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Results 1,2211,230 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.003 seconds)
net/POE-Component-PubSub-0.05 (Score: 0.07643312)
Generic publish/subscribe POE::Component
A generic publish/subscribe POE::Component that enables POE::Sessions to publish events to which other POE::Sessions may subscribe.
net/POE-Component-Server-Twirc-0.20 (Score: 0.07643312)
Twitter/IRC gateway
POE::Component::Server::Twirc provides an IRC/Twitter gateway. Twitter friends are added to a channel and messages they post on twitter appear as channel messages in IRC. The IRC interface supports several Twitter features, including posting status updates, following and un-following Twitter feeds, enabling and disabling device notifications, sending direct messages, and querying information about specific Twitter users.
net/pvm-3.4.6 (Score: 0.07643312)
Parallel Virtual Machine libraries and environment
PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) is a portable message-passing programming system, designed to link separate host machines to form a virtual machine which is a single, manageable computing resource. The virtual machine can be composed of hosts of different architectures, located in physically remote locations. PVM applications can be composed of any number of separate processes, or components, written in a mixture of C, C++, and Fortran. The system is portable to a wide variety of architectures, including workstations, multiprocessors, supercomputers, and PCs.
net/POEx-Role-TCPServer-1.102740 (Score: 0.07643312)
Perl extension for TCPServer Moose role on POE
POEx::Role::TCPServer bundles up the lower level SocketFactory/ReadWrite combination of wheels into a simple Moose::Role. It builds upon other POEx modules such as POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation and POEx::Types. The events for SocketFactory for and for each ReadWrite instantiated are methods that can be advised in any way deemed fit. Advising these methods is actually encouraged and can simplify code for the consumer. The only method that must be provided by the consuming class is handle_inbound_data.
net/Parallel-Pvm-1.4.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
Perl extension for the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
Paraller::Pvm is a perl interface to the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Message Passing System. The PVM message passing system enables a programmer to configure a group of (possibly heterogenous) computers connected by a network into a parallel virtual machine. Using PVM, applications can be developed which spawns parallel processes onto nodes in the virtual machine to perform specific tasks. These parallel tasks can also periodically exchange information using a set of message passing functions developed for the system. PVM applications have mostly been developed in the scientific and engineering fields. However applications for real-time and client/server systems can also be developed. PVM simply provides a convenient way for managing parallel tasks and communications without need for rexec or socket level programming.
net/PlRPC-0.2020 (Score: 0.07643312)
Perl module for writing RPC servers and clients
pRPC-modules (Perl RPC) is a package that simplifies the writing of Perl based client/server applications. RPC::pServer is the package used on the server side, and you guess what RPC::pClient is for. See the RPC::pServer(3) and RPC::pClient(3) manpages for detailed information. -Vanilla vanilla@FreeBSD.ORG
net/REST-Application-0.992 (Score: 0.07643312)
Framework for building RESTful web-applications
This module acts as a base class for applications which implement a RESTful interface. When an HTTP request is received some dispatching logic in REST::Application is invoked, calling different handlers based on what the kind of HTTP request it was (i.e. GET, PUT, etc) and what resource it was trying to access. This module won't ensure that your API is RESTful but hopefully it will aid in developing a REST API.
net/REST-Google-1.0.8 (Score: 0.07643312)
Access Google REST (aka AJAX) API from Perl
REST::Google - This module provides OO interface to Google REST (aka AJAX) API. Currently support for Search, Feeds and Translate services.
net/RPC-EPC-Service-0.0.11 (Score: 0.07643312)
Perl extension for asynchronous remote procedure stack
This module enables to connect the other process with the S-expression protocol, like the Swank protocol of the SLIME. The primary objective is for users to make some Emacs extensions with the Perl and CPAN.
net/SOCKS-0.03 (Score: 0.07643312)
Perl5 module to communicate with socks v4 and v5 servers
perl5 module to communicate with socks v4 and v5 servers