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textproc/XML-Rewrite-0.10 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
XML processing and rewriting
Often, XML messages and schemas are created by automatic tools. These tools may provide very nice user interfaces, but tend to produce horrible XML. If you have to read these ugly products, you are in for pain. The purpose of this module (and the script "xmlrewrite" which is part of this distribution) is to be able to rewrite XML messages and Schema's into something maintainable. The main difference between this module and other beautifiers is that the clean-up is based on schema rules. For instance, it is permitted to remove blanks around and inside integers, but not in strings. Beautifiers which do not look into the schema have only limited possibilities for cleanup, or may accidentally change the message content.
textproc/XML-Rules-1.16 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Parse XML and specify rules for individual tags
Parse XML and specify what and how to keep/process for individual tags.
textproc/XML-Tiny-2.06 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Simple lightweight parser for a subset of XML
This module is a minimalist parser for the useful bits of XML.
textproc/XML-SAX-0.99 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Simple API for XML
XML::SAX consists of several framework classes for using and building Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters, and drivers. It is designed around the need to be able to "plug in" different SAX parsers to an application without requiring programmer intervention. Those of you familiar with the DBI will be right at home. Some of the designs come from the Java JAXP specification (SAX part), only without the javaness.
textproc/XML-Schematron-1.09 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl implementation of the Schematron
XML::Schematron - Perl implementation of the Schematron. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/XML-SemanticDiff-1.0004 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension for comparing XML documents
XML::SematicDiff provides a way to compare the contents and structure of two XML documents. By default, it returns a list of hashrefs where each hashref describes a single difference between the two docs.
textproc/XML-Writer-0.625 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Simple Perl module for writing XML documents
XML::Writer is a simple Perl module for writing XML documents: it takes care of constructing markup and escaping data correctly, and by default, it also performs a significant amount of well-formedness checking on the output, to make certain (for example) that start and end tags match, that there is exactly one document element, and that there are not duplicate attribute names.
textproc/XML-SimpleObject-0.53 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
API for accessing the structure of an XML document
This is a small and simple package that takes the output of XML::Parser as a tree, and gives simple methods for accessing the structure of an XML document. It is very lightweight, but provides the simplest access to an XML document possible. It does not subclass XML::Parser; rather, it is meant to serve purely as an object struct for an outgoing tree.
textproc/XML-XPathEngine-0.14 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
This module provides an XPath engine, that can be re-used by other module/classes that implement trees. In order to use the XPath engine, nodes in the user module need to mimick DOM nodes. The degree of similitude between the user tree and a DOM dictates how much of the XPath features can be used. A module implementing all of the DOM should be able to use this module very easily (you might need to add the cmp method on nodes in order to get ordered result sets). This code is a more or less direct copy of the XML::XPath module by Matt Sergeant. I only removed the XML processing part to remove the dependency on XML::Parser, applied a couple of patches, renamed a whole lot of methods to make Pod::Coverage happy, and changed the docs.
textproc/XML-Smart-1.79 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Smart, easy and powerful way to access/create XML files/data
This module has an easy way to access/create XML data. It's based on the HASH tree that is made of the XML data, and enable a dynamic access to it with the Perl syntax for Hashe and Array, without needing to care if you have a Hashe or an Array in the tree. In other words, each point in the tree work as a Hash and an Array at the same time! The module alson handle automatically binary data (encoding/decoding to/from base64), CDATA (like contents with <tags>) and Unicode. It can be used to create XML files, load XML from the Web (just pasting an URL as a file path) and it has an easy way to send XML data through socket, just adding the length of the data in the <?xml?> header. You can use XML::Smart with XML::Parser, or with the 2 standart parsers of XML::Smart: