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sysutils/unieject-6 (Score: 0.0037353036)
Eject(1) replacement
Unieject is a drop-in replacement for usual eject command, which works on Linux and FreeBSD. It has more functionalities than FreeBSD's eject command, and it's partially compatible with Linux's one. It also features a library to access functions to lookup devices and mountpoints, unmount and eject devices.
devel/log4sh-1.4.2 (Score: 0.0037293371)
Common logging library for Bourne shell scripts
Log4sh is a logging framework for shell scripts that works similar to the other wonderful logging products available from the Apache Software Foundation (eg. log4j, log4perl). Although not as powerful as the others, it can make the task of adding advanced logging to shell scripts easier. It has much more power than just using simple "echo" commands throughout. In addition, it can be configured from a properties file so that scripts in a production environment do not need to be altered to change the amount of logging they produce.
dns/pdnsd-1.2.9a (Score: 0.0037069053)
Caching (permanently, writes to disk on exit) DNS proxy-server
pdnsd is a proxy dns server with permanent caching (the cache contents are written to hard disk on exit) that is designed to cope with unreachable or down dns servers (for example in dial-in networking). pdnsd can be used with applications that do dns lookups, eg on startup, and can't be configured to change that behavior, to prevent the often minute-long hangs (or even crashes) that result from stalled dns queries. Some Netscape Navigator versions for Unix, for example, expose this behavior. pdnsd is configurable via a file and supports run-time configuration using the program pdnsd-ctl that comes with pdnsd. This allows you to set the status flags of servers that pdnsd knows (to influence which servers pdnsd will query), and the addition, deletion and invalidation of DNS records in pdnsd's cache. Parallel name server queries are supported. This is a technique that allows querying several servers at the same time so that very slow or unavailable servers will not block the answer for one timeout interval. Since version 1.0.0, pdnsd has full IPv6 support.
math/x12arima-0.3 (Score: 0.0036620419)
X-12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment program
X-12-ARIMA is seasonal adjustment software produced, distributed, and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau, where it is used for all official seasonal adjustments.
www/Catalyst-View-XML-Simple-0.01 (Score: 0.0036620419)
Perl extension for Catalyst XML View Class
Catalyst View class for XML::Simple.
www/WWW-Mixi-0.50 (Score: 0.0036620419)
Perl module of Automated interface to the Mixi
Mixi is most famous as SNS of Japan.
Tenner themes pack for fluxbox
Tenr Fluxbox themes pack
multimedia/mjpegtools-2.1.0 (Score: 0.003416527)
Set of tools to record/playback/edit videos in MPEG format
lavtools: Linux Audio and Video TOOLS for Motion JPEG and MPEG ============================================================== Programs for MJPEG recording and playback and simple cut-and-paste editting and MPEG compression of audio and video under Linux (Now FreeBSD). N.b. Only the "lav" programs have been written whooly from scratch. The rest are from diverse open source originals, modified to work with the lav tools edit lists and AVI and quicktime files. Some (especially the MPEG tools) have had also more major perfomance and functionality enhancements.
devel/ExtUtils-Command-1.20 (Score: 0.0031746204)
Utilities to replace common UNIX commands
ExtUtils::Command provides a number of utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles, etc. At present the list includes cp, rm_f, rm_rf, mv, cat, eqtime, mkpath, touch, test_f, test_d, chmod, and dos2unix. Also included is the companion module Shell::Command, which is a thin wrapper for ExtUtils::Command to provide cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands.
deskutils/cycle-0.3.1 (Score: 0.0031482372)
Calendar program for women
Cycle is a calendar for women. Given a cycle length or statistics for several periods, it can calculate the days until menstruation, the days of "safe" sex, the fertile period, the days of ovulation, and define the date of birth of a child. It allows the user to write notes and helps to supervise the reception of hormonal contraceptive pills. Main features: - Calculate days of menstruation, based on the length of the cycle or on statistics of previous periods - Calculate days of "safe" sex, fertile period, and days of ovulation - Definition of D.o.B. (Date of Birth) of a child - Allows to write notes - Helps to supervise reception of hormonal contraceptive pills - Multiple users allowed, data is protected by a password for every user NOTE: This program is not a reliable contraceptive method. It neither does help to prevent sexual transmission diseases like AIDS. It is just a nice tool for keeping track of some of your medical data and extracting some statistical conclusions from them. You cannot consider this program as a substitute for your gynecologist in any way. You have been warned!