Ports 搜索

sysutils/confman-1.9.4b (Score: 0.027124707)
Revision controlled configuration manager
confman is a configuration manager written in bash. confman uses Subversion to provide a revision-controlled environment for editing and deploying configuration files. With confman, you can easily manage configuration files for all or any subset of your machines.
sysutils/dtpstree-1.0.3 (Score: 0.027124707)
Display a tree of processes
DT PS Tree shows running processes as a tree. It is a reimplementation of pstree from PSmisc for FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD, and possibly other modern BSD variants. It also works without /proc and will show the full set of processes in a jail even if init is not present.
sysutils/gai-leds-0.6 (Score: 0.027124707)
GAI applet that displays the keyboard status leds
GAI Leds is a GAI applet that displays the keyboard status leds.
sysutils/spindown-0.4 (Score: 0.027124707)
SCSI/firewire harddrive spindown daemon
SCSI / firewire harddrive spindown daemon This is a small program for handling automated spinning down of SCSI harddrives. With SCSI devices it is not as common to spindown for power management purposes as for ATA however it might be required to spin down a disk contained in a firewire enclosure for instance.
textproc/topic-1.04 (Score: 0.027124707)
Topic markup parser
TOPIC markup provides a minimal context for plain text databases that can be read/modified by most text editors, and easily parsed as well. Use as a classic Unix filter or interactively with included REPL.
www/multiwatch-1.0.0 (Score: 0.027124707)
Spawn-fcgi helper for forking multiple workers
Multiwatch forks multiple instance of one application and keeps them running; it is made to be used with spawn-fcgi, so all forks share the same fastcgi socket (no webserver restart needed if you increase/decrease the number of forks), and it is easier than to setup multiple daemontool supervised instances.
www/mod_auth_pubtkt-0.9 (Score: 0.027124707)
Apache module to provide public key ticket based authentication
mod_auth_pubtkt is a simple Web single sign-on (SSO) solution for Apache. It validates authentication tickets provided by the client in a cookie using public-key cryptography (DSA or RSA). Thus, only the login server that generates the tickets needs to possess the private key, while Web servers can verify tickets given only the public key. The implementation of the login server is left to the user, but an example and a library in PHP are provided with the distribution.
www/dtflickr-1.5 (Score: 0.027124707)
Spiffy Flickr API library using JSON
DT Flickr is a spiffy automagically built Flickr API library for Python using JSON.
x11/xtacy-1.14 (Score: 0.027124707)
X11 trippy color-cycling toy
Xtacy, a Graphics Hack for X11 windows -------------------------------------- "Wow! This is better than snorting caffeine!" --Neil Braun Xtacy is a graphics hack which I've been, well, hacking on, for 2 or 3 years now. It's been compiled on DECstations 3100, SGI running IRIX 5.3, and Linux boxen. I think someone got it running on a Sun once, but it had problems with the circle draw function, so a couple of the modes looked quite odd. Not that odd is bad. Just odd. So what does it do? Xtacy displays bouncing shapes, rotating palettes, a couple fractals, a kaleidascope, and lots of more stuff.
x11/xsel-1.2.0 (Score: 0.027124707)
Access X selection from command line
XSel is a command-line program for getting and setting the contents of the X selection. Normally this is only accessible by manually highlighting information and pasting it with the middle mouse button. This port is similar to x11/xsel, but with different CLI syntax and a bit more functionality. It is a lot more popular, too.