Ports 搜索

games/fortune_gem-0.0.8 (Score: 0.0010532796)
Unix fortune program, implemented as a ruby gem
A ruby version of the popular unix "fortune" program.
graphics/recoverjpeg-2.2 (Score: 0.0010532796)
Recoverjpeg tries to recover JFIF (JPEG) pictures from a peripheral
Recoverjpeg tries to recover JFIF (JPEG) pictures from a peripheral. This may be useful if you mistakenly overwrite a partition or if a device such as a digital camera memory card is bogus.
graphics/clutter-gtk-3.0.8 (Score: 0.0010532796)
Ruby/ClutterGTK is a Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK
Ruby/ClutterGTK is a Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK.
graphics/goocanvas-2.2.0 (Score: 0.0010532796)
Ruby/GooCanvas is a Ruby binding of GooCanvas
Ruby/GooCanvas is a Ruby binding of GooCanvas.
graphics/svg2pdf-0.1.3 (Score: 0.0010532796)
把一个 SVG 图像渲染为 PDF 文件(使用 cairo)
把一个 SVG 图像渲染为 PDF 文件(使用 cairo)。
graphics/svg2png-0.1.3 (Score: 0.0010532796)
Render an SVG image to a PNG image (using cairo)
Render an SVG image to a PNG image (using cairo)
graphics/imagick-3.4.1 (Score: 0.0010532796)
Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick library
Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick library.
lang/nesasm-20040314 (Score: 0.0010532796)
The nesasm assembler is a 6502 assembler with specific NES support
The nesasm assembler is a 6502 assembler with specific NES support.
misc/chef-19930426 (Score: 0.0010532796)
Feelter thet cunferts Ingleesh text tu Muck Cheenese-a
Cheff is a feelter thet cunferts Ingleesh text tu Muck Cheenese-a (Svedeesh Cheff). Cheff reeds frum stunderd inpoot und vreetes tu stunderd ooootpoot. Bork Bork Bork! VVV: http://myseete-a.fereezun.net/ibroone-a72/cheff/index.html
multimedia/lsdvd-0.17 (Score: 0.0010532796)
Print information about the contents and structure of a DVD
Print information about the contents and structure of a DVD.