operating systems, applications) at a large scale, and make this data easily accessible and graphable.
databases/pgpool-II-3.3.7 (Score: 0.08187594)
Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II allows multiple PostgreSQL servers (DB nodes) to be connected, which enables queries to be executed simultaneously on all servers. It enables "parallel query" processing. Also, pgpool-II can be started as pgpool-I by changing configuration parameters. pgpool-II that is executed in pgpool-I mode enables multiple DB nodes to be connected, which was not possible in pgpool-I.